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Everything posted by danfury

  1. I just found out the Notorious ML2K3 will be making a guest bartending debut @ Deko Lounge tonight. (George please save a case of O'douls for me ) If you guys aren't on a list already just say Dan's B-day list to the List Girl @ the door. Let's just hope the Yanks doesn't go into extra innings so we can all get there early. MC'd, QB'd, Mike Ski'd, Blitzkreig 2nite
  2. Just got power back at work... I wonder if its because of this : http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/10/23/solar.forecast/index.html
  3. That's the best news I've heard since the Winter of 63'.
  4. Thanx again Pimps & Hoes... I had a sicccKKKkkkKKk b-day. Marco, Danielle, + Steph - Deko is a possibility on Thursday, However the real party is on Saturday.. oh yeah... Shotz on Marco!
  5. Steph - Happy b-day... Good to see you and Bus out on Friday.
  6. Thankkkkkkkk You to everyone!!! I hope to see you all @ My Bar Mitzfah Bash @ Deko this Saturday. :eek:
  7. Jeff - You guys did a great job with the opener. The setup is definitely unique for Jersey, but I think it will work with a few adjustments. Musically Carlos, and Moo did a good job keeping the crowd and vibe the entire night. As for the "locals" invading this spot, this happens with any new venue, It will probably adjust as the months go on. Hopefully there will be different types of muzik for different days. I was impressed though, and the 3 a.m closing is a HUGE plus (It was weird to be in central jersey with a late close). Blackassmafuka - thanks kid.
  8. I can finally throw my fake ID out!!! Now the only question is where the afterhours will take place. What time does Deep close?
  9. haha Brutas "The Barber" Beefacke
  10. haha .. Little does he know that you are "The Man behind the Man".
  11. Definitely Negro. Did you find a glitch in your company's websense?
  12. BillyBlackAss - Call me if you get a chance, my friend wants to do her b-day party there tonight.
  13. Watching Pedro's reaction when that game winning homerun was hit was priceless.
  14. Haha I didn't even realize Anthony brought this one back. I thought u just posted this today.
  15. What is a "club courtesy rule" ? Never heard that b4.
  16. Marco - Let me know what kind of deal you get. I might gather a group together to go.
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