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Everything posted by bleachblond420

  1. lol, if u say so. brb, i gotta go up that post again.
  2. Common decency? On a message board? lol, you might take this site seriously like that, I on the other hand have in the real world what we call a "life". Theres no need to be all serious on a messageboard, it's the internet, not real life...learn the difference.
  3. lol @ this herb stickin up for his cyber buddies. :D
  4. R Tenaglia? Thursday? Howells? HUH?
  5. 2 months ago called. They want their thread back.
  6. 1) Why? Because I don't have 8561 posts? lol 2) No, it dosen't 3) This is considered drama? Jesus, you're life must be filled with it. 4) I don't wanna know at all, I could care less. It's just funny seeing you get mad over a message board issue. lol...get a hobby.
  7. ^ I dont even know, but they were flat and oval, not shaped like a regular pill. It didn't hit me for like an hour but when it did it hit me like a ton of bricks. They were great.
  8. lol, keep it alive then. if someone actually cares about the amount of posts they have and get mad at someone because they almost caused a lot of "trouble" then I'll up this all day...hell make it a fuckin sticky.
  9. I just got the best pills of my life @ Vinyl this past Friday for a normal 20 bones.
  11. Oh and one other thing, Junior is a bitch. He likes his party to be mostly men, that's when he feels it the most. But as for Roxy Saturdays and other places, I'm sure straight people are welcome there, I just don't know many straight guys who would wanna go to a party that was mostly full of gay guys.
  12. I think for most people, it's just about the comfort level. I feel more comfortable being at a club or bar with other people that are like me, and can relate to me. That's my main reason for going to strictly gay parties, it's really not much deeper than that. Plus the chance of me finding a hot guy are SO much better. lol. I do party with straight people though, I go to Vinyl all the time which now anyway, is mostly straight. I can't speak for every gay person who goes out, and I'm sure there are a lot who have deeper more meaningful reasons for only wanting to party with other gay people. Mine is more the comfort of knowing I'm with other people like me.
  13. At the bottom of Juniors flyers it says "Discretionary door policy". So you were informed before hand that you might not be welcome. I'm sure that dosen't make you feel better but you know, that's life. Compare it to the african american community. They have a channel on TV that is dedicated all to them, BET. They have parades and marches strictly for black people. Why? Because they're the "minority" and it's just accepted that they can do that. It's the same for the gay community...we're very much the minority and what we got we like to hold on to and preserve just for us. Me personally, I just like partying with other gay people..it's just my preference.
  14. With the way you talk about gay people (pirate plugging? buttfucked faggot?) you can stay the fuck out of our parties and listen from the outside. Junior dosen't want you there anyway.
  15. Anyone have any expierence with them? How would paper winny and anavar be for cutting and strenth? What would a cycle look like for this? Would you use them at the same time or start one and then start the other half way through? Also, do they really work? I've read that they do but I'm wondering how good they work in comparison to the pills and injectables?
  16. Why don't you give it a chance? This goes for everyone who is already posting negative comments not knowing ANYTHING about the new party. LL was great as it was, but it did have it's downsides. I'm looking forward to a new CLEAN Limelight. If you've been there before you know what a dump it was. I heard it's gonna look a lot like Roxy does now...it'll have a lot of steel fixtures and just a overall very clean chic look. As far as I'm concerned, the music and crowd make the party and if the new LimeLight draws the same crowd and have the same music we've been accustomed to then it'll be dope! I've only gone on Sundays, so I can't speak for every other night but Sundays @ LL were incredible..always had SO mcuh fun, especially when Junior would stop by to spin. Junior Classics night was one of my best clubbing expierences ever...rivals DT @ Vinyl and Twilo. With LL opening back up as well as Crobar, the city is in for a treat this fall! I personally welcome the new options!!
  17. JB already confirmed that SUnday is going to be an all gay party just like it used to be. Looking completley different of course.
  18. i definetly didnt mean to make my post sound like i was defending the fact that the NYC clubs scene is dead right now. Its def dead but its not completly horrible. I was just trying to say how sick i am of hearing people bitch about it because thats all i hear anymore and im just tired of it. Im also tired (as you said) of ALL the rumors about Glowbana, Crobar ect.......if its going to happen it will happen. Everyone is already talking about Crobar but (and i wish this wasnt true) the club prob wont be up for at least a year imo.........im hope im wrong though......
  19. imo..... the only thing the NYC club scene is tired of is all the people bitching that the scene here is tired. Its as good as it can be right now(which i dont think is that bad at all) and its not going to get any better with another post bitching about it. i dont know about anyone else but im sick of hearing people bitch about it. If you dont like it STAY HOME!
  20. Yeah, this whole thread is just a huge failure. :laugh:
  21. Just reading that made me feel like I was in a K-hole. :confused:
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