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Posts posted by shook

  1. Originally posted by bigpoppanils

    once again, shook shoves his foot in his mouth


    lol never so kid i have only made topcis to make fun of people never to talk bout my life and i never once even made a commet on this board bout me wanten to gain 70 pounds or who i think is hot and u can look in all the old pages u cpers have never seen me once talk bout that ish ;)

  2. Originally posted by bleachblond420

    Sure, it's still "Be Yourself" that dosent mean everyone is wanted there..."Yourself" may be a moronic drunken meathead like this guy...that dosen't mean he's wanted in Vinyl because he's being himself.

    wow i haven't been called a meat head in months LoL and vynail is wack so don't worry i wont' go onless a girl bug me like the last time i went i mean the only thing i liked bout it was eating snickers and walken around shirtless and standen on the stage swayen while eating candy LoL

  3. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    . . . I do!! . . Lets start a Bored At Work Club and charge 100 bucks a year for membership . . The benefits? . . . we all trade secrets on how to look busy and produce ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! . . . and do it with style to boot!! . . . :laugh: . . .

    yall crazy i work nites 4 am to 9 so i just got home from work and killen time befor bed lol i could never wake up early and sh1t so i give some of yall early birds props

  4. Originally posted by ghhhhhost

    shook has been sayin this for weeks...but no one pays attention to what he says because ya just bash on him..SF def. fell off

    lol true kid i mean any place i can walk into at 20 and acctly get with the best looken girls in ther and bec onciderd built is pretty wack cause i really don't see my self as good enough to be or get wut i can and do at sf and thats pretty wack and them staten out right the pretty people place is crazy i mean u kinda bring it upon your self to get made fun of if u state sh1t like that plus ther new web site banned my ip addy so i cant' even veiw it let alone post ther no more lol

  5. Originally posted by somebitch

    :laugh: i dunno, i sometimes wonder that too...


    so u some wut agree with me LoL thats rare i thought u were anti george even if i did happen to make sense i mean i relaze that some of yall just despise me and wut ever i state even if yall agree u will try to say sh1t but hhmmmm in your response u some wut agreed this is not good u are suposed to call em a ass hole and tell me to fuk off

  6. Originally posted by snoozi8

    so I'm heading down with Marci....figure besides the sun, the sound of the ocean may give me a piece of mind.... but the way my life has been going lately (just when you think it can't get any worse, it does..) Pray for me that I don't come home looking like a burn victim......

    y do so many peopel share ther lifes on this liek people give a fuk i mean she probley told every 1 that on ims yet she still posted that i mean wut the fuk u dont' hear me staten wut my day behodls or wut my life has been cause i relaze no body gives a fuk and some of yall people need to relaze this :laugh:

  7. wow JoE G u are my fuken hero man i mean u hoke and your brick homo boy wow i wish i could of been down with yall and chilled with yall and been fagget and ugly like yall LoL we'll not really but yo kid u a herb stop talken bout your life no 1 gives a fuk and the only people who give a fuk u have probley already told this to threw ims so keep it off the board fruity boy

  8. Originally posted by somebitch

    :laugh: s0unds l1ke a g00d plan t0 me... thats h0w 1 w0rk the men. t00 many 0ut there t0 dev0te t00 much t1me 1nt0 try1ng t0 have an enc0unter with any spec1f1c one.

    good girl thats wut i like to hear i mean onless a girl is that great looken who wants to fuk her more then once any ways and i really feel as if all girls should just have a few bf's i mean i tell my sis's that almost every day play a bunch of guys and dont' give up the ass LoL most men are dumb so u mys well see wut u can get with out forken over wut u have but over all a hot girl george says i want love but a basic girl she's only gonan last a nite or 2 any ways so y stress it

  9. Originally posted by merkie

    Being from Baltimore, we didn't know what to expect, but it was amazing. The sound and lights blew us away. We r definitely planning to come visit NY again. Is it that crazy every weekend????

    We hit off SF on Sat. night and I must say that I was even more impressed with it than the Roxy.

    However, my heart still remains true to our beloved BUZZ DC. Have not seen a place that beats it yet!!!

    deff agree girl sf is deff better then roxy but over all roxy wasn't bad i mean for the people who can't get into sf its a pretty decent spot but noting beats sf sats atleast in ny noting beats it

  10. Originally posted by lillizzy


    y the eye roll girl u knwo u loved the fact that some 1 postes on this and doesn't know wut a pvd is LoL i was playen tho he's some dj that i hear is pretty decent so if i get a good female vibe i shall roll and listen to see how good he really is and judge for my self wut day is it tho i am auctioning my self off at a jersey club on sat so i can't rock to exit till atleast 3 but if friday i am game ;)

  11. damn george is pissed girl i mean u leaven befor we ever got a chance to fuk and u didnt' look in the mirror with me when i seen u last so no sex and no mirror = george pissed :tongue:

    have a fun time and be safe tho girl ;) mirrors and sex can wait till when u cum back :tongue:

  12. Originally posted by markizwhoiam

    I also concur...the only question is how do you pick em up without just strolling up and grindin ya cock in their ass? cause unfortunately (i guess) thats just not my style. :confused:

    true kid i must agree i am not into that walken up and grinden a girl sh1t i mean if she does it to me fine but over all just eye contact and good wordz i mean i ussly bable bout like my self or how the place suks and girls uselly just nod LoL if u confuse them then they dont' have time to think your ugly or anoyen then when they least espect it just walk away if she follows yum if she don't move on to the next girl

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