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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. theres only 3 places i would suggest kid near flanders that only cause im above where you are................. each club listed in this threa is "correcto" about 1.5 hrs drive and honestly not worth that long a trip
  2. HAHAHAHA i think by the time sunday comes around your head is all twised from your weekly may-hem
  3. WOAH!!! now thats a news flash LOL Rox? you didnt talk about this little tidbit
  4. HAHA im not allowed to post on hte sex section LOL it says You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may edit your posts wait? how can i edit my own if i cant start any
  5. Look closely theres an angel next to him http://www.vrof.com/FIRE%20ANGEL.gif
  6. liqidtouch

    Gabo rocks

    THE PLANE!!!!!
  7. liqidtouch

    Gabo rocks

    Dude you are sooooo in trouble now hahaahahhaha
  8. liqidtouch

    Gabo rocks

  9. HAHA this is some funny shit you dont notice the latin chic is a "little person" until shes fukin the 4 foot tall guy hahahahaha http://gallery.pissmops.com/mgp_gen/mh_ava_soma_01/meat_ava_soma_trailer.mpeg
  10. liqidtouch

    Gabo rocks

    HAHAHA all too fuynny thanks Rain thanks Crowina
  11. im in a bit of a BIND Here people i need some help with something do you remeber an email that went around a while ago? it was talking abuot IF you add your phone number to google or yahoo.com it will show your home address? what search engine was that? anyone remember the stuff?
  12. do you remeber an email that went around a while ago? it was talking abuot IF you add your phone number to google or yahoo.com it will show your home address? what search engine was that? anyone remember the stuff?
  13. liqidtouch

    Gabo rocks

    This was a funny pic taken this weekend Rain can you help me? of corse everyone else should do the same
  14. HAHAH i get this one all the time LOL i know they arent serious about dancing with me but its still alot of fun its started as a general thing at ONE club and then turned into a normal thing with 3 HAHA Im such a man whore or female wingman whatever :grin:
  15. i need to check with her tonight if shes a latina in some way man shes hot (now that we are back on topic) but uhh yea - there were a few girls there that night who wanted to make sure she had "enough: to drink LOL
  16. pics are hosted on my domain because its not proper net ettiquette to HOTLINK images from other sites Its usualy seen as stealing or using someone elses bandwith
  17. liqidtouch


    i belive love is an action - something you show not something you can actually feel or give emotionaly
  18. liqidtouch

    Attn: Ladies

    idont know weyes i see the same girl in two diff shots at two diff angles and her chest looks identical in both of them
  19. they asked me not to get your facts straight first then post all you want on them PS no where in that posting does it link to my site besides-- what good is getting hits on a site? they dont amounto to anything real
  20. they asked me not to get your facts straight first then post all you want on them
  21. are we going to meet EARLY This friday evening or what?
  22. man i love it when you talk it means your lips are moving and if they are moving for me ..........thats always a plus
  23. how about the best one of all its also the longest one Hey im calling you from the club on my BOOST phone. can you hear me?...............fuzzz chirp chirp,,,,,,,,cna you hear me?...............aww man hold on!! Im going to text you... types in text of <Where are you cause im by the mens room> return text says <Im at the front bar> then they try to meet later that morning they each arrive to their own homes only to come onto Clubplanet message boards leaving a new thread call The "SO AND SO JERSEY CLUB REVIEW"
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