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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by imnakedritenow

  1. Ugh don't worry everyone looked bad hahahha...... i swear everyone looks like a crackhead.... im dieing...... hahha...
  2. To get to one of those crazy rave things in the middle of no where where there are all gstring girls dancing all crazy on E where everyone is stripping naked.....
  3. I don't like boxing, I like it much better when someone bleeds on the first shot like with a bottle or a baton, or when they end up on the floor quick with a kill shot from the palm of your hand to their nose. Boxing is for guidos, and never works if you ask me and you have like 3-4 guys on you. When it gets rough I find no better satisfaction than hittng a 350lb muscle guy square in the chest and watching him collapse like a little 8 year old having an asthma attack. Ever take a look around the club and see guys with loose fitting watches and bracelets that fall to the palms of their hands, ever think they are dorky, those are the motherfuckers that will kill you.
  4. holy shit bro i take everything back... you are fuckin crazy....
  5. Are you mad?!??!! Really really mad?!!??! All Moody!?!??! Shit I'm Happy I'm Guy!!???!?!?!
  6. lollipops? ur just jealous..... because the girls bathrooms don't have any.... that's weird too if you ask me.... the girl's bathroom should have like a bathroom "bitch" or something.....
  7. it's weird..... the bathroom guys are always the same height... you ever notice that?
  8. wait a sec.... what do you mean your underwear fell off in front of these guys..... you only wear underwear to work out when you are doing squats? if you do you can probably charge for this service.... :confused:
  9. redplow is coming along.... im gonna post the directories soon, if you haven't done so already please email me your establishment's contact info or youll probably end up having old info up..... phone #.... etc..... see the details on the site..... there's also gonna be a new section that's called what's hot.... and here promoter's (or anyone) will be able freely post their club/bar's fliers etc of what's going on at your place, you can scan them and send them to me in jpg or gif format bla bla bla....... this will be done in spans of like mon-sun..... all details are on the site... redplow.com thanks and i hate every last one of you
  10. Hahhaha..... Boobs..... it's like really the only thing in the world that can make you mad, happy, sad, excited, cause accidents, make you money, scare you, turn you on, make you run like hell, make you laugh........ among other mixed emotions...... :laugh:
  11. i swear fuckin feta cheese will kill me one day... funny though.... as i was reading this an ad was on the radio saying how eating iceberg is a waste because it is no better than drinking water..... what da fuck am i talking about.... this salad has these weird shaped olives that look like torpedo breasts.....
  12. with feta cheese and this cucumber sauce shit... im eating it like i never saw food before.... fat ass fat ass fat ass fat ass
  13. I curse you out everytime i load this fucking webpage. :nono:
  14. this is the funniest thing i ever heard......
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