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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by shook

  1. Originally posted by jaysea

    is this city that fucking dull, To the point where we gotta go to Roxy, and Chill wit high school kids,

    and Chill wit the cool Cats from KTU

    im sorry, but Roxy is doing it alll WRONG

    i say let ktu and the 16 year old females live ;) yall people stress shit too much and complain too much thers noting hot near us the places people think are bangen are shity we don't live in south beach or holly wood and we all gotten bored of ny so stop the hate and just be content with wut we have even if it is on the radio and populated iwth 16 year old cute females ;)

  2. Originally posted by jaysea

    Shook, Really, go back to fucking jersey kid, lol

    if you knew who i was, you would of just shit your pant's ;)

    and iv been going out to Clubs in Ny since u were Still A Drip in your nasty mother's puss :)

    Not to mention Former Club kid 89-95

    former door kid, of more than a few Club's

    and now soon to be Part owner of a Future Club

    PArt time fag,

    Part time Straight boy popper

    And not to mention, Meat Head Grinder Delux, bitch

    Now go Stand in front of your mirror,

    i have to go shopping for a Fashion show this weekend hunny!



    lol interesting response i am wondering who u are but i gather i know u or have met u befor if so true kid u wild out and damn 89 to 95 in 89 i was like 7 and problet geting made fun of in grammer school lol

  3. Originally posted by joeg

    whoa, yeah, I saw that movie, that was really good.

    i'm impressed kid i mean back in them hs days i was way wigger and used to have hoop dreams LoL so i seen all thsoe weird boot leg movies tho above the rim is still 1 of the best of all time i could watch that any day

  4. Originally posted by echostar


    how do i see our pic on the site?

    i sent u the link all u do is click on it and it blows up i was thinken of maken it my main pic but not sure probley will in a week or so but i bet u gonna get peopel cumen up to u i mean the only bad part is mostly guys say sup but i already had a few girls notice it so u never knwo u might have fans next time u go out thats the beauty of pics people see them and think they know u LoL

  5. Originally posted by echostar

    is 9.823 good?

    paste me the link where we are

    yeah kid very good me 1 of highest rated on ther and just wait i bet u gonan have people walk up to u and say sup now i always get these people sayen yo i seen your pic on fly guy crew i seen your pic here or ther its crazy Lol

  6. i always wanted to be like the goat ;) i mean any 1 seen the movie the legend of earl manigoat that brotha touched the top of the back board befor he turned into a crack head and he owned rucker park for this he is a real man and long live the goat ;) i was i was as steady as a goat

  7. Originally posted by jaysea

    i know i have gone here in the past, but i think it would be really nice to have some sort of a Private party/Door person thing going on, Where there was someone At the door picking people off line who were Regular's or new Who the Kids were, who were there for the MUSIC, not

    The Shirtless, Drugged up, Fakeness that has kinda Crawled over the space, as of late :)

    someone who new the party well, knew the faces and could make for a tighter, Tasty, VIBE inside,

    not to be posh, or annoying not letting specific people in.

    But doing it to preserve our party, and to make for a safer more Enjoyable Night.

    What ya think, ?:)


    they need a dress code to kick out the lazy druged out people who should be siting at home in front of ther pcs geeks that crowd that place ;) and with the reverse dress code most of yall people need a place with it cause u couldn't get into a normal place so i say ther should be a place for losers to hang out so yall would stop crowden the chill spots ;)

  8. Originally posted by totallytrance

    noooooooooooooooooeeeeee ...I know what he needs..!

    well milk goes with protein so i agree some wut i mean i drink a gallion of milk every 2 days LoL and i go threw probley 4 gallions a week so milk does do the body good but if u jus tadd some protein in and damn kid u will never get sick again ;)

  9. i wish i was as cool as phuter ,joe g hoke wild skys brick and snoozi and damn i don't knwo how to become as cool as them or i would try so hard to be it cause u people are the real winners of this board and of the world yall cum on here and spit lyrics like peopel give a fuk sayen how much your lifes suk and how much u have none LoL u people are winners and i too wish i could be a winner but i feel as if yall have a weight limet well a body fat limet where u have to be over 25 percent body fat cause all of yall seem to be it and damn thats too much work to get fat so maybe 1 day yall can get me to be down with yall and i to can be a winner and type all proper and geeky and brag bout my life just like yall

  10. phuture or wut ever the his name is does have a habit of runnen his mouth just like his brother in crime joe G i mean they post like people give a fuk pumpen out pure geeky ness i mean yall can at least try to not type like a geek and maybe people would respect u more but even threw wordz yall can tell your nerdz and bout over weight ness i wonder if eiether of yall can see your diks or do yall just blow each other with out ever really seeing it get done this is wut i wonder ????????? i mean how do yall fuk is it like lift the belly and fuk or is it like push it to the side or wut ?????? and now we all knwo jope g is a virgen with girls but he has been with his hoke and brick boys but phuter have u gottten laid yet this is another question i have or do u just dip off in hoke and brick like every otehr geek on this board

  11. Originally posted by barvybe

    yo shook!

    crackin me up as usual

    didn't know you were tight with my boy justin. he's making u luk puny in your pic ;)

    missed u friday - heard from shannon u were out and about...

    and i agree...if this is embodiedhate, lets see the body..lol

    yeah true justin is deff geting up ther and i'mm gonan drag his ass to sf in the fall weather he lieks it or not ;)

    and embodie i agree kid gonna go post now bout him LoL

  12. Originally posted by embodiedhate

    You make an excellent point DJjohn. Excellent indeed. All these overblown assbags like "Phunk" and "joeg" need to either start writing stuff of substance, or shut the fuck up.

    Then again, I am built around hate, but hate is a substance in its own right, and ALOT more interesting than hearing about two ho's going to the beach.

    yep a very wise commet and it makes a lot of sense

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