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Everything posted by candeo

  1. candeo


    What's it supposed to do? Exfoliate your pores?
  2. Who all's thinkin' about going to the Edge this Saturday? It's a pretty sweet lineup. August 10th I'm DEFINITELY going to be there because Bone's coming out to DC to spin for my girlfriend's birthday (Aug 10th), and we got about 30 ppls coming out to hang with us. I don't think most of the CPers make a habit of going to Stereo though... THE LINEUP ------------ Main Room Electric Skychurch (www.electricskychurch.com) T 1000 (Pure Sonik Records Detroit) Dj Bone (Subject Detroit Records) -Detroit Tzeech Patio Q Burns Abstract Message (8th Dimension Records , Sonar) -Orlando LoveGrove (Sonar , Sonic Soul Productions) Donny Burlin (Sonar, Goodlove) Dj Sketcher (5" Taint, Sketch Productions) Warehouse Stakka and Skynet (Underfire Recordings, www.stakka-skynet.com) - UK Carlo (4twenty4) Tittsworth (5" Taint, www.tittsworth.com)
  3. candeo


    Hell yeah, girls in skirts! Aggh, shit! Why'd you have to put that image in my head. Now I gotta stay in my cubicle till this desk-wood goes away!
  4. Well, if acid is so safe, and so tiny, and it's been around for so long, why's it so dang hard to find? Oh, and that E making holes in your brain thing is from Oprah's show on E. That was one of the most uninformed shows.... EVER! Here's a link to Ishkur's expose on Oprah's expose. Ishkur VS Oprah
  5. Thanks for the awareness assistance, Cookiegirl. Vic, you know you shouldn't eat large dinners! It's not good for you.
  6. Christmas time, eh? that explains why last Christmas the hippy corner store owner invited me to come back later for some 'tea' because somebody had been real 'generous' to him. Never got any though, he kept forgetting to make it. And I spent New Year's Eve going down there to buy another Pepsi every hour. ...wait!!! I think he was just exhibiting some unique kind of marketing ploy!
  7. You're shittin me! Too expensive? The going rate in DC seems to be $20 a 16th!
  8. Going to the airport whist cracked out is fun! I tried it a couple weeks ago. I'm still gonna pass this time, though.
  9. Oh, uhhh... good advice in general, but I paid to fly her out from Albequerque so we could hang out for a week, and I gotta send her back at 6am Sat.
  10. I won't be there... My sister can't get into Buzz for another 3 years. I don't know if I would want to expose her to that, anyhow.
  11. I definitely enjoyed the whole show! I was bummed I missed Dieselboy cuz we got there late. Does anybody know if he had an MC this time? I really enjoyed Busta Rhymes, and watching him rip into the people who refused to participate. "What are y'all? A buncha Senior Citizens up in here!?" Blue Man Group was neat, but I'm sure they're a lot better in an enclosed space where they have more control over the props. Tiesto was doing a pretty good job. I really haven't been able to get into trance yet though. I find it to be so boring, even though I love ambient. Go figure. It was a lot of fun for me to go into the dance tent, though, because I flew my sister out from Albequerque and she's never been to a rave-ish thing before because she's only 15. I was really glad the vibe was very positive in there, and I didn't see too many people messed up. People were respectful of dance space and apologetic if they bumped into you. I was glad for that to be her first introduction to the scene, as opposed to some 17 year old sketchy dude taking her to some 2am event and then leaving her or something. Carl Cox was totally amazing! Much better than his Destination NYC performance. I would have skipped Moby entirely to stay in there. Surely one of the best sets I've observed yet! My sister found her groove, my girlfriend was totally lost in the music and my buddy said it was the most fun he's ever had listening to dance music sober! Synopsis: I'm definitely going to Area 3
  12. candeo

    K drip

    It's not so bad! I kinda think of it as a bonus treat 15 - 30 minuites later. I mean, if you didn't want it there, don't put it there. It's not nearly as bad as doing shots or working on a model airplane. Well, okay, some of you may like that...
  13. Yah, the Harry Potters are good! Had em on a night when I was streessing and at the club alone mostly. Ended up having a good time, danced most of the night. Which was hard because it was Dieselboy for the first 2 hrs
  14. I know! You get me 2 servings and I'll get you two people to try it! You could even have a tape recorder ready for right after.
  15. Well, hope you like DC, Funky Fresh. My girlfriend is a big anglophile and she's spent a few years in the UK, so she's taking me there this October so we can go to Fabric and stuff. Hope to bump into you at Buzz tonight!
  16. So, I'll bet it smells pretty neat after 8 years of lighting incense!
  17. Whoo hoo! 100 posts on my new user ID. That's 300 alltogther (decided to stop using my last name after posting on the Substances board). Still haven't met any of you, though. I'll change that tongiht. I would like to thank all the little people, and my slack job, for making this all possible.
  18. That's funny, I've had a luck white lighter too, for 7 years! It was awarded to me by the denisens of the Smoke Pit when I started smoking after Basic Training. It doesn't work anymore, but it's got sentimental value. Generally, I think white lighter's are lousy though. They look like some promotional lighter for Winston or Nicaratte or Geiko Insurance, but the cheap letters rubbed off in your pocket. Or a lighter that you tore the wallpaper off of while you were getting neurotic waiting to get off the plane, subway, bad movie, dinner at grandma's, etc...
  19. Not me!!! I won't be sober. But I know somebody who's thinking about trying it. Should I bring him to the meetup?
  20. Hey Funky Fresh, are you from the UK or are you just a fan? Yeah, Crystal is bad. I would recommend only trying a real little bit, and only if you don't have an addictive personality. It is pretty much like a good Red Bull... that last for a long long time. The taste is bad, but so what. It's not as bad as doing shots of Jager or whiskey. A couple months ago we had company in town and decided to go to Buzz after already having gone out to Brit Pop and drinking. I had a 20 bag of glass so we split it between freakin 8 of us. Most of us had a low tolerance and couldn't go asleep till well into the afternoon on the next day. And it wasn't a very restfull sleep either. The 2nd time I did it I did probably a 3rd of a 20 bag myself and I didn't get as much of an effect off of it that night, but I still couldn't go to sleep till 4pm the next day, and that was after drinking 8 Bud lights, 4 cranberry and vodkas, and some Ny Quill. NOT a fun afternoon. And then I only slept for 3 hours, and when I got up, my sinuses drained and had that battery acid taste. Apparently most of the amphetamine was still up there, and then I was up the rest of Sunday night. Trying to sleep. I was basically tired till Thursday, when I found enough energy to go to the gym and sweat it out. I think Crystal is addictive because you're so tired afterwards that the only thing that can give you the energy to be able to handle the day is more crystal. And you build up a tolerance pretty quickly. I would only recommend trying it if you can clear your schecule for 2 - 3 days afterwards and you don't do more when you start coming down.
  21. Yeah. Not many pastures in West Virginia, eh? However, for me, I live in Maryland and West Virigina's only 4 hours away...
  22. Here's a little more info Network 2002-08-03 in Baltimore Appearing ORON BROTHER PINCH NATE BROWN Event Information $10 admission 21+ - drink specials all night long The best in UK and 2-Step Garage all night long in the vault! --- It's pretty chill on Saturdays. I haven't been to Network in a couple months, so I don't know if the crowd's grown, but the cheap drinks are a nice change of pace from DC, and the couches in the vault are REAL comfy. It's not really comparable to Buzz, but it's nice. Especially if you're going to hang out with some people you wanna talk to. Or you can go upstairs and laugh at the men dancing with weird fuzzy boas to Kylie Minogue and watch the clicks of 4 girls in sequined miniskirts. (well, that's what it was like on Fridays. This will be my first time to the Saturday night Network)
  23. How do you find em? How do you know you're getting the right ones?! You gotta take a shaman with you or something?
  24. I've done a lot of research on it, too. Mostly from reading Erowid. I think it's crazy that nearly everybody is greeted by the "DMT Elves" when they get there. That's too crazy to be coincidence, maybe it really does take you to a different plane for a while. Hell, they even had the DMT elves on South Park. The character Tweek sees em in the middle of the night when he can't go to sleep. And I'm pretty sure that the Smurfs, the Keebler elves and the Oompa Loompas are other pepole's rendition of the DMT elves, too. I'm pretty sure that wither a person's experience is good or bad is based on their own mental stability and how much guilt they have built up. Since I've been a real good boy this year, I'd love to try it out, but the kind of people I trust wouldn't do this stuff and I don't think it'd be comforting to black out for 3 minuites around the kind of people that do do this stuff.
  25. Trust itself if pretty sweet. It's my favorite venue, lots of places to chill, a neat mezanine and a great sound system. If you're gonna go, go to Network, which is the first Saturday of every month. It's Oron's night where they spin some pretty good 2-step downstairs. As far as I know, the main floor is still disco vocal dance music on those nights though. We're planning on going on the 3rd to hang out downstairs.
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