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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by funkyfreshdc

  1. www.interactivebrokers.com 1c per share, $1 minimum might save u some money on commissions unless you're swinging a big line
  2. quizno's honey bourbon chicken
  3. very nice but she loses points for playing on a numark
  4. i can see how you two would get along
  5. go it....you planning on staying there long?
  6. lmao so young and misguided...
  7. how much money have you put into it?
  8. well that was a shitty ending
  9. wade and carl will always love you w00t DC board!
  10. if you don't live in nyc, just go spend a weekend there. everytime i visit i lose 5-8lbs, food is too damn expensive and it's hard enough to fit in 3 meals in a day there, let alone 5. btw i have put on 15lbs since the start of april, on purpose. 5lbs isn't even noticeable.
  11. the women were working at a salon, not a laundromat
  12. that's where i was goddamn i got
  13. i've been to that restaurant!!!! the last time i went was 6 or 7 years ago, they hadn't started that "dress code" back then
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