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Posts posted by shook

  1. damn kid if i was u and i wasn't haven no fun i would of kicked every 1 out and went home alone LoL and your story just got me pissed i worked out and then passed out woke up like 2 in nj 2 is dead bars close and all so been bored all fuken nite and your tellen me bout drunk people fuken your friends gggrrrrrr lol but any ways do these girls look good and if so when does george get a chacne to drink with them ????????? ;)

  2. all i gotta say to her pic is no ones perfect and she wants to run and call me ugly lol fuk no george doesn't play that i mean i can name many of things i hate bout my self that in which i feel i'm ugly for but some 1 wants to call me it and yet is dumb enough to let me find the pic layen around lol u brought it upon your self thats all i gotta say u gotta learn u can't handle younger men so stick to the sf oldies and get's the fuk outta here or learn your lession cause after i post this pic i'm worken on now i'm done with u and your yesterdays bash victem so be happy cause after this pic i'm done with u and your off to the trash like yesterdays newspaper and u was never thought of any ways so i dont 'gotat worry bout geting u out of the mind but these past 2 days the maken fun of each other has been fun and i think any 1 who goes back and read it wil lrelaze i make alot of great points to your very few kiddy remarks so go post a porn pic or a horoscope and be on your way amtuer ;)

  3. true kid i am sure many will agree but its not bout easy ass its bout hot ass and no 1 is perfect i mean i'm far from and when i get my grammer and sh1t picked on its funny and motovation to type better and she types fine so i gotta pick on some thing bout her so it mys well be her looks cause who am i to talk sh1t bout some 1's brains lol but looks i think i can say wut i want on :laugh:

  4. Originally posted by crystelbella21

    wow... how dare u... rach is one sexy bitch... and where did u find enough time to do that shit??? good grief:eek: :flame:

    enough time lol u know i have no life and after the gym befor i passed out so i woke up and i'm wide awake just wait and see wut i'm worken on now lol that pic is noting compared to wut is yet to cum

  5. if rachel 1997 listens to me a lil lol i would love to see her after pic in a year or so ;)

    heres her befor pic and wut she needs to work on a lil and maybe if she's smart she'll listen and will get sh1t done other wise maybe she'll be embrassed and she'll stop posten eiether way i'll be happy and the world or cp would be a pretty place with eiether of those suggestion wut yall people think :laugh:


  6. Originally posted by rachel1997

    :laugh: :laugh:

    lol and she is callen me a ugly lil boy lol i'm like 5 years younger then her and peep this pic of her LoL

    and the reason i am posten this pic is cause she posted it in the sex forum and it deff isn't sexy i mean i see how so people such as joe g might get hard off of it but on the real any real man who can get a good looken girl will be like wut is she smoken cause it deff isn't sexy its more like taste less and trashy and hope fully she gets embraassed by this and stops posten cause cp will be a lot pettyer of a place with out her and if she goes and

    listens to me about surgery and gets all that sh1t i said done i bet she still wouldn't be sexy i mean shes like 24, 25 and shes on a board all day and u wonder y and then u see that pic and your like well thats the answer and its the reason y but still she isn't that bad she could marry a fat fuk or a ugly fuk and live happyly ever after lol and she shpould of knew better then to say sh1t bout my poor grammer and my lack of typen and spellen skillz well i gotta mention your lack of looken skillz so u have a nice day girl and on the real spit wut u want cause after this post i'm done with talken trash bout your ass its a waste of my time and i'll be that bigger person and i'll stop it

    attachment.php?s=&postid=833823:laugh: :laugh:

  7. she has to be my type or its only friends i wouldn;t even bother wasten my time touchen a girl who wasn't the type minds are cute but looks keep u ther and worse off if your into some ones looks no matter wut happens u can just look at them and be like wow i know y i love u but if your really ain't into looks and somw thing goes wrong u got noting to fall back on and u sit and wonder y u botherd to begin with :tongue:

  8. but even tho looks count the most every 1 has diffrent oppions on looks i mean every guy thinks pam anderson is hot for example and most girls think brad pit is hot for example but u know wut those guy and girls who couldn't get a person like them really have a lower standerd on wut hot is

    cause on the real every guy thinks pammy is hot but that chubby guy up the block he also thinks the nerdy girl down the street with glasses is hot ;)

    so tho life mioght be based upon looks every 1 has a diffrent oppion on wuts hot and wuts not so just cause your not a model or just cause your not built or wut ever doesn't mean u won't end up happy cause in genral u might end up even happyer if u find that right the right person

  9. Originally posted by weyes

    i don't want to make this just a thread attacking shook, but i do wanna say that messageboards aren't solely reserved for 20-year-olds. clubplanet is for anyone who wants to post here; there's no age minimum or maximum. people post here who can't even get into clubs legally ;) , and some here are in their mid-30s. diversity makes this site great, and one of the whole points of a messageboard is a certain degree of anonymity.

    anyway, about the original topic of this thread, i wasn't attracted to my last bf at first. i only went out with him because he seemed like such a gentleman when he asked me out, and that sweetness really appealed to me. even after our 1st date i still felt no spark, but i went out with him again 'cause i figured i'd at least gain a cool friend to go dancing with. it was then that i got attracted to him, because i learned that we had SO much in common, both in interests and in who we were. so, there you have it, attraction can come later.

    he turned out to be a liar and a jerk, but that's another story.

    lol cute lil story but i gotta add my 2 cents lol

    if u would of liked him for looks no matter how much he lied or was a jerk u would of still liked him some wut but since u never really liked the way he looked any ways as soon as his persontily went bad he was just no good to u

    i mean thats y atleast if u go for looks and u and the person have a fight u can sit ther and u can just look at the person and be like i know y i love u

    but if u arent' really into a person but ther mind wows u over the first time yall have a fight his of her mind is now shity so u got noting to fall back on and u don't know y u even botherd loven them

    this is y looks count the most in life and if u dont' agree with that your lien to your self

  10. ny ways i been to vynail befor the sh1t was wack all i did was walk around shirtless me being the only 1 and i ate a bunch of snicker bars LoL was bout only fun thing of the nite was standen on stage well that lil stage they have to the left where u first walk into the main sqaure standen up ther eaten a snicker bar almost naked i think i boopped my head a few times but the music was horrid i mean never heard sh1t like that befor was just garbage but hey its each to ther own i mean in my oppion my car sounds better but if yall people liek to go and bounce around to that sh1t good for yall but any ways i'm outtys gotta go jerk off so if i'm lucky enough to fuk later i'll last longer lol :laugh: so be goodz people

  11. Originally posted by cintron

    then here's a piece of advice from a kid who does not want you there.

    Don't go if that's the attitude you have.

    true i talked the person who wanted to go into just cumen to nj more fun lol so i've been saved from vynail for atleast a few weeks tho i am sure some time over the summer the b1tch will make me go gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  12. Originally posted by zlatang

    yo george. i thought you liked this kinda stuff...sorry man ;)

    wut stuff me no fruit ain't down with it i mean being gay is cool and all and i don't give a fuk if some 1 is i'm just anti those gay and proud mother fukers lol but me deff not down with fruity sh1t

  13. Originally posted by cintron

    you know i was entertained at first with you fellas because i thought you were just fucking around. I can see now you absolutely just dont know any better.

    If you want to hang out in your lounges with the pretty people and do coke, convincing yourself you're part of the cool elite crowd, you go right ahead.

    Dont diss on my home. Dont diss on my taste. Dont come on here acting like you know me.

    You've already failed to show me you're anything intelligent.

    Now let's see if you can show me how arrogant and pigheaded you are by continuing to try and poke fun of people.

    Apparently you dont understand the idea of respect, manners or tact. it's a wonder you'd think of hanging out aroudn a place where class is such a highly prized personality trait.

    most i could see you doing there is serving drinks.

    uh huh lol u belave wut u wanna beleave if u wanna beleave that the whole world is pretty and every 1 loves each other cool u do u i mean every oens intitled to ther own oppion and on the real its pretty funny listening to some 1 who acttly thinks the world is a pretty place :laugh: u don't gte out enough kid i doubt u ever been to a pretty place and i've never seen u but just be the way are talken bout these trash places brings me to beleave that u are just into being with your own crowd and u are content with never exploren and looken for thinsg that are better i mean its cool u go to vynail u go to exit u go to sf alll them places might be pretty darn fun to people like u but all i knwo is where i stand vynail needs a bar and better looken girls, exit just needs better looken people and sf just needs a stricter door but hey if u enjoy thsoe places like they are now cool i wish i was as easyly amused as u :blown:

  14. Originally posted by rizzo

    exactly. That just shows how much Mr Oolong knows about real nightlife, not some kiddies basement.

    I ask you this Mr Tso, would you rather fuck a drop dead gorgeous girl who did coke occasionally? OR a fat fucking disgusting pig who posts on Club Planet and follows around all the herb guys to wack locations because "OF THE MUSIC"

    all i know is every hot girl i know pretty much does coke and if u mention k or wut not they laugh and are like hhmmmmm :laugh:

    coke is the pretty peoples drug cause if u go to any cali club now or back in the day every body who was any body did coke

  15. Originally posted by rizzo

    *Corner of Hubert and Hudson.*

    In the basement of Wang Chung's 24/7 Deli.

    Go there to meet Cintron and the other cocaroaches/

    Atmosphere: Nearly Pitch black light. 55:1 guy/girl ratio! 54 guys sitting near the walls nodding heads back and forth like bootlet butabi brothers while one toolbox flings his glowthingies around like Sir Lancealot.

    Price: Free admission, bring your own brewski cuz Wang Chung wont loan any of his.

    Time: Midnight - whenever we decide that 55 cocks in a pitch black room listening to the same beat over and over is lame.


    acctly vynail i would describe as a date club cause all it's full of is ugly guys and semi cute chicks and the reason so many couples go is cause its noting of a pick up bar i mean u don't gotta worry bout any 1 hiting on your girl so all these losers go and they sit around druged out swayen around till the lighst cum on and they get scared and relaze people can see how ugly they are and decide to go home LoL

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