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Posts posted by shook

  1. Ok, the stuff you said about the message board people only sounded bad until

    I actually saw those people at SF yesterday. GROSS! I mean, ______ & _____

    are cool, and I met ____, ________, and ___ _____ - they seemed great,

    but after that I got the hell away from that corner.

    See, ___________ posts a normal looking picture of herself on the board, so

    it sounds like you're calling normal looking girls fat & ugly - that's why

    people get upset - cuz on her photo she looks normal. But she's like 200

    pounds!! I was like, what the fuck?

    I didn't even know people like that went to SF - that message board does NOT

    represent Sound Factory.

    So I don't think I'll be posting much on there anymore. Well if I run into

    you at CPIs or SF I'll be sure to say whazzup. See ya! - ____

  2. thats some sick sh1t and it really just makes u wanna go out and just hate people cause i mean if it happend to him it can pretty much happen to any 1 and for that fact u can't trust no 1 and u always gotta watch yoru ass and watch wuts going on around u


    sexxyJoeG i mean he is the hottest male on the board by far and all of us other males well atleast i know for my self, look up to him and wish we could be like him and he deff represents clubplanet to the fullest every fuken pound of him :blown:

  4. Originally posted by clubkat

    last i heard u had a job and 2 girlfriends. . .or 2 girlfirends and no job or something like that. . . :shaky:

    how are ya babies! :D

    how a kid like that get any girls freinds let alone 2 lol i bet i know wut the girls looked like tho :laugh: but if its true he should hook joe g up wit ha girl so he doesn't have to be a virgen any more and he can have the un-forbidden fruits of life :laugh:

  5. Originally posted by antm28

    I usually only post in the music section but after reading this and your well spelt SF Review I couldn’t resist. Instead of asking the pro bodybuilders for lifting tips you should have asked for spelling/grammar lessons. And the reason why the crowd has gone so downhill is because of rookies like you and actually the crowd wasn’t bad at all Saturday. Get a clue.

    a typical response from some 1 who has been offended by me sayen it was wack and ugly lol i mean i guess your 1 of the people i suggested shouldn't be let in and your hurt and have to open and run your mouth ;) its cool i know how it is kid the crowd wasn't that bad but it deff wasn't pretty

  6. Originally posted by ibclubbin

    and P.S. I dont really think Shook's opinion means all that much :laugh:


    uh huh in my oppion the way sf looks these days is cause of people like u and u came on sayen it was hot when most people said it was weak lol i mean its cool u fit in and all at sf these days but on the real if they ever start choosen people upon looks to get in i'll see u as your still waiten in line :laugh:

  7. Originally posted by ibclubbin

    as far as all this talk about what SF used to be and such, I can't say since I am only a newbie (been going since December)

    but anything gets old when you do it enough times...how can it not get boring if you go EVERY week? I mean, even sex gets boring if you have it with the SAME person all the time and don't change it up at all.....

    I only go once in a while so it will be a treat to me...and I keep a positive mood when I go too....and I have fun:D

    I may not know what SF used to be, or whatever, but that doesnt mean you can't have a good time there now:D

    and P.S. I dont really think Shook's opinion means all that much :laugh:


    damn kid lol i'm more newbie then u to sf i'm 20 just turned it a few months ago first time i ever went i was 19 at tg it wasn't all that but it was steps above other places but i mean walken into sf these days is like walken into a better dressed older crowd exit LoL fuk it u can still pick up a cutie and u can always bump into some 1 who's better then u so its still 1 of the better spots out ther but from the first few months it has changed and has deff gotten ugly and u can't really go back to how it was once you've gone trashy

  8. sf has deff fallen off the 2nd floor is puny the 3rd floor wasn't looken the same the only pluses were the pro body builders and jp deff wasn't on point over all tho its sf u go to mingle and bump into people i met mad body builders excahnged mad info met a few girlys so all in all it was decent in those aspects but 40 bucks for a typical sat nite was kinda wack but atleast they had the water falls that driped the glow sh1t on and when u walked around up stairs u glowed LoL i'm easly amused i guess make me glow give me a few girls and stick 280 pound body builders around me and i'm happy and the music i could even hear it from the 3rd floor and when ever i made my way down it just looked like a ugly person's heaven so the most i spent down ther was like 30 mins

    but all sf really needs is a stricter door that looks count more then style i mean i don't 'care if wut people are wearen but looks should count at the door if it was like that it would be the pretty person place again rather then the ugly well dressed person place

  9. Originally posted by joeg



    I don't even know...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    your fat kid and your not only fat your ugly to go along with it so on the real u bets hope u make mad money when u get older kid so a girl can use u for it

  10. Originally posted by sassa

    ok...i can see what you mean by this...but what does this have to do with insulting someone you've probably never met?

    why the animosity.........?

    no i met her befor and thats how i know she isnt' good looken i mean the pic isn't that bad but in person she looked chubber she had on like a cut off shirt and she had jello i mean it deff wasn't attractive but any ways i am done with talken sh1t to her i mean the only reason i droped my oppion on her any ways is cause she dissed on my typen i mean any 1 can see i suk at typen but if your gonna go and say i;'m stupid lol i'm deff gonna drop my oppion on wut i thought of u and on the real i droped my oppions now its over with onless u wanna keep stressen it sassa

    its like the joe g sh1t i met him i thought he was over weight but i didn't say sh1t bout it till he decided to open his fat mouth after tha twas done i mean fuk it thers no reason to no state wut i think :laugh: i mean i never start talken sh1t bout any 1 first i mean i meet alot of people who i think are ugly fat etc,etc but on the real its all kept up in my head onless thers a reason to let it out and i am sure u get that kid i mean its pretty simple

  11. Originally posted by sassa

    although this thread has definitely headed somewhere i wouldn't have thought it would..........hey shook, what is your problem with rachael? do you have a secret crush on her? why do you keep ragging on her...it's none of your concern what other people do in their lives and how they conduct them...just worry about yourself and that's all you can do...chill out...this thread sank bottom hill when this shit started...


    lol yeah thats it :laugh:

    and weyes i said looks count the most on the real i rather fuk a girl i can look at then a girl i can talk to any day and no matter how good the convo might be i could never be with a girl onless i could look at her and just be like wow i love u and on the real i would hope a girl would think the same bout me i mean i never want a girl to be like wow hes got a funny mind and hes sweet but he's not a looker but i'll date him any ways i mean thats some fuked up sh1t if your not in to the person as a whole and u learn to love them i mean ther should be no learnen bout it u knwo withen 5 mins if your in love or if your in lust and alot of people don't know the diffrnece between those ;)

    and all i know is when i fine my wife i'm gonna love her as a whole looks body mind and i hope she would love me as a whole cause i would never marry a girl who was great in some parts yet weak in others i'm looken for the whole package and it wouldn't be right to seddle on a few aspects of a person but to never really be 100 percent into them thats just a waste of time

  12. hhhmmmmmmm thers some crazy people out in the world these days lol people wanten to pay money for u to rub your feet over ther faces lol

    rgp72: so if a guy wanted to massage your feet, would you let him do it?

    BoReDoM 973: probley not i think its kinda fruity kid i mean no offense and all

    rgp72: ok... how about for $?

    BoReDoM 973: still i wouldn't do it

    BoReDoM 973: my cous will tho

    BoReDoM 973: he a nut

    rgp72: ok

    BoReDoM 973: so deff im him

    rgp72: this might be kind of weird, but i hope you don't mind answering it...

    gp72: 3) would you ever let a guy cut your toenails?

    BoReDoM 973: lol look i'm not down with no guys touchen my feet but sorry kid but as i said i am sure my cousin will be down so deffgive him a im

    rgp72: ok, thanks man.... just one more question.... this doesn't deal directly with your feet

    rgp72: 4) if a guy wanted a pair of used socks from you, would you give it to him?

    BoReDoM 973: lol yeah i don't care bout that i mean i don't wanna know wut u doing with the socks but fuk it i'd give pairs of suks away no problem

    rgp72: kool, thanks man

    rgp72: you're great

    BoReDoM 973: lol uh huh

    BoReDoM 973: yo i';m outtys stay good kid and serious im my cous he'll do opretty much any thing for money ight lol and i'll give him a pair of my socks to give to u if yall arange this

    BoReDoM 973: so be goods

    gp72: thanks man, i appreciate it

    rgp72: ill give you $ for them

    rgp72: if you want, even though im kind of poor

    rgp72: but i should at least give you for shipping and handling

    BoReDoM 973: uh huh ight i'm outtys be goodz

    gp72: ok, thanks man... take care... ill IM him when i see him

    BoReDoM 973: true true byez

    rgp72: and hopefully i can talk to you again if you dont mind... take care

  13. Originally posted by asianvixen

    good night overall. :) i'm a fitness buff so i had a great time meeting yates, dorian, dennis james, and chris cormier. these guys are HUGE. :eek: all nice guys and very down to earth.

    i deff agree with u they were all down to earth and mad chill i was siting ther and they were talken to me and talked to me as a eqaul it was crazy i was like wow huge they were like how old are u was like 20 and they were liek well i was bout the same at your age i was like wow crazy and chris called me a lil boy a few times and doran tryed to hit on the girl i was with it was crazy and ther deff mad chill people Mr Oypmia 2007 babe thats all i gotta say i am so dedacaten my life to it

  14. another crazy part bout the nite was i had a talk with chris cormier and king kamali hhmmm for those who dont' know both are pro body builders so i was siting ther talken to them dont' ask me how i guess they were bored and i looked interesting so i was like asken them sh1t bout geting built and they were like intake 250 grams of proetin a day and you'll be fine with a few years i was like yeah right look at yall u know yall jucie and they were like fuk no never jucie lol so like 5 mins later diffrent convo i am like well let me see wut should i take to get as big as u refering to chris cormeir a jacked brother i was like 600 mg's of decca over 13 weeks 400 of test and sus maybe some d bols and clomids near the end of the cycle and he laughed and was like you'll need alot more then that to get this big :laugh: gggggrrrrrr i hate it when people deny the roids i mean sh1t sure u can get big with out it but damn y deny it and then know all bout it lol it kinda looks like u controdicten your self lol if u ever ask a jucie head wut kinda jucie he uses he'll always respond back lol never juice this is pure heart and dedacation and gggggrrrrrrrrr i hate that sh1t lol well atleast i got a sample and beginers cycle from chris on wuts good and wut should blue me up lol

    and damn i go to sf i chill with a few cute ass girls and my best time was talken to wanna be mr oympias LoL i live the life i must say and damn i just intoke my 40 grams of protein so now i'm off to bed so nites people

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