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Everything posted by imnakedritenow

  1. :confused: clicky? :rolleyes:
  2. I'm going to fill my pockets with broken glass and confetti.
  3. :confused: what happened to tizzah :(
  4. WOMEN MORE `HIGHLY STRUNG' Mar 3 2003 Stephen White WOMEN are born worriers, according to American researchers. Scientists have discovered that females have lower levels of a brain chemical that affects anxiety. They found a person with less of the enzyme COMT is more anxious or highly strung. Women with a certain version of the gene that makes COMT itself worry most of all. Researchers discovered the strong link between the enzyme and anxiety while investigating the roots of alcoholism. The US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse combined DNA analysis, recordings of brain activity and psychological tests. Women with two copies of the particular gene - inherited from each parent - seemed to be the greatest worriers. However, men having the same genetic make-up did appear to be extra anxious. Dr Mary-Anne Enoch, of the research team, said: "Our study suggests that women with this genotype may be more vulnerable to anxiety because their COMT levels fall below a minimum threshold."
  5. the worst part is standing outside of the car and waving people over so they don't hit you while trying to get the car started.....
  6. i got my car to like 137 and the front end i had to fix finally did me in the dumbass i am... im so fuckin stupid... guy from work was following me too.... y the car shut off i have no idea.... i think it was the safety when the car went backwards and it was still in drive...
  7. i spun out ending up the wromg way in the fastlane... and the car shut off.... and i didnt hit anything..... weird .....
  8. so much fucking drama with these pics.... everyone emailing me to take their faces off cause they weren't supposed to be out or something...... and who was that brunette on stage?!?!?!?!??! redplow.com
  9. i didn't think having both of u guys showing the boob would be enuff for anyone to handle.....
  10. refresh the page photo >>>> metro >>> feb 2-28 blablablbalalalallalala
  11. thank you... my hands hurt from these metro pics (there are too many) i hope they go up today... grrr.....
  12. hell no... that's the coolest shit i ever saw... hahahhahahah
  13. I just put Joeys up bro.... go to photos >>>> joeys >>> then the day you want.... i made sure you were on the first page ... hahhahaha
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