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Everything posted by maxelicous

  1. Everyone go check out that movie 'MAESTRO' its all about the Garage,the loft,studio 54 and has some great interviews with the biggest and oldest DJ's .........www.maestro-documentary.com
  2. SICKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again........ Can someone please confirm this......b4 we all get excited over this. I hope its true.
  3. Boris is a great DJ , especially in the New York underground scene......he has been sick lately......you should def. Go check him out if you like tribal , hard , and vocal house.
  4. sorry people for posting again ......I meant in the previous post* DONT get carried away with what I said. I don't wanna EGG anyone on. PEACE AND LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Opinions are like a**holes , everyones got one. My opinion ~ JP is what I call "mediocre talent" Everyone jocks him 'cuz its the cool thing to do. I've heard him and I was not impressed but HEY maybe he was having a bad night all 20 times. To each is own. That looping for 20 mins. Is miserable and his blends are bad , a 10 year old could make a track sound like that(off beat)LOL. That's my opinion so no one please get carried away and post back dissing me 'cuz we're all mature adults here and we all share the same interest-MUSIC
  6. All music is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Its just there are certain artists out there that aren't great , so don't give up on a particular genre. There is so many good urban hip-hop artists out there. Mos Def,Talib Kweli,Common,Kanye West,Pharoah Monche......they're not about killing and all that other garbage......check these guys out they got some serious talent,they're poets in a hip-hop form. I personally love house just as much (but I need to change sh*t up depending on my mood) GIVE EVERYTHING A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Hip-Hop that's on MTV and BET is POP now,so don't just judge on what's getting played on there.
  7. Thanks for the info. But I got one more question is Mel Cheren organizing this party or just Nicky and the whole crew??? CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Thanks for the info. But I got one more question is Mel Cheren organizing this party or just Nicky and the whole crew??? CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks a lot........appreciate it.
  10. What a brawl!!!!!!!!!!!!.......whatever we lost but there's still tomorrow. We almost had you guys all game but I can't Believe Rivera gave up a loss.
  11. That's definitely a great way to put it , and I agree with you 100% on a deeper level.
  12. Also.........a way of forgetting your problems and just f*_kin' enjoying yourself......hey we all deserve it!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Oh we'll , I guess I'll reply to myself.......I take it no one knows then.
  14. Is that even a DJ?????.......C'mon give us a clue!!!!!!!!
  15. You took the words right out my mouth!!!!!!!!!
  16. I need someone to confirm this......August 17th , is there going to be a Birthday celebration for Larry Levan @ Spirit w/ a sick DJ lineup???? Please let me know someone......CHEERS!!!!!!!!!
  17. What's the Location,dress code, and admission price????........I'll be there!!!!!!!!!
  18. I agree!!!!!!!!........but one more thing to add , I myself have no problem at all paying for the first date but I like it when a girl I just met and we're out AT LEAST offers to pay. I'm not gonna take her money of course but it shows she has some manners and that she is independent and doesn't expect for the guy to pay. THATS A GOOD GIRL.
  19. are you serious????......i have not heard anything about this , oh well -ill def. be there......this is gonna be hot !!!!!!!
  20. I went to Oneonta too......I was in Sigma Nu.....but I was only there for a year(too much partying) What's your name????
  21. Yeah Cast(Dave) has been my best friend since we we're 9...... Did you go to Oneonta?.....or you know him fom home?
  22. Nah.....no trouble (LOL) ,it's just that I'm on my phone(T-mobile sidekick) therefore I can't do it until I get home to my comp.
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