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Everything posted by candeo

  1. Sorry, Kuro. I haven't been to Vinyl. Where is it and what's it like?
  2. Definitely check out Stereo. Buzz on Friday then Stereo on Saturday. If you can keep up the energy and afford it. Makes for a nice relaxing Sunday and quick week! I would recommend avoiding Dream and Platinum and VIP and those BS, Armani, dress code enforcing political bullshit clubs. As long as you can take care of yourself and don't mind being creeped out by seeing some sketchy shit sometimes, I think you'll like the other clubs.
  3. I'm all about some 5HTP. I can't tell if it helps anymore because my life's been more hectic recently, but when I was eating well and excercizing 4 times a week and doing yoga, I was in touch with my body enough to be able to tell the difference with 5HTP. I take that and vitamins nearly every day. But recently I've been drinking and partying and skipping the gym to socialize so much, I can't tell what's good or bad for me anymore I figure (hope) that if I eat well and excercize that my brain will recover more quickly and be less likely to have permanent effects to the E.
  4. Wow, sucks to hear about all y'all's tolerance buildup experiences. Sounds like this stuff really does wear you down after a while. As far as rolling goes, do you think it's possible to have two pills a friday twice a month w/o building up tolerance? Or will that even lead to diminishing returns and emotional instability?
  5. It's a couple blocks from my girlfriend's place. Want me to pick something up for you? Heh. I don't understand why it doesn't get busted.
  6. Yeah, it was hot as shit yesterday while I was washing my truck after work. I had to take my shirt off after a while. Thank god I could just hose myself down every couple minuites. Great opportunity to work on my tan while I scrubbed my rims.
  7. How much of 'the active ingredient' did you use? I'd love to make some, but I ain't dropping $100 on a batch.
  8. I think for a healthy life, overall, they definitely gotsta be the exception and not the rule to having a good time. By healthy, I mean, physically heathy, spiriatually, mentally, secure career, and a lot of love from friends and family. Real love, not "I love you, man!" love. It's gotta be hard to maintain all that stuff, especially the love and secure career thing, if you're hittin the chemical abuse too often. I'm pretty sure even once a week is too much, since there are usually some kind of effect that lasts more than just the night. But I'm making an exception for the summertime! Whoot!
  9. Oh hell yeah! We got some of those at a hippy festival last spring. They were great! A really strong roll and I was halucinating too. A lot of fun. What do you think was in em?
  10. Where have you heard that from? If they're online, I'd like to read other people's accounts of Saturday night. I wanna know what people thought of bone.
  11. Stereo was really nice! A lot of people came out for that night and it was a really nice crowd too. A little more unique and less sketchy than the Buzz crowd. The house DJ's on the patio were cuttin up some real chill stuff, but the reall sweet spot of the night was DJ Bone. He didn't go on till 3am, but they let him spin till 6 and it was one of the best sets I ever fuckin' heard. He's insane. He even took one of the knobs off the mixer he was tweaking it up so quickly. I think he got it to fit back on though. I wanna thank Timmy for bringin' bone out, and I wanna thank Bone for helping my girl have a great birthday!
  12. candeo


    Probably. Just like shrooms, they're a natural poison. Your body's gonna try to reject it at some point. As long as you realize that, though, there's nothing to worry about. Just fight it down with orange juice. Or brown and green and blue juice like I thoguht I was having Saturday!
  13. Thank you, Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6572-2002Aug11.html
  14. That would be great, except for the SINUS INFECTION thing! DJ Jon, you're right about antibiotics. You don't fuck around with them. If you skip days or have alcohol with them, they can make the infection stronger or even immunie to the antibiotics. Ended up having a great night. I decided that Psilocybin would bo best with amoxycillin. I figured they'd get along well, and they did. Had a great time and managed to entertain all the guests.
  15. You wanna make your own shirts? Just go to Cafe Press ( http://www.*********.com/cp/info/ ) and they'll hook it up. You make a graphic on your computer and then upload it to their site and you can buy the shirt out of your own personal store. That's where I got my metroid shirt. A friend made it.
  16. Hey, I'm going out Saturday night, but I just got put on antibiotics for a chest and sinus infection. That rules out drinking, smoking and snorting. I was wondering if you'd be able to get a little lifted off of eating like 2 or three buds. For some reason I've never heard of people just eating it. I mean, in brownies, sure, but not alone. Would it work or would you have to have a lot more than a copule buds?
  17. Hee hee, you totally called me out on that one! It's true though. I suck at meeting up with you guys! It's not your fault, it's just that, during the week I wanna meet you all and network, but when 1am Friday Night arrives, I try hard not to feel obligated to remember what I was supposed to be thinking about. Hey, Vic, can you post a pic of yourself so I know who to look out for next time? I'm pretty sure I'll see Tweakerprincess, though, because Stereo's a lot smaller and she works there or something.
  18. Definitely! But I'll probably be spending a lot of the night trying to entertain people who don't neccesarily like electronic dance music, but who are there for the Birthday. Just look for the Orange Skullshirt of Happy Death. :skull:
  19. Just wanted to let you know: Satellite is the shizit! But you already knew that.
  20. Yeah, Jackie! That's it. She's Timmy's girlfriend, I think. She was so pumped the night Gene Farris was there. As was I! I just wish more people would have come inside to hear him. I hope I see you around Sat. I'll be the tall one.
  21. That's what I'm sayin! Hey... Tweaker, have we met? Were you the one handing out popsicles a month ago? We're really pumped to have Bone come out on Laura's birthday. We're having a ton of people come out. Well, maybe not a ton, but a couple dozen.
  22. Weird, I didn't think The Edge was sketchy this year... But I haven't been there in 3 weeks. My roomate has B3773R. I'd 'better' check it out.
  23. I think this Saturday's gonna be tight. And I'm DEFinitely heading back on the 31st, just to see DJ Storm. She's my daddy! Definitely my favorite Junglist.
  24. candeo


    Yow! I'll stick with psychoactives, thank you.
  25. How did the crowd scare you? I've been to Stereo 3 times this summer and I thought the crowd was pretty subdued. No where NEAR as scary as some of the people at Nation.
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