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Posts posted by thehog

  1. Top 20 Clubs in America

    as complied by the Ministry of Sound (they're pretty official)

    Trust in Baltimore

    Nation in DC

    C2K in Vegas

    Freedom in Tempe

    Velvet in ST Louis

    Release in SF

    Ruby Skye in SF

    USC Events in Seattle

    Fluid in Philly

    Crobar in Miami

    Space in Miami

    Spundae in LA

    Hyperia in Houston

    Necto in Detriot

    The Church in Denver

    Red Jacket in Dallas

    Visions in Chicago

    Mythos in Charolette

    and NYC has 3


    Shelter and


    This list is for shit! That club Mythos in Charolette is a fucking joke, the place is terrible. The music sucks there are nothing but freaks there and no hot girls.:blown:

  2. Quote:

    Stereo once had a vibe?

    The Poor House next door has more of a vibe festering on the bar floor than Stereo ever had. But that's just my experienced opinion.

    I don't know what in the fock nights you used to go there?:confused:

    I remember going there and having a hell of a good time w kick ass music and beoches every where. That was before the ghetto nation took ova.:mad:

  3. After the games this week I would have to say the Best teams are the Chargers, Aints and Packers. The Packers are lucky as hell that they have a by next week. Farve sprang his legg or something and would deff. have played this week.

    The focking Buck. :blown:

    There offense focking sucks big time. I can't understand why they spent so much money on that team to have such a shitty QB.:blown: fock B. Johnson, fock R. Johnson. I still say they have one of the best defenses every they just got tired from being on the field the whole game.:mad:

  4. Hmmm, I think the niners got smoked with all their starters

    This is true but they were playing the Saints and they are no longer the Aints. The Bills suck so your comparison is not valid Lola.:blown:

  5. Quote:

    Level is listed, and could never be a hotel. the lobby ceiling is protected, the staircase, 2 of the bars etc...

    Yes we have big names coming in - watch for my post in the next couple of weeks, or email me to get on the mailing list.

    That's good to hear.

    I hope you guys do start bringing some talent in. If you do im sure me the crew and many others would start going.:D

  6. I have been in S. FL for a little over a year and I can not beleive how fast So Be has gone down hill. :blown: I guess down town is were the scene is turning to.

    I was shoocked that the doo doo lounge actually had some decend music last night. :eek: and yes the girlies where out with a vengance.

    Quote: I was in this new bar, called BAR, and these two guys were jamming!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HEll yea! I walked over there Fri. night to check it out since it is a new little bar and such. So im sitting there for like 10min and I could not beleive this talent was in this club the size of bedroom. That focker on the drums was going off like beavis on crack. I told Saleen he had to check these guys out. Space needs to get these guys on the patio they would probably play for hardly nothing and they are fucking sick.:eek: :eek::cool:

  7. Quote:



    What you need to realize is that the most important thought on any Presidents mind should be national security. Have you been in a cave for the last 13 mnts.?:confused: Iraq has been haboring and bank rolling Terrorists for years. Let me ask you a question, do you own a TV? Look at all the fucking bombings in the last week. It is only a matter of time until it happens here again.:mad:

    That is just half the problem with Iraq. What about the drone planes found with spraying equipment? I don't think you have any idea how many Israel's would be killed with one plane or scud full of veren would be used. Why in the hell do some people think that Saddam would not use this????? I mean he has sprayed and killed thousands of his own people in the North and Southern sections of Iraq. That is why the no fly zone has been in place for 10 yrs.:eek:

    What about the fact that Iraq is buying parts and trying to develope nuks?? If that does not scare you then your a fool because as soon as they get one they will head right for NY city with it.

  8. RAVE Act Will Curtail Free Speech and Musical Expression

    The RAVE Act serves as a clear assault on raves and electronic music. The reality is that property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars or face up to twenty years in federal prison if they hold raves or other events on their property ﷓ even if they work hard to deter drug use. Although the substance of this law is neutral and would apply equally to all events and all locations, it is clear that it will not be enforced equally. If the bill becomes law, property owners may be too afraid to rent or lease their property to groups holding raves, other all﷓night dance parties, rock or Hip﷓Hop concerts, or any other event that federal prosecutors do not like. This will have a definite chilling effect on free speech and musical expression.

    How in the fuck could any one that likes to go clubbing like or support this bill????????:confused:

    I guess you whant all the clubs to close @2:00?? I guess you whant halft of all the club to close because the owners will be locked up????

    Out of all the stupid shit you have posted SALEEN this is by fare the one comment that you need to back the fuck up and think about what your saying.:blown:

  9. Last time was like $40 after 12 .......before 12 was $20 .......get there early if u wanna save some $$$$ and spend it @ the bar

    I would agree with that.

    I know there is no list so get there early.

  10. Last time was like $40 after 12 .......before 12 was $20 .......get there early if u wanna save some $$$$ and spend it @ the bar

    I would agree with that.

    I know there is no list so get there early.

  11. another time this fat 40--50 year old starts asking me to be his personal trainer. i told him i couldnt do that and he started crying saying that he was a virgin and girls laugh at him, man was he fat and hairy. it was so hard not to laff in his face.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    What a retarded focker. He should have just got hookers.:laugh:

  12. GA

    Im not saying I agree with all the drama Saleen causes. Mostly they are just his negative opinion about this or that and people take it to seriously. You have a valid point that he should not destroy people for there opinions.

    Im just pissed that you are the one that keeps egging the shit on.

    whether right or wrong, shroomy and ga2 are the moderators of this board and they could do whatever the fuck they want....got a problem with that?.....PM Dave....

    I know this dumb ass:blown:

    why don't you go back to marching band before i bitch slap you in the face you focker

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