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Posts posted by shook

  1. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    This will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, George at vinyl.

    i hate the fuken place they need a bar but for ass lol i'll deal with it for a few hours maybe its eiether that or stick in nj but best off maybe i'll get ther as ther kicken your drunk ass out and we can fuk up a bouncer LoL that is worth looken foward too

  2. Originally posted by hawaiiguestlis

    ok here is my two cents!!!

    george vs. rachel ppv June 7th before the tyson fight!!!


    anyways.. ok i myself am a fat ugly bastard but hey its fucking life.. not everyone in this world is perfect.. if you cant accept a person for who they are then so be it.. Then that person should be worth your time. I have talked to you rach and you are a sweetie.. and chook whatever name ya using these days.. well you are entiitled to your opinion however as you can see you are gonna have alot of controvesry floating around anywhere you go.. To say that a person just because they are overweight isnt worth your time you are seriously missing out on geting to know some good people!

    Im not taking sides on this arguement i just think that it is about time that both of you ended this.. you go one way and the other goes the opposite... there is no reason to fight over another persons "opinion" wheather the person is right or wrong... just be the bigger person and accept thats the persons opinion!!!

    lol your crazy benny and damn that 1 way sh1t isn't worken i act my age i just hit 20 i think i'm better then people i don't like some types of people i make fun of people thats all normal but she is like 5 years older then me and shes doing the same kiddy sh1t lol so on the real she's just showen her imature ness i mean i'll admit i'm immature all i wanna do is get jacked get laid and maybe to die from a few stds but that rachel1997 is the age where she should have a life and not be online posten porn pics or message boarden period i mean if any 1 has to grow up its her cause i'm acten like the 20 year old frat boy i am and shes deff not acten like the middle 20's girl so whos right and whos wrong lol its pretty easy to see i can't spell i can't type i like looken in the mirror and ther types of people that i dont' care for or care to be around lol if i'm wrong so be it but when i'm her age i'm sure i'll have a life and i won't be doing this kiddy sh1t no more and i won't be posten at all and i'll be able to keep my mouth shut more bout things i don't like lol so some people gotta grow up and i got years to grow up to her level and shes missed alot of the years it should of toke her and any ways she isn't good looken enough to bee seen with in public so i'm done with wasten my time on her i mean if she was a cutie i would be nicer but she isn';t and the only people who would think she is worth it are people who are below her so yall have a good life i gotta go look in the mirror and maybe after word i'll pop a naked pic and i'll get hard off my self lol playen but on the real yall people are babys yall take sh1t to heart too much and alot of u need a life if your gonna read and take every thing i say to heart so be it but on the real thats just kiddy sh1t lol i fuk around on this alot and on the real lol if i was this bad in real life i would be taken this sh1t serious like most of u do lol

  3. any guys who doesn't mind a chubby chick rachel is easy pm me for deatails i'll drop names of people who she has touched on the ever so popular sf board and damn eeewwwwww is bout all i gotta say lol tho its funny being nice to losers pays off cause u find out inside dirt that when yoru done being ncie u can use to backstab them lol so rachel u bets relax lol but any ways act your age cause on the real your in your mid 20s i say that so fuken often yet your acten the age that i spell like lol so grow up

  4. i'm not lil tho i'm like 6 ft 200 lol ugly maybe but hhmmmmm the girls who's talk is pretty ugly her self so we got sh1t in common lol and rachel grow up[ and act your age i mean damn 24 or 25 year odls such as your self need lifes not message boards lol maybe 1 day u will under stand that but any ways i'm outty stay ugly chunky chcik and remember cheeks need to lose fat i mean and u need a lipo cause u got shub at the waist its nasty gotta get rid of it ight girl advice from george lol and damn a first grader is tellen u ther your ugly and wut needs to be fixed lol and i knwo any gusy who met her even if ther not sayen it agree with me ;)

  5. Originally posted by rachel1997

    Can someone help me out here? I think he's talking French....

    i deff am chubby chick hhmmm u need your cheek fat suked out i droped u advice now i'm outtys gotta go gym get built so when i'm this tramps age i got better sh1t to do then post on a message baord LoL i mean u gotta love board whores tho and lol any guys who met her i think knows wut i'm sayen ;) so be goodz people

  6. Originally posted by rachel1997

    People, is this guy speaking english?


    u keep refering to people like they care lol i just got a pm tellen me that i should make fun of your ugly ass some more cause this board is full of people like u who run ther mouths and dont' have the looks to back it up

  7. Originally posted by rachel1997


    that is the stupidest thing I've read all day!!


    He just described himself!!


    lol not rerally your in your mid 20s u are chubby u think u look good and on the real peopel liek me who dont' look good think your nasty lol so i mean on the real u bets grow up and relaze u need surgery girl i mean maybe we can get a fund going help ugly rachel from the sf board look pretty lol i am sure thers a few peopel who are tired of yoru ugly ass and wouldn't mind dropen money to get u a life ;)

  8. Originally posted by rachel1997


    can anyone read what he is saying?

    *gets reading glasses*

    hmmm sorry!

    Is that french?

    read this i think your ugly and i think most of your friends are ugly and i think at your age u should be doing better stuff with your life then a massege board stupid kunt LoL i wonder if u under stode that

  9. Originally posted by sukmakiss

    You're an ugly, dumb little boy

    thanks and i wonder lol wut your other board name is cause i mean your just sticken up for yoru ugly friend and your other fat friends so say wut u will but relaze u are trash and u is ugly so get used to it and damn get over it maybe if u spend enough money on surgery u can acctly get a hot guy with out being used for ass or money

  10. Originally posted by rachel1997


    still confussed well here i think your trash cause your in your mid 20's and your on a baord all day like a herb/geek and u stick up for obese people and geeks on that other board for that your just as bad as them lol i bet your still confussed lil simple minded waste of georges time ;) act your age and get a life cause most peopel your age have 1 yet u don't so i feel yoru pain and its pityful and i know u think low of your self cause of it

  11. Originally posted by rachel1997


    lol if i only had a pic of u lol i'd get every 1 on this board to die laughen at your desprite ass lol any ways back to my questions from the otehr day how old are u i mean u look mid 20's so if so y are u on a message board looken for friends i mean i'm 20 and i'll admit i hate haven al ife but by the time i'm your age i better have a life and i better not be on a message board all day i mean don't u get depressed and ever wonder y u have no lfie and y most girls your age have fun and have lifes yet yoru on a board all day posten dumb sh1t looken for future friends and hook ups lol pityful i gotta say but hey aslong as i'm not like u by the time i'm your age i'll be happy so stay herb ;)

  12. looks are the first thing u see and judge people upon i mean back in the day u used to hear bout love at first sight and if that was so lol u didn't even know wut kidna persontily the other person has i mean i'm pretty content with my persontily but i'm worken on looks so maybe 1 day i'll be happy cause no matter wut u think bout life it is based upon looks alot cause with them u can get alot more with less hassel and with out them u some wut need to be so much better in other areas to contend ;)

  13. i love stuck up prude conceited chicks so if i see a girl and her nose is in the air and and shes acten like she owns the place and she's better then the place i am in love ;) i'm pretty simple like that i guess

    and i love it when your with a girl and yall doing your thing and shes like look i like u and all but i'm not a whore but i like wut were doing but u gotta move slower thats like the best and it deff gains her brownie points and respect

    but its hard to find any of those these days no ones prude any more and no ones stuck up that much any more so the world suks thats all i gotta say

  14. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    It's getting so old. Or maybe it's just that I'm getting old!

    Ravers just aren't the same as they used to be.

    i agree i mean it is geting old peopel just don't look the same and thers no more exotic girls alll u ever see is normal girls noting specail any more thers no more wow girls suks and ravers always suked

  15. i talkedto a few people yesterday who said they go ther and hhmmmmmm polocks lol thats all i gottta say ther good people tho but not sure if its any good since they said it was good i probley would hate it

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