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Posts posted by shook

  1. Originally posted by mssabina

    nah...i think rizzo gets the credit for all the "sh1t"... at least his posts are funny...

    ...and coherent :laugh:

    and fuk u too i say LoL well your a girl so u got a pic if so i'll tell u if i'll fuk u or not ight ;)

  2. Originally posted by spragga25


    That's impressive. 30 sets is murder...you do the super set once a week?

    day 1 chest, abs

    day 2 arms

    day 3 abs

    day 4 chest

    day 5 arms abs

    day 6 chest

    day 7 arms

    and some where in ther i add a lil back and cardio and dead lifts for the legs

    and u get the idea abs every other day and super sets every day or so just usen diffrent weights i mean i like never go heavy so but if u feel weak or run down u can go lighter and if u feel strong u can go heavy yesterday i put up maybe 200 bench presses chest is buren and today i did bout 300 curls i mean i'm not sure its kinda murder but u gotta feel the burn and aslong as u protein and supplement right u wake up and feel fine and can do it again but i'm deff looken into roids 30 quick pounds can give any 1 the edge and 30 pounds of just liften and supplemenst takes years

  3. Originally posted by spragga25

    What's your max bench/squat?

    Just curious...

    last week i put up 340 2 times and i can put up 280 10 times ussly i just go super sets tryen to break the chest like 30 sets of 10 at like 180 with 30 or less seconds rest going heavy is just a pain puting up light a billion times in a short time gives u more burn and with arms maybe 30 sets of 15 usen the ez bar with diffrent hand postions at like 70 pounds you'll get a burn 2 to 3 times a week eiether part abs every other day done it like 4 months and have gained 20 pounds with out roids and lost body fat only negative is too much liften the skin is geting shity

  4. Originally posted by joeg

    George: You have the emotional range of an autistic.

    Rizzo: What's the name of the birth defect you have, trampled by a horse during the 2nd trimester?

    wut ever and any ways have fun at burger king kid i think the whopper is like buy 5 get 1 free so u can get like 2 free this trip ;) its your lucky day

  5. Originally posted by brickhouse

    Hmm, this coming from the guy who already admitted he hits on the fat nasty chicks at a club because he can't get laid by the good looking ones.....

    Suck my dick. It's not like you'd have to kneel or anything......

    i said its easyer then fuken the hot ones lol hot ones are just as easy but it takes more work fat ugly ones no game needed and damn kid get your height facts stright

  6. Originally posted by brickhouse

    George, no offense, but even in that fuzzy little webcam picture we can see your face and you're no Brad Pitt. That and you come up to my nipple. So keep working out, getting juiced, and trying to pump up your self esteem by attempting to crack on people who have the intelligence to speak using complete sentences. I'm glad that you've found your niche in the fitness industry, but just remember that without that you'd be a 5'4" skinny white boy with a little pecker flipping burgers somewhere.

    lol wow i'm bout 5'11 200 kid lol i wish i was shorter soem tiems it looks bigger then for my height i gotta be like 250 lol to look jacked and thats wut i stride for LoL ask your boy joe cause i'm not 5'4 lol

  7. Originally posted by rachel1997

    You just played with fire my friend.....

    and u still haven't answerd your age i mean u gotta be mid 20's and your on a message board all day looken for new friends posten dumb shit i mean when i'm your age i better be doing better sh1t with my life i hope and u can say wut u want bout me now i'm 20 i work out most of the day the rest i post and i'm not ncie to people so u can tell i'm not looken for friends so think wut u want bout me but all i gotta say is damn i hope when i get your age i got a life LoL i mean its the main reason i lift and stay hoem alot now so when i do get your age i will have a life and won't be resorten to this sh1t any more ;) thats just my oppion tho

  8. Originally posted by wideskies

    i thought pullups were like... THE test for overall back/arm strength. i've been able to do military style pushups but never been able to get anywhere near doing a pullup. it's more of a "i want to be able to do this" thing rather than a "this is the best exercise for whatever".

    true girl feel that

    and joe g hhmmm 40 to 50 hhmmmm LoL i eat maybe junk food every other day at the most and even if that and if i do its light snack like 1 lil ice cream sanwich can't let the body fat get out of hand still need to catch the to lower abs befor next week end

  9. Originally posted by wideskies

    dude, people lose weight all the time and are perfectly FINE.

    for TRULY obese people it's true that they might have to have skin tucks or whatever they're called, but if you know anything about body weight and frame then you would know that joeg is NOT obese.

    so PLEASE. try not to make even more of a fool of yourself. and i'm not ragging on your grammar anymore; i'm referring to the (lack of) content of what you're trying to say.

    the kids head is twice the size of a normal head if he lost all the weigh the still has a deformed sized head LoL any 1 can see that

  10. and i didn't post that as a joke i posted that to make him relaze wuts up and this fat sh1t is geting no where and it all become cause of a grammer commet lol how funny how life is isn't it kid

    read wut i wrote and relaze threw out your pityful life u will never look good nor will u ever be able to look good so go and get rich so i can fuk your wife while your at work fagget

  11. Originally posted by wideskies


    the 'yer fuken fat' jokes are getting old.

    thats not a fat joke thats real life read any book u wnat i train people thats the truth if u get to the point or just below the point of obeseity u pretty much deform your self which u can never get back onless with the help of surgery

  12. Originally posted by wideskies

    i'd be surprised if u had the wherewithal to figure out how to get out of your chair at ALL.

    acttly i got up befor to take a piss and looked in the mirror for like 2 mins befor i grabed a ice cream sandwich which i just killed so i'm bouts to get up and grab another i'm worken on my joe g diet so i can become just like my hero :blown:

  13. acctly joe g i read a lot bout body types and sh1t like its kinda my job so i do it and after looken at your pics i can honestly say no matter how much weight u lose u will never look normal and its best off to stay where your are now cause you've been big so long that u have changed your bone and skin structer so no matter how much weigh tu lose u will have a big bone structer aka big head big every thing and if u were skinny it would look more disgusten then it does now plus u would need to get skin removed to shrink it to fit your new body so best off learn to be happy big cause you've pretty much gonna be it for life some people just can't look good at the beach or in a bekini no matter how hard they try and if thats so just learn to look good in a sweat suit and t shirts and you'll be fine ;)

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