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Everything posted by Reeni

  1. the plot is horrible i really cant get into the movie with out telling the whole thing but its a movie with guys in jail really no detail why they are there ving rhames over acts and where was that review from sounds like someone from the studio wrote that.but hey check it out what i dont like you might
  2. its not far fetched at all i wasnt talking about people i was saying my child wouldnt grow up without respect for me maybe when you have a child you'll understand the image you project has an effect on your child(kinda of topic)but for instance when a girl grows up in a abusive home she will either marry an abusive man or become abusive or simply go in the total opposite of her family and be fine.and this leaving thing i did leave him should i get cheat on over and over again to keep the family together obviously he wasnt happy enough to stay he didnt think about the family when he cheated
  3. please dont see that movie horrible horrible
  4. and you know thats going to happen
  5. yeah i heard that puffy rumor too who knows?
  6. well for now all i can do is take the remainig piece of my ceiling out move the t.v. and put pots all over the place(which i might add im running out of) and wait for the rain to let up before anyone actually goes on the roof and know as im typing this my t.v just went out b/c i have a satellite dish and its so fucking sensitive to weather and its trying to locate service:mad:
  7. sorry for double post(damn pc)
  8. the rain the fucking rain the horrible patch job i have on my roof:mad:
  9. fuck fuck fuck fuck:D shit shit shit:D bitch:D
  10. Reperations 1990-usa 1.2 mil or $20 each japanese americans 1990-australia 25 mil to holocaust surviors jewish claims on australia 1988-canada250,000 sq miles of land indian eskimos 1988-canada 230 mil japanese canadians 1986-usa32 mil 1836 treaty ottawas of michigan 1985-usa 31 mil chippawas of michigan 1985-12.3 mil semiones of florida 1985-105mil sioux of south dakota 1980-81mil klamath of oregon 1971-1bill +44mill of acres of land alaska natives land settlement 1952-822 mil to holocaust surviors german-jewish settlement so as you can see were not the first group to ask for reperations when slavery was abolished every slave was promised 40acres and a mule that was supposed to be our reperations. you shouldnt worry i doubt ill get a check from you anytime soon.
  11. Reperations 1990-usa 1.2 mil or $20 each japanese americans 1990-australia 25 mil to holocaust surviors jewish claims on australia 1988-canada250,000 sq miles of land indian eskimos 1988-canada 230 mil japanese canadians 1986-usa32 mil 1836 treaty ottawas of michigan 1985-usa 31 mil chippawas of michigan 1985-12.3 mil semiones of florida 1985-105mil sioux of south dakota 1980-81mil klamath of oregon 1971-1bill +44mill of acres of land alaska natives land settlement 1952-822 mil to holocaust surviors german-jewish settlement so as you can see were not the first group to ask for reperations when slavery was abolished every slave was promised 40acres and a mule that was supposed to be our reperations. you shouldnt worry i doubt ill get a check from you anytime soon.
  12. produce her next album or back up dancer or actor and you too can become an ex:D
  13. can your day start f#*ck up even before your alarm goes off? instead of having an alarm go off i wake up to a crashing sound the sound i hear is my ceiling falling down:mad: then my alarm clock and to make it worse it fell and now pieces are now still falling on top of my t.v. GOOD F#*CKING MORNING EVERYONE:D
  14. Is it me or is Jennifer Lopez the puerto rican Elizabeth Taylor:laugh: first she marries that waiter(whatever his name is)then dates Puffy then gets married to Chris Judd then leaves his ass to be with Ben Affleck whose next? any suggestions
  15. what do doctors know have they studyied every single child that has had parents spilt up or is it some schmuck crying in his psy.office crying his life is fucked up b/c mommy and daddy arent together anyway the reason why i incluced the child scenerio b/c i have a child and to stay in a relationship b/c its better for the child yeah right when someone is not happy they cant help but taking there misery on someone else not knowingly but you can so is it good for me to sit and worry night after night wondering who her father was fucking .miserable and depressed and then sitting there smiling in my childs face:laugh: acting as if everything is okay pretty soon that act gets old and tired and how will my daughter ever respect me when i have her father disrespecting me and thats how she will grow up thinking its okay for someone to treat you like shit b/c of love
  16. it all depends on where im going if the venue i choose to to i'll get dress up,but its so different for guys than it is for girls guys just throw on slacks and considered it dressed but for a girl you have to throw on heels and you can't dance
  17. so if a person has kids should they stay?thats possibly the worst thing to do and i hate when someone uses that as an escuse:mad:
  18. Reeni

    Breast Implants

    to each his own i wouldnt get them but i also have a 38d chest so if i was smaller maybe. i have friends who have implants one who has a terrible job to big and its right over the muscle so it looks like someone just glued them on:laugh: but my other friends went to a good doctor and had them put in underthe muslce they look and feel real and i wouldnt have known if they didnt tell me.
  19. i ve been cheated on and took them back but now................fuck that if i get cheated on i'll let his sorry ass go:D you learn by your mistakes
  20. all my clothes are slutty:D my mom tells me when she sees me leave it looks like im leaving for an audition for the playboy mansion:laugh: but i guess the most slutiest outfit would be this low cut shirt the cut goes all the way to my navel and its sheer
  21. i have the all clear tint. i brought them last february and still love them
  22. :laugh: that scared me its too early too see that omg!
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