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Posts posted by thehog

  1. Davey Boy Smith died about 8 mnts ago.

    The best match ever was the pay per view with Mand Kind and the Under Taker. When the Under taker trew Mank Kind off the top of the cage. That was like a 25 foot drop :eek: Fucking Amazing!!


    I was with some friends a Panama City Fl a few years back and we almost beat down Perry Satern. That guy is a total ass hole.

  2. Although she has always been nice to me I did hear her say that to Saleen.

    The night PVD played Saleen and our roomate left the bar to go to the atm. Right after they left that same bartender asked me why me friends stole there drinks? I was like wtf they did not even have a drink?:rolleyes:

  3. Quote from Saleen

    Oh, ban glowsticks, whistles, drugs, drug users, ivano, niko, trance, and chicks who think they are hotter then they really are..

    Man if you don't like drug users then why don't you just go to Church on Sunday, or you can go to the Temple beside your house.:laugh:

  4. I've been offered Priest Holmes and Trent Green for Warner and Eddie George. I think I'm gonna take this one.


    :eek: :eek:

    Shit you better take that offer!

    Warner suck's and Eddie George is as fragile as a glass egg.

  5. When I was in the service I had a friend that passed more than a few of these test . Yeah he told me that he drank water all day before and of the test. The second most important thing to do is don't eat before the test, and not much the day before. Last but nost least Golden Seal work with this approuch and only $7 @ Walmart.:cool:

  6. Yeah OG had his A game on for Fri. night. The place had a great vibe and every one in the place was going nuts. Good to chat with all you guys (Pod, Biz, Spacious). The bar babes took good care of da crew all night. Bothe of these girls that work up stairs are smoking, especially the one that looks like J Low(but 100 times hotter.):eek::D

    ow yeah

    and a big fock you DUI, for making us look like dumb asses after your drunk ass almost puts the owner on the floor for the 3rd time in the same night.:blown:

  7. Quote:

    actually I made a mistake- it's CAPRICORN. but I did promise you the prize so lets pretend it's sagitarius...

    I think we're gonna have to ban you from space events. your gonna hog up all our prizes.. u deserve them anyway- your one of our biggest supporters...


    This all seems a little shady to me:confused: :nono:

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