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Everything posted by gregwhite22

  1. How much did they charge to see DT at Abyss ?...jus wondering, thanx Greg
  2. Saleen - I really hope you can make it out to my place the night we open man...I am a bit confused as to where you are from - Are you in Jersey or Florida ?...if its Jersey I look forward to you coming out to my place's opening (The space@252, bloomfield NJ) the best of the new school meets the best of the old school....
  3. I cant begin to tell you how rare it was back in 1978 to meet someone who was a dj in a night club...there just wasnt the cultural exposure that you have today plus there wasnt the tremendous amount of venues to play at - things were very underground. One of the biggest changes that occurred over time was the idea of self promotion on the part of djs...with the current technologies of having the internet - to the convienience of being able to produce and expose mix cds you have every dj and his brother exposing his own "mix" cd or tape - back in the late 70's and early 80's it was chic for a dj to NOT give out his mix tapes to too many people - it was chic to be underground and underexposed - my how things have changed....thanx, Greg (bangin since 78)
  4. I cant wait to open....(the space@252) Joey Slikks and Serge are suppossed to do somthing at my space....notallthere I welcome you to come down and check us out; open 11pm to 7 am cya soon, thanx Greg
  5. ant can u teach my pet chimp de Andre sum speed cutz ? he's really yernin to lern sum fractoid stylin shiz....hehe j/k Il be contactin you soon yo about work - peash, gerg
  6. ok, I would check at home if I were you...Im sure cousin Andrea sent an invite over to your dad's house... The towns been givin me such a fuckin hassle about the place but I passed all the inspections and I should be gettin my CO soon - Ill fill you in soon. It wont be long till I open up...I have to do something big for the Grand Opening..when I see you Ill hit you wit a couple ideas - anyway peace, greg
  7. Yo Saleen - I jus went shoppin at sports authourity yesterday and I got a pair of "Vans", they are low's with a suede upper, very slack without bein gaudy...color is greyish smoke with royal blu trim very stylish kinda look like pumas but with a slicker cut and nice lines to em....SA is havin a sale - buy 1 pair get another at half price...the others I bought were the Sketcher "Graphs"...I have never seen a bigger selection of nice footwear than at SA...check it out...they also got every sock type under the sun...peash, greg. PS dont get "shells" shit is played, if you want a fat 70's addidas style get addidas "Gazelles", those are THE dopest retro style from back then...
  8. Joe u goin to Michael Tortorello's graduation party ?...we will prolly be open that night, in fact that may be opening night at 252...let me know, greg
  9. Hi Brian - basically they are just bummed out that I could not open...I cant stay mad at them but I had hoped that they would understand that I'm as dissapointed as any 1. They are NOT bad guys but I honesty was suprized with the nights turnout...again out of 2500 invites and I know thats not that many, I should have seen at least 1 person as a result of theyre distribution...I am not gonna slam the door on them but I have decided to use multiple promoters for the nights. i will explain more about that later....as far as naming who they are...I dont think thats neccesary. Im not going to hold a grudge, anyway thanx Brian - Greg
  10. thanx man, I will be in touch...I havent decided what I am gonna do but I wont be opening for at least 2 more weeks......thanx, Greg
  11. First off, Im MORE dissapointed than any 1 that I was not able to open on the 19th like I said previously. However the cause of that setback was beyond my control. My partner owns the buillding and it was HIS responsibility to provide me with the space ready to go; In other words the permits and documentation were things that HE'S responsable for - NOT me. Then I find out a week before Im supposed to open that things are fooked and I need this permit and this document,...needless to say I was PISSED..but ok, I have to try again. But the real thing that bothered me was listening to the moaning and complaining done by the promotions doods looking to lay thier grief on me bcause I couldnt open on time. Im paying for every single thing in the operation - they didnt have to lay out 1 dime for this event. I got 1 dood constantly lecturing me and another who catches an attitude because "he couldnt make his money". Well I got news for them...I was there at the club that night I was supposed to open from 12:30am to 4:20 am. and NOT 1 person other than 10 people I had mentioned something to about the opening in addition to a small group of girls that came down from Diva Lounge...Isnt that something ? Now in all honesty I wasnt expecting the world from these guys, BUT listening to them lecture and "gas me up" about how the place was gonna be packed on opening night and then only to find out that in return for giving them 2500 invites I didnt get 1 person to show up because of them...Now they might say that because I cancelled the grand opening it caused everyone not to come...well thats a bunch of crap, I cancelled the opening late Tuesday night less than 72 hours away from Friday and the only place I announced it was here on Clubplanet at about 10 pm on Tuesday evening. I refuse to beleive that my cancelation notice here on clubplanet would in anyway affect the possible turnout related to those 2500 invites that were handed out by this promoter...to put it simply; There is NOT 1 reason why I should have had a total no-show for that night in relation to the invites that were distributed. Out of 2500 invites I believe I should have gotten AT LEAST 1 person to show...anyway whats done is done..Ill be opening in 2 weeks and Ill have to do whatever I think is neccesary to get this place off the ground. I have a quality venue here and a unique situation as far as hours of operation. If Im gonna go down the tubes Im going to go down MY way...Thanx for listening and I do look forward to opening up and providing a fun experience for every 1 to come out and enjoy...Thats all for now..thanx Greg
  12. Welp its 10:00 pm on Friday Might - I will be down at The Space to wait for any potential patrons who havent heard we arent opening yet...For any of you that would like to stop down - I'll be there and I will be collection a comp list for an upcoming night after our grand opening..I also received good news and am happy to say that We WILL be opening soon..a tentative date is 2 weeks from tonight.. I am also brewing up a whole schedule of events to happen here on a weekly basis...I promise that we'll be a real pleasant surprize to all. thans again, Greg
  13. Well as a dj playing the Nursery back in 1982,The Rooftop also in 1982 Robots was in 1986 - 1989 and its still open today (25 Ave. B NYc), Criscos...hehe that was longer ago than that Crisco Disco was 77 - 78. The only after hours bar I played out here was "Night Moves" which was next to United Skates of America in the willowbrook mall in wayne (it closed in 1981)...All those places had a med. age of 29 - 45...I appreciate the advice - Im hoping for a diverse age group, simply because I am 40 and would dig playing for people near my own age...thanx guyss
  14. sup ant - u gonna rok the les huh..tell me where and Ill pop down with a couple of friends of mine...plus we gotta talk soon..coo ? peace let me know whats up with the ny thang, peace greg
  15. Not at the after hours spots I played at; ie. The nursery, Save The Robots and The Rooftop in NYC...the crowd was much older than the under 25 scene. I would say the medium age was def 32 - 35...but I hear ya...youd like it if it werent 25 and over..I gotcha - thanx Greg
  16. Headine; Thursday April 18th - Just want to continue letting every 1 who is looking forward to events happening here that we WILL be opening soon and I will continue posting the news about the place...also I am aware that certain people or promoters that came down to speak to me have resorted to using inneuendo and rumour to complain to certain authourities in this town - in other words "If this guy wont work with me - then Ill complain about what he's trying to do and keep him from doing it with somebody else....To those people I say you are a sorry, jealous and vindictive bunch of hypocryte smile in your face - stab you in the back miscreants who are fighting a losing battle. You wont stop me from opening and tho you are delaying the inevitable, I have an elephant's memory and you will NEVER promote or produce any show here. Go think up your own original ideas and stop the bullshit...God sez: "Do not covet thy neighbours possesions" - start living by that rule. To those that support me in my endeavours I thank you and just be a little patient as I will be opening as soon as possible probobly within a few weeks time. thanx again...Greg - I will be at the club tomorrow night in case any 1 stops by not knowing whats up..you can still come in and see the room despite the fact that we arent open and whoever does I will put thier names on a comp list to be allowed free admission to an upcoming night when we open..thanx
  17. over 21...id even like to make it 25 and over...anyway thanks jerzeychic, greg
  18. sounds good Emmit, it's just about my same feeling...I think there are enough people of multi-age groups and racial slices to fill up a place that holds about 400 people comfortably...Not everyone goes down the Shore...peace Greg
  19. After carefull consideration I wont be able to open this friday...Things just arent ready...I WILL be at the the room this Friday and I'll have comps printed up for whoever shows up...if you'd like to stop by and see the room you can - I am getting mixed feedback as to whether to wait till September to open or to open in 2 weeks - what do you people think ? Do you mean to tell me that there isnt enough of a crowd avalable to maintain an after hours bar thats up here in Bloomfield during the summer or will I be wasting my time because absolutely everybody in existence will be down the shore...My person feeling is that I find it VERY hard to beleive that there isnt enough support to operate during the summer...I dont beleive that every fucking person that goes out will be down the shore thru the whole summer...there has to be enough people to support at least a Friday evening late night session...Another question for you to respond to: Would you come to an after hours club at all ? I have gotten alot of positive response but I sure could use some reassurance...everyone involved has worked hard on this project and Im really sorry I cant open this weekend but I am opening and like I said I'll be there thruout the night on Friday to let people see the room and receive a comp for an upcoming night after the grand opening. If any of you are mad - so am I....bear with me as I am working on this project fulltime and Im not giving up..depending on the response I hear we will either be open in a couple of weeks or we'll wait till September - You tell me, thanx for everyones support and thanx to all the people involved that want to see this thing happen - Greg
  20. I created a realtime NJ ClubPlanet Chat channel on IRC's Dalnet Network - come on down and chat to mulltiple people in realtime heres how: 1) Windows Peeps get MIRC 32, Mac People get Ircle - both can be downloaded from download.com 2)Connect to ANY Dalnet IRC server 3) once connected to Dalnet's IRC server goto channel #NJClubplanet thats it...Free OP's to all Clubplanet regulars...Dave and JBR please dont pull this thread Im not looking to hurt the board or anything its just another cool way to talk to mullltiple people..you guys know this board will NEVER die...cmon and help out...come on down, thanx Greg
  21. yep - its been open for 24 years - since 1978..all the time owned by Jimmy Cavenaugh...first as Society Hill till 1989 then as South Street then as Jimmy's now known as Jimmy's Haunt...The place has never been known as a spot to check out new music..its allways been a hit/top 40 palace. still even tho Ive never been either to Jimmy's or jimmy's Haunt - I know its never going to either be sold or close up..Cavenaugh is RICH and the restaurant is a convienient tax write-off for him. Society Hill was alot of fun back in the day but it always ran in 2nd place (as far as being a new music or hip place) to the other clubs that opened in Mo-Town whether they were Hurricane Alley, Bennigans, Boca Bay or now this Shark Bar place....Having played 8 years there (in Morristown) I can say I allways liked the crowds that came out...especially when Hurricane Alley was open...
  22. I will be making an annoucement Tuesday night as to whether I will be opening next Friday, April 19th...If I dont open next friday I will be at the place on Friday night so if any 1 comes down I willl give them a comp card and taking thier info for the annoucement as to when our opening night will be. Again I am NOT announcing that we will NOT be open YET but I will have a final decision for this Tuesday...If we have a delay it will only be a week or 2. Nobody is looking more foirward to doing this than me and if any of you are pissed or looking to vent then I guess Im the prime target...I will post again Tuesday to announce a final decision...later, Greg
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