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Everything posted by doubledeuce

  1. it was 18 for girls last week... almost positive it is always 18 for girls and 21 for guys on a friday...
  2. Metro tonight... San Genero tomorrow... possibly Deko... and FACTORY sunday morning... :party:
  3. I used to buy, buy, buy... and now i am in DEBT...lol...
  4. that is soooo funny... i used to have an awesome memory... but lately i have been losing too many chromies...
  5. I love snapple iced tea.. it's my favorite...
  6. I have to work until 5:00, and i work in Secaucus...
  7. I just thought i would share that w/everyone... my job absolutely sux...
  8. I AM DOWN FOR THAT... i would like kettel one and cranberry, PLEASE... :)
  9. that's cause i am going to metro tomorrow night... ;)
  10. I will definitely be in attendence at SP tonight... just don't know what time i will be arriving at... it all depends on what time i get out of work... hopefully i will get cut first... p.s. we haven't run out of the elmer's yet... :laugh:
  11. Stiffy... that was great... "why not refer to yourselves as STALLIONS"... :laugh: gotta love u...
  12. I went to factory on the 7th... and i had an amazing time... i got there at about 6am... and stayed until 1ish... i'll also be there this weekend for a friend's b-day, and next weekend for the S&M party... but after that, i may have to lay low for awhile... i am losing too many chromies...
  13. I'm being serious... :( ... i have to law low for a bit... well, after i go to vinyl anyway... i've never been there, so i want to check it out...lol... :laugh:
  14. lol... :laugh: ... will you be in attendence at all?
  15. I'll be there both this weekend and the next for S&M... but after that i may have to take a little break... :( ... i lost way too many chromies this summer... :blank:
  16. I don't like sausage and peppers... but i am definitely feelin' the grilled chicken... I'll have to stop by and introduce myself, because i don't believe we met...
  17. THE V-8 Days... oh... those were the greatest... we definitely have to meet up sometime this weekend... i will most likely be at south park tomorrow night, but it all depends on what time i get out of work (i waitress part time now)... but i will def call u...
  18. :laugh: we used to... :( jenni 1, jenny 2, held together w/sticky glue...
  19. DOUBLEDEUCE MISSES YOU.... :( ... i feel like i haven't seen you in forever...
  20. hmmm.... maybe i will take a ride there tonight after work, i am going over to group USA during my lunch, cause it is right around the corner...
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