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Everything posted by Jsen7

  1. I am definitely there, thats a promise!!!
  2. Jsen7


    What if you were in a relationship for 2 years or so and were fighting about issues and agreed to spend a lil time apart lets say a few months(2 - 3) just to let the dust settle to eventually work things out. Also this time apart can be used to see if you miss one another and truly care enough for each other. But during the time apart one person decides to hookup elsewhere but gets over it and goes back to the origianl relationship to work things out. Would anyone tolerate this type of action if they knew and would you still actual try and work things out if you knew your other half ventured elsewhere during this brief time apart???
  3. http://www.shockwaves.34sp.com/you.php :laugh:
  4. Jsen7


    As long as your other half is not making you feel insecure and your confident you shouldn't have a problem. I know the feeling of the stomach being in knots, it sux. I agree that everyone gets jealous or feels insecure at one time or another. Building a strong trust between two people and confidence boosting will wash away any type of insecurity. Good Luck!
  5. IM me when you get the please????? what the hell is that suppose to mean??? :confused:
  6. Jsen7

    This Saturday night

    Go back to NY to Sound Factory for the Halloween party. Party will go until tonight sunday night.
  7. Just curious on why he cant do that?? In the beginning of this year he spun SF sat/sun and than flew down to cancun and spun there sunay night into monday and than flew back monday and did New Years Eve @ SF.
  8. Hah!!!! U say your going everywhere. You know your not going just like you always say your going SF or other places and you never go. We all have a better chance seeing the Easter Bunny @ X-Mas time than you going.
  9. AC, JP @ the Club, Hotel room so you dont have to troop back right away would be a great time.
  10. <-------Thats My Dog!!! oops, sorry about the triple post i was having some technical difficulty!!!
  11. For the club scene on saturdays in New Jersey for vibe/music the best places to go to in my opinion would be Hunka Bunka and Deko and if you have the feeling for some more you can head over the city for some afterhours.
  12. If your name is Laurie you must be Whorie:laugh: j/k
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