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Posts posted by thehog

  1. hey they have this thing now called anger management classes maybe you check it out.:idea::laugh: :laugh:

    You might whant to check out this herb called weed. It's against the law but could work wonders for you.:laugh:

  2. Quote:

    not true ... I was there two weeks ago, then before that, prolly another two weeks, then before that I went up to Lauderdale for a couple of days straight. I have quite a few friends that live up there and I'll say it too, Ft. Lauderdale sucks and could never be compared to a Miami Bch. Now, I wouldn't go so far as calling it a larger Homestead with a bunch of deer hunting, back woods rednecks with glow sticks, but it ain't exactly kosher either


    Funny I have never seen 1 person from this baord there and if you or any one else were there "all the time" I'm certain I would have to run into you or them.............or maybe there are to many people there (unlike mia/sobe)......................Anyway

    I can see how you would say it sucks the music is just not as good but certainly getting better every week. But guess what man wanna bee DJ's and dance music "experts" on CP don't pay the bill at the bars. 95% of the people are out there to have fun, get drunk and hook up. I love the better music in Mia/Sobe but 9/10 have a better time chilling in Ft. Lauderdale.

    Let me ask you a question. If you had the money to open a club would it be Sobe or Ft. Lauderdale? Looking at the consistan lack of people in Sobe and increase in Ft. Lauderdale it would make no sense to pick Sobe.

  3. And, about the "Stress" you mention... If SoBe wants to continue to attract 100,000 visitors a week (like Sobeton mentioned), our guests, especially the ones from Europe (who only hear the horror stories about how dangerous the USA is), need to feel safe. Hoods and punks in packs do not contribute to the betterment of our society.


    People come here for the post card images. They see the beaches, clean streets and beautiful people. Then they get here and it is thugs hollering @ there wife’s and trashy ass bums every where, so they go home and tell all there friends about it. I think these issues may have as much impact on the tourism as the economy.


    I don't think gyman is talking racist and prejudice remarks. He is just stating the hard facts.

  4. This guy is only worth about $3.00 in spaces net profit.


    Once again you are soooooooooooooooooooo wrong.

    He brings me, (I spend at least $100 a night), we bring friends. He brings dajew; he brings his friends and his roommate. His roommate brings his friends and all of this happens every single weekend, and many time both Fri & Sat. This all adds up to alot of money going into LP's pocket every week.


  5. Ft. is just a bigger Homestead. A bunch of deer hunting, back woods red necks with glow sticks.

    I’m sorry to say but this comment makes you seem very ignorant IMO. When is the last time that you have partied here 1984? Your comment could not be any father from the truth. I set here and read all of these Ft. Lauderdale bashings and 90% of them from people that have not been here in years. Almost every weekend I go to Sobe/Miami one night and Ft. Lauderdale the other. I can guarantee you 99% of every person on this board can not say this, which means they are pretty much talking out of there asses from lack of knowledge and experience. The quality and over all clean-cut appearance of the crowds are immediately visible week in and week out. True there are few more red necks here but not very many and you don't have to step over cracked out bums every 10ft.

    The biggest difference that I have noticed in the past few months is the increase in crowds in Ft. Lauderdale and the decrease in Sobe/Miami. I’m not saying one is better than the other but all of my statements are plain and simple facts not just my opinion.

  6. . At 4 in the morning walking back from Mynt, there must have been 15-20 hookers walking Collins Ave. Then, you have all the Thug Pretenders either waking the streets harassing the hookers (and everyone else) or the assholes in the cars with the windows down and the bass way up yelling at everyone. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SOBE!!!

    It is ashamed but this is the perpetration that the rest of the country is starting to associate with SoBe. I was listening to Howard when this whole SoBe conversation arose. I would say that out of 15 callers, 13 had very negative remarks and opinions of the beach. More than one even said they felt safer walking through the Bronx at night than they did in SoBe. The first time I ever visited SoBe was 2 short years ago and I can’t believe how fast and different it has became in such a short period of time. The callers and staff of Howard all said the same thing “it used to be great but now it is the hood” is the majority of I heard.

    Is all of this a result of a poor economy or a weak Mayor/Law Enforcement? I think both may be to blame. If NYC was cleaned up in such a short period of time then the beach can be to. IMO strict loitering and cruising laws need to be enacted and enforce with an increase of “working cops”. It seams that ¾ of the police on the beach are just wondering around with there heads up there ass or just trying to find clubs to pay them there $25 hr. to work when they are off of regular duties.

  7. Quote:

    As far as the talk ab my friend...perhaps it's b/c they know I have a Boyfriend


    Exactly right your pretty 2

    clean out your pm's or tell me the name of that track so I can ripp it.

  8. As someone who lives in the Lauderdale scene and visits the SoBe/Miami scene often, I’d like to add my two cents.

    Back in my day, KNOWONE went to SoBe, except to eat at Joe’s and/or die. Lauderdale was the hot spot w/ all the Spring Breakers and party people. Obviously, I don’t need to go into how that has changed. SoBe has become a fantastic place. The clubs are some of the best in the world. If you doubt that just visit LA, Vegas, Philly and tell me they don’t suck! The problem with SoBe is the infestation of all the wanna-B gangsters and punks. This past weekend, I booked a room at a trendy SoBe hotel and lived the life. Let me tell you, this was the first time I was ever nervous walking the streets at night in SoBe. At 4 in the morning walking back from Mynt, there must have been 15-20 hookers walking Collins Ave. Then, you have all the Thug Pretenders either waking the streets harassing the hookers (and everyone else) or the assholes in the cars with the windows down and the bass way up yelling at everyone. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SOBE!!! Maybe using the Valet’s and not having to deal with the unwashed masses has spoiled me, but this is ridiculous. I feel safer parking in the hood by Space then I did during a ten-block walk on a busy Saturday night in SoBe. And, ALL of this can be traced to the Hip-Hop element. It is just a BAD CULTURE and BAD ELEMENT. It breeds and encourages violence.

    What is nice about Lauderdale is that its safe to walk around, the clubs are friendly and the bad elements are kept to a minimum. Lauderdale has the potential to one day reclaim its past fame. Voodoo was the first step towards better clubs in Lauderdale. More are here and on the way. Everything comes full circle and if SoBe does not clean up the streets, more people will reevaluate their options.


    You summed it up perfectly without offending any one or their parties. I could not agree more with you.

    Hey come party with us this weekend


  9. This Friday Desyn and Ivano will be performing at Spin. Set times are Desyn 10p to 1a and Ivano 1 to 4 a. I am personally inviting everyone on this board and your guests to be my and Biz' VIP guest and drink free at our table from 10pm to 1 am. That's right I said everyone on this board that comes in and mentions my name or Biz' at the door will receive a VIP band and will be escorted to our tables in the VIP.

    :eek: :eek:

    What a guy damn.

    Some of the problems @ Spin piss me off some time but nothing bad enough to never go back. IMO the real problem is the crowd and the lack there of. LP and Biz are stand up guys and I hope the crowd and vibe comes back soon.

  10. with every one talking about GA going to NYC what is this club doing?? This place never has any thing planned, no guest DJ's, no promotions....nothing.:confused:

    I think they should chang there name to What Ever.

    You walk up to the door and ask who is playing? "UMM some blow up doll with a cd playing UMM what ever we don't know".

    I think Jerry Kelly should get his head out of the white sack of goodies.:confused:

  11. Quote:


    If you like good music and girls........go to a PMS party. There are more hot chicks at one time in the bathroom at every PMS party than in all the places you have been in Lauderdale together.

    You are missing it buddy


    Im not missing a fucking thing smart ass.

    I will always party in Sobe and downtown Mia.

    I just keep asking my self why go there so much when Ft. Lauderdale is 1. waaaay better hot girl ratio. 3. the music has gotton alot better. (nothing like Mia but good enough) 4. cheaper every thing 4. waaaay better ghetto ratio. 5. drinking on the street from bar to bar. 6. friendly and better bar staff. 7. you can leave the bar and get back in with no problems.

    So yeah im missing it your right :rolleyes

    See you @ Space if you go for MP------------------- NERD.

    PMS party:confused:

    grow up "buddy" your out of 10th grade. (I think:confused: )

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