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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. is it wrong for me to say I THINK IM IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE WITH YOU in this topic? LOL PS Hi roller & Onika
  2. at least its the right music for what your doing but MY GOD i never got to the point like this past sunday where i just had to tun off the radio completely
  3. WOW i forgot about that one HAAHAH Emma one hit wonder
  4. So im talkin with this dam station manager up here cause he wants to start playing more dance music since the station format has been "altered" They dropped all hip hop & rap music from air play. Which i stated a couple months ago but ya just didnt think it would happen. Well...it did. But now they are on the topic of some of these so called HOT TRACKS. Since we are all from NJ. i wanted to show him a list of what NOT to play. Start it up. what tracks have you been hearing alittle too much and what do you WANT to hear more of? Seems to me these are really directed to the VOCAL dance songs
  5. good luck mark its gonna be ruff while everyone is at the shore again and the hamptons
  6. the truest statement on CP in 2005
  7. long time months even
  8. This is hot - i just got this info: im headed down to this spot ill just copy and past the shiat: MICHAEL MEESE, JAMES DALY, SHAWN INK, TONY DiANGELIS, MIKE TRISTIAN, & MIKEY D. PROUDLY PRESENT "UNIQUE SATURDAYS" @ SAMBA IN BAY RIDGE BROOKLYN. THE ONLY PARTY IN BROOKLYN WITH NYC'S HOTTEST HOUSE & DANCE MUSIC DJ'S JOIN us for Bay Ridge, Brooklyn's ONLY dance music-centered, Saturday night party: Featuring residents: DJ Shawn Ink, DJ Gonzo, & DJ Eddie Mezz. SAMBA is located @ 9604 3rd Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
  9. again i say..... Hi raincry - thanks for the rep the other day
  10. WOw cali here i has a nice respect for you for putting up some original content and such then i find out the videos on your site are coming from www.RATEMYBODY.com ??? how shady -- so lame heres the rest if anyone else like to have them http://www.ratemybody.com/passiton/
  11. im thinking you have a secret passion to be with me
  12. even if it happens there will still be at least ONE section of some board where it will end uo turning 100% sexually oriantated. If all else fails - ill just use my own sex board on my site so a big Boo-Hoo to that one
  13. april fools you fukin porkers
  14. Ok this is like the HONK! thread but its only or those midweek encounters anything from tuesday - thursdays it also includes a last minute romp cause you went to a friends house from whereever and got some drinks up in ya so as the thread says if your getting some got some or made a booty call for some this MIDMID week
  15. nice try (hardly) meathead you know i was talking about this
  16. liqidtouch


    honk (twice) for me honk (several times) for her
  17. thanks for stating my point
  18. yes she does she sat with me yesterday and we ate a box of crackers together
  19. corse i remember it its a reversed cowgirl for gods sake!!! now thats some HOT SHIT!!
  20. i remember one time a girl was on top of me (reversed cowgirl) and shes hittin me HARD so she can get hers RIGGID!! anyway she came a few times and then leaned back alittle and kept going. well this time when she came - it was literaly one and then 12seconds later another one but rEALLY HARD i swear she collapsed forward haaha she told me lean in an keep going at it baby lol she forced herself into a body coma ( if thats what you want to call it) she just couldnt move her body anymore
  21. liqidtouch


    by the way HONK - and HONK again
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