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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by clubplamatt

  1. i hate alcohol... never drinking again... :blown: had fun though
  2. Great Movie... was definitely worth it watching it at 12AM... need some sleep...
  3. CHANGING 500:lol3: This will be addicted2drums when we are at Vegas -> ->-> -> ->
  4. do you have a picture of him? i might have someone interested...
  5. anyone know the site that has pictures from clubs? not the njguido.com but the other one... something nycnice.com or something... i forget:confused:
  6. whats the deal with the bracelets??? ( going back and forth deko/abyss )
  8. shit i guess my character is bad... im suppose to be in at 9am and now it's already 8:41 oh well.... gotta go to work :mad:
  9. here's what I think.... when the mother went away and came back pregnant - the father did not like it at all because she wasnt suppose to be pregnant... father never liked his daughter from the beginning therefore keeping her up there on the barn, where the horses were... that is why the horses kept her up all night - while she was living up there, she became evil because she was isolated from people? and then making the horses drown because they kept her up all night (she was afraid of them)... her friend who tells rachel she only has 4 days to live heard about the story... ----> remember beginning of the movie she's the one who brings it up about the story of watching the tape... so she heard about it before and because it actually happened to her friend she knew exactly when rachel was going to die.. did i just make sense at all???
  10. I think we all need to go to the movies together and reevaluate the movie...
  11. ok... the girl was possessed... the reason for horses drowning was that--- the father loved horses more than the girl - because he believed that they weren't suppose to have any kids... girl made the horses drown because she thought that father would accept her by doing so...
  12. nice meeting you last night doubleplay.. have no clue what we talked about because i was so f*cking hammered!!! just blame it on my friend... i wanted to stay there till 12:30 and leave but of course when I start drinking, there's no tomorrow... agrrrr now im late to work again... bye
  13. does it get packed at all? what kind of crowd are we talking about? young or mature? ATTENTION JOHN MICHAELS sorry didnt make it last week...
  14. wow... everyone's actually getting worked up about this hypothetical question...
  15. ok - (example) then let's just say that husband... experienced with many different partners when he was young... what would you think of him? would you still stand by your opinion on experimenting while you are young with many partners? vise versa for guys also....
  16. ok... maybe this question would be better... what if your partner had 5 by 20.. is that alot? would that make you think twice about that person? how many partners would be okay for your partner right now... for you to not think twice about it?
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