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Posts posted by thehog

  1. How can this be???????????????????????????????????/

    The patio is what keeps me and many more comming back to SPACE.

    Now I hear that Fri. are back and with the hip-hop on the patio.

    What a stupid move:blown: No wonder Fri. could not make it before and it will die again with no patio to chill(unless you can chill with thugs.):blown: :blown:

  2. Originally posted by voluptuary

    I was only up there in the loft for a few minutes to kill some time while waiting on friends, so didn't really get the full scope of the place. I remember walking out to the balcony for a few seconds, and then walking back inside and that's when i heard all the hubbub. Bizarre coincidence I witnessed this little scene though, huh?

    But i agree. Side Bar is a cool place to hang. It gets very cramped however. If only there were a way to expand the capacity.

    I also forgot to mention this. Rush Street, which is next door to the Side Bar and another cool place to drop in, started charging $5 cover. I was disgruntled by this, finding it very pretentious. First, it's not a club, not even close. Second, it's a shitty business decision because most people just drop in and spend some dough on drinks before they hit Voodoo or Sutra. A $5 cover will drive many of these people away.....no cover, no drinks......and they will end up at the already constipated Side Bar. This is not good for those who enjoy Side Bar like you folks. Just watch all the problem drunk assholes crop up. Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news :(

    You are right to the point about Rush Street. We don't pay but I would not pay to go there. Those drunk assholes don't look like regulars and the sidebar. It tends to be an older more professional looking crowd. We were there for 2 hrs and there was a consistant flow of hunnies going throught the place.

  3. Originally posted by koky

    i say we take a vote to keep jimmy on the patio 4 good;) i knew this guy had it in him since the 1st time i heard him spin.. im glad he kicked ass but im not suprized... im just PISSED i missed it !!

    Yo bro im with you.

    Hate I missed Jimmy but I had some plans with a pigeon. Hearing the patio was packed @ 1:00 is very impresive since I have never seen this.

  4. Originally posted by voluptuary

    FTL can sure be a barrel of laughs, in more ways than one. Glad you had a great time.

    I have a question about this incident with the PROBLEM DRUNK ASSHOLE. I was at Side Bar briefly last night, waiting on some friends. Up on the second floor, i witnessed an altercation between some dude and a group of other people. Caused a bit of a disturbance. Could this be the same spat? Just wondering.

    Didn't go to Star Bar, but i stopped by in passing to check on an acquaintance who works there. The place didn't look all that blazing. I chalked it up to the chilly temp. To my chagrin, i also noted they were playing your hiphop/r&b/reggae hash.....that place is NOT the sort of venue you want to be spinning that stuff. Some sexy house would be ideal.

    And did anyone who was in FTL this week get a chance to drop in on the new "Matrix," formally known as "Sutra".....It was strange because the place was open, but wasn't really ready for business. They weren't taking cover, and not many people were on hand. Looks like they are renovating the entire joint, and i saw what looked like a dress rehersal of a laser light show in their main chamber. Anyone know where this place is going with all this?

    Matrix(Sutra) looks like shit

    Glossy blue paint everywhere is just wrong. The place is way to bright just horrible.

    That was us with guyman @ side bar. Some punck fucking fags me out and then goes to fight mr. guyman:confused: :confused: Beside that guy @ side bar has got to be on of the best pre game spots around. The talent(hot ass girls) in that place is off the hizzee fo shizzy.:D I like star bar alot but the hip hop makes me sick:blown: They will be playing some tight tunes for 30 min. and then hip hop for 30min. The bar staff there is the best.(looking and service). Big thanks to Keith for the hook up and shots.

  5. Originally posted by biznation00

    i listen to all, but my vote goes to Freestyle... u know, Stevie B., Jonny O., Lil' suzy...;)

    Saleen makes me listen to that shit.:blown:

    Had Diamond Girl on 1000des. in the car:confused:

    I thought I was going to jump out:laugh:

  6. Originally posted by lolahotass

    Here we go:

    NFL WEEK #12

    San Diego @ Miami(-3)...................(37)

    Minnesota(-8.5) @ New England....(48)

    Cleveland @ New Orleans

    Buffalo @ NY Jets(-3).......................(47.5)

    Detroit @ Chicago(-3.5)...................(39)

    Jacksonville(-2.5) @ Dallas...............(35.5)

    Cinci @ Pittsburgh(-10.5).................(43.5)

    St. Louis @ Washington

    Atlanta(-3.5) @ Carolina...................(37.5)

    Tennessee(-2) @ Baltimore..............(39)

    Kansas City(-3.5) @ Seattle.............(46)

    Oakland(-7) @ Arizona.....................(44)

    Green Bay @ Tampa Bay(-3)............(39)

    NY Giants(-5.5) @ Houston..............(35.5)

    Indy @ Denver(-6.5)........................(45)


    Phily @ San Fran(-7)........................(38)

    Best o' Luck:tongue:

    The Chagers are going to fuck up the fins

    Owwwwwwwwww yeah if Tampa beats GB they will have the best record in football.:eek::cool:

  7. Originally posted by lolahotass

    Yeah okay bee otch:rolleyes:

    If I recall, I went out last saturday night (unlike U) and still showed on Sunday and got a little tipsy.............:eek::laugh::tongue:


    you can drink

    def. more than Saleen:laugh:

  8. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Yo fuckface...are you in the military? If not, suck my dick, coz you're nothing but a cowad who lets others fight his wars for him.

    I love how all of you talk about taking these people out, and fighting for "freedom", sitting behind your computer screens and working your cushy jobs.

    If it wasn't for you right wing, dumb-ass war mongering anarchists, there wouldn't be a need for war!

    Yes I was in the Army reserves for 6 years you fucking pussy.

    I live in Plantation FL. Bring your ass down here and call me a pussy to my face you week ass bitch. No need for war???????????????????????????????????????

    I guess we should have let Japan have Hawaii? I guess we should have let Germany have all of Europe? I guess we should have let Sadam have Kuwait? You’re a fucking fool.

  9. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Just come the fuck out and say "I want Iraq's oils, and want to get rid of the man who's been mooning me all this time...oh by the way, not that is was intentional, but you people are free now. However, thats only as long as we can install a puppet government that'll do everything we tell it to...otherwise we might have to bomb you guys back to the stone age again!".

    And mrmatas2277 - yeah, I agree with you, but not all these other nations exploit poorer countries to the level that some "developed" countries do.

    First of all it is pussy tree huggers like yourself and Bill Clinton that 9-11 happened. US sailors are getting killed on the Cole and Clinton sends 4 tomahawk missiles into a tent and that is it. The US should have hunted these people down long before 9-11 even happened.

    The US has very little interest in the oil in Iraq. If you read about the oil situation in Iraq then you would know that Russian companies not US owns 70% of all the oil rigs and refineries in Iraq. Do you think the US is going to ruin our relationship or worse with Russia over these oil field? The answer is obviously no. I hope your whole family is killed by the next terrorist strike. Then you can ask you’re self why the US is in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq has been funding the Talaban, Bin laden, and Palestinian terrorist groups for years. But I guess that is cool with you?

    You know people like you with your laid back no war and violence stance make me sick. I’m not saying kill every one and take over the world or any thing. If the US would have taken action instead of waiting around 6 million Jews might have been saved from the oven's in WWII. Why don’t you think about that next time you start spuing out your fucking hippy rhetoric?

    . :blown:

  10. Originally posted by saleen351

    hey hog, how did i know jimmy t was playing the patio? I told you last night he was, but how did i know if i haven't spoken to jimmy, meli, mrmatas, oscar, roland, spacious, biz etc??????? One day you'll learn a thing or to about micro econ and marketing... Admit I was right.... I know why space is doin it... They should of done it a long time ago.. Jimmy T I won't be there, but congrads. Finally space is stepping up after a woeful month... When you play lauderdale, i'll bring a crew...


    you don't know jack

  11. Originally posted by guyman1966

    Sorry about the sex talk Hog. I forgot how hard up you are.

    Second, Capone's will be in that empty spot across from Rush. Dice Ryles is still in tied up in court. It seems the last owner was reluctant to pay taxes.

    First of all im not hard up, just on the hunt.:D

    I heard the guy that owned Dice Ryles was moving alot of coke?

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