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Posts posted by shook

  1. Originally posted by joeg

    get your stupid mouth off my thread and more importantly, off My Board.

    losers liek u do run these boards but lol me leave never fat man i aint' leaven till i see u on teh front page lyen under a train or jumpen off a bridge u fat fuk ;)

  2. lol u can be your self lol yeah when your with a bench of sf rejects i mean u can be your self at any club if u got it in u in vynail tho if your better then most u stand out and get a lot mroe atteion i been tehr and like every gir lwould stare and sh1t and i got a few honeys from it but over all its not worth the money sf is the same price and a better over all vibe

  3. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    What's everyone doing? I'm thinking Dance 16 with Junior V. Not sure yet though. Parade?

    hhmmmmmi know some of yall probley think i wil lsay stupid sh1t and all but i'm pretty gay friendly i knwo a few people and ther mad cool i mean i'm not into those gay people who have to show it off but over all i got no problems with gay people i mean each to ther own and hhmmmm whos down to hit up a gay club i went ocne with 1 of my girls and it was funny they were like questionen her if she wanted to go in that was the first and probley last time i was more welcomed then her and she hated it but over all it wasn't bad i mean deff peace ful people

    plus i can never forget thsi 1 place i went to and they had a pass word and like a pimp at the door lol was funny as hell the pass word was brownie i think but that was deff 1 of my finest times ever in nyc and deff great memorys hhmmmmmmm i am not gay tho just to tel yall people lol i just been to gay clubs with girls i know lol and maybe i woree pink play boy bunny shirts and furry kangoo hats in them but george is not gay and shall never be gay i'm too into fuken barbie to ever even think about fuken kid LoL

    and damn yall peopel have never lived ontill u went to a club wearen a play boy bunny shirt and danced feelen your self up lol ;) lol yall can only imagine wut i am talken bout but maybe in futrue some of yall will peep me wilden out :laugh:

  4. i think joe g is the closest thing to a bitch we have on this board

    i mean he's got like double d tits and he hasn't seen his dik in years i am sure so damn hes just a bitch we should all take turns kicken a plunger into his ass ontill he decides to put him self to rest LoL :laugh:

  5. Originally posted by joeg

    what in the world of squirrelfucking is hookface?!

    i would call joe G hook face but hes more like tire gut hhmmm well i am sure thers a better crack but i';m tired so i will think of it later be goodz people

  6. Originally posted by quoth

    are you still what the doctors call "obese" ?

    Its been a while just checkin up on ya.

    damn kid thats a dumb questiosn we talken bout joe G thers no fuken way he will ever not be obese i mean his bone structer is screwed for life if he lost all the weight he would still have that obese head LoL plus hes a fuken loser so hes not only fat hes ugly and a loser and damn hes proud of it thats the sick part i mean i wish i could burn that fagget rainbow into your fat ass so he could be a fat ugly fagget mother fuker LoL

  7. yall weird but any ways i started this freaky job i work 4 am to like 10 am so it kinda kills me then i go gym and bed wake up and do it again LoL so posten isn;t easy to do any more but i think i am gonna quit in a few weeks then i shall bug yall again like normal so be ready i will have a lot of built up anger and shall wild out more then normal then LoL

  8. Originally posted by slyonspromos

    Next Tuesday a little change instead of docs. I told everyone thats coming 1st bar all night drinks on me.

    u cray boy i'll deff check it out and sh1t i'll buy my own drinks lol u gotta keep mouth shut people gonna hold u to that and run up your bill

    and damn some of u cp females should go and check it out i mean i deff don't know wut to espect but u gotta try it once cause u never know might like it love it hate it or wut not but atleast yall will have a oppion on it plus u might meet some guys u might love hate or wanna make love to or wanna hate on cause u never know So deff cp females check it out

  9. Originally posted by djjonstephen


    I see some kid that was on my team way back in the day from school at some random place in the city and you all call me gay because I was like all happy and shit.

    Yo George......all these geeks and nerds need to get shit on real quick. Help me out here bro........and they were also talkin about your nose and said you got a little dick.


    lol u crazy dj jon and nice post befor i must say and hhmmm me still very happy bout people concerning ther lifes with thinken bout me ;) i mean good bad gald or sad any thought is a plus which i feel is great i mean i like fans and haters love'em too aslong as people know my name my job is done and yeah my 7 and a half inch dik is a lil to small i was watchen this porn yesterday with this hoe and hhmmmm i wish i was black thats all i gotta say LoL and bout the nose not sure i think it shrank it was swollowen a lil cause i broke it in trainen camp last year and takes a good 6 months to heal doc said befor it goes down so it shranka lil LoL but fuk it aslong as people know of me if its hate or joy george is happy but any ways i am outtys again tryen to fuk this stripper tonite so be goods people i gotta go shave the pubes in case i get lucky ;)

  10. Originally posted by joeg

    lol... I don't even remember how many jokes were passed at your expense last night...


    true yall losers are thinken bout me even when u are out and about thats wut i like to here i love the atteion and when i can get into a losers head that even when they are out they need to think bout me and concern them selfs with me it makes me happy and damn admiting that u think bout me well as u say joke which is stil la essence of thought kinda makes u look more loser then even i thought kid i wonder if u get hard off me and when your jerken off teh dik u cant' see if u think of me too ??????????

  11. Originally posted by joeg

    Start the day off, chillin with hoke, brickhouse, & wideskies in thompkins sq. park w/ some 2step... Tilly ends up swinging by...

    meetup with hitokiri, and have dinner... Run into Mr. Highmay on the street... tells us hes on his way to an imprompt to meetup at barnone...

    We cab it to FUN from the lower east side (where my car is)...

    my ID bounces at FUN... so i'm like "fuckit... you guys go, i'll go find something else"

    Walk back to the LES... (fuckit, i'm bored, I'm not paying for a cab)... I figure... hey, let me see if anyone's still at barnone... (where my ID didn't work previously)... boom, no problem, inside... Creep to the back... and we got djjon, siceone, highmay, sexxyme, kingarthur, nychic420, & ghost...

    all I have to say... is we WERE the party in there... the crowd was awful, and the music was vintage early 90's "classics" of hiphop, but it was some of the most fun i've had in a long time...

    highlight of the night:

    I forget who, but someone says "Thats DT!" as the dj puts on a micheal jackson track... and this girl is like "omg, this is dt?!?!?!"

    and literally, we all double over laughing at her, it was the most rude & obnoxious thing i've ever seen us do... but holy shit, was that funny or what...

    we are truly club snobs... its almost disturbingly funny...

    anyway, we split, head to lep lounge (another place my id is pretty shaky at...) and boom, in, no problem again... Frankie Pep is throwin down some good breakstep up on the top floor... and surprisingly enough, not a lot of naughties there...

    we chill for a while... everyone realizes that they're listening to breakstep and is like "uhhh... this is cool and all, joe... but uhhhh.... we're in nyc.... wheres the house music??!?!" ;)

    so then we split, head to some pizza place on 8th&2nd... theres an abandonded car with the keys in it sitting in the middle of the road for 45 minutes or so... we call the cops and they're like "We know about the situation"...

    whatever... not our problem... (although we got a lot of laughs out of the situation) (thank you carl, lol)

    we walk up towards the subway/my car (i'm parked on the corner of 12th & 2nd...)

    11th ave is blocked by a plethora of police vehicles...

    we walk up a block and find out, there was a shooting (or multiple shootings)

    everyone splits, i head down a blocked off street towards my car... apparently, there was a hostage situation, with shots fired at the cops several times... luckily my car is NOT on the other side of the blockade, and i'm able to get in my car, turn around (on a 1 way street, lol) and jump a curb and get on my way... (btw, fuck everyone with an SUV, apparently an AWD sports car is all you need these days to jump curbs and drive through mug (long story))

    ok, so you'd think everything would be over, and i can just go home?


    I laugh at you... HA HA HA...


    I get 2 blocks from the holland tunnel... and theres fucking construction, and i have to take a 10 block detour... and some stupid cuntrag taps my car in traffic because shes too busy plastering her face with some makeup which will never makeup for the fact that shes a horrible wretch of a human being...

    whatever, no damage done, but i AGAIN thanked myself for blacked out windows, as she angrily yelled at my car to her own reflection in my window, as i held up my middle finger (highmay style) and laughed...

    Finally... home...

    Its always an adventure with cp...

    no 1 gives a fuk u fat piece of sh1t stop sharen your life with people who dont' give a fuk u low life mother fuker LoL

  12. not sure kid my neck broke out lol peopel gotat kick me when i get drunk and try to fuk dirty girls cause i always end up with rashes but any ways i aint' slept yet still hyped from work i'll probley get up like 10 or 11 and if the skin is decent i'll be ther i am sure my preppy friend wanst to go and i gotta walk around shirtless and show of the physic LoL ( playen) but if i go u should spot me easy i stand out i hear :tongue:

  13. people are stupid i am proud i'm from nj its liek the trashyest state i grew up in cali for 17 years then went to school in georgia for 2 years and now i'm stuck in nj and when i talk to my old people online or wut not i am like nj wooohoooo and ther always like yep your sleezey ness belongs ther LoL cum back to the ncie world when your tired of being a prick and trashy LoL and for thsoe who lie and say they from ny that are really from nj i knwo alot of them as well fuk yall punks most yall couldn't are losers in nj and u go to ny where thers more peopel aka more losers so yall can fit in better for that i think yall all deserve to be bashed

  14. Originally posted by ghhhhhost

    he's paid his dues..hes established..u cant hate on that..

    its ppl like Draper who were spinning at Sweet Sixteens 5 yrs ago that piss me off..being all cocky and shit for no reason

    draper is GoD ;) LoL i just like sayen that cause on some boards thats all u read :tongue:

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