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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by doubledeuce

  1. You're at MER-MER-MER-MERGGGGGE and You're listening to DJ RICH-RICH-RICHIE RYDELL.....
  3. Everybody and their mother keeps telling me I missed a great party this past Sunday.
  4. :laugh: i just did... r u going to factory this weekend?
  5. started out at metro... and my mistake was telling george that i wanted to get drunk cause i didn't have to be in work until 2 that friday... BIG MISTAKE.... i ended up at centro-fly... puked everywhere... but still a good time...
  6. I like christmas... but i have seven nieces and nephews to buy for... plus three cousins... so i end up spending a lot of money and time in KB Toys...
  7. I went to centro-fly once... and i think i died there... it was a GREAT time though...from what i can remember...
  8. I am looking forward to saving MONEY... saving miles on my new truck... and also looking forward to fall clothes... Metro Fridays and Factory Saturdays...
  9. ... going to metro and south park... i start my birthday celebrating tonight... :party:
  10. I heard it was Africa Hot in there... What are u doing the rest of the week? Can't believe this summer is over
  11. :laugh: took a while... but i caught on... i didn't get money from mike... but u gave me urs...
  12. djdan... u missed factory on sunday... i couldn't remember if i saw u there or not... factory was definitely sick... i would have stayed if i didn't have to go to beatstock...
  13. I ALREADY TOLD U THAT I FORGIVE U FOR MISSING BEATSTOCK... i almost got rid of ur and mike da hat's tickets... but my friends didn't make it...
  14. I had a crazy weekend... too much driving... I got home from the shore at 3:30 yesterday and slept until 7:45 this morning... it felt soooooooo good... i ate for the first time since saturday today at lunch... i lost like 5 pounds over the weekend... it was all well worth it though... merge was sick on saturday night... factory was great, i would have stayed if i didn't have to go to beatstock... although i am glad i made it there... and tempts was definitely a good time on sunday night... even though i didn't realize i was standing in the wrong corner until about 2:30 in the morning... i don't know how i managed that... i was wondering where all u guys were all night...all i have to say is... COOKIES AND CREAM...
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