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Everything posted by stillrollin

  1. She's the one responsible for my being here and cluttering up your board for the past couple of weeks.... :D I found a post of hers on the BBS at the Crobar website that directed me to this BBS. And, I must say that y'all have been a great help to us as we plan our first trip to your little slice of clubbing heaven!! Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everybody who's been so kind to me, to Lola for directing people to this board, and especially to those that I've been in contact with via the PM system!
  2. Thanks for the tips, Sobeton!! We have Mr. Acosta & Level on the agenda for Saturday night, assuming he's in town..... As for Friday, we have to head up to Pompano Beach for the evening, but should be back to SoBe by midnite. We'll prolly freshen up a bit. Then, head out to either Crobar (if we wanna stay in south beach area), or head to Space (just 'cuz we really wanna see the place)..... if any of y'all wanna meet up with us, just shoot me a pm or email me from my profile.
  3. J/K georgeacasta2..... hence the :D i was just bustin on djdekan a little for not noticing that i'd been around a bit and was complimenting yer board!!! Thanks for the well wishes for our D:Fuse nite. He's alway's been good when we've seen him.
  4. I heard that the "cool half of the board" will be at Spin for Lee Burridge on Saturday night..... :D Anyway, I'm gonna hang around Dallas this weekend and catch D:Fuse at The Lizard Lounge
  5. oops.... double post. sorry. any moderator may delete this post, while docking my score 5 posts for "running up the postcount".
  6. i'm pretty new here myself, and don't really feel right *welcoming* you to the board. but, for what it's worth, i've checked out a LOT of BBS when preparing to travel and this one has the most helpful and hospitable people. hope you make some good friends!
  7. agreed, shroomy. 'Tis nice..... however, i'm still of the belief that Cafe del Mar Vol. 7 is the best of the series to this point.
  8. only one more week now..... many thanks to those of you who have provided us tips via the message boards and pm's! much appreciated. see y'all on the dancefloor!
  9. Thank you.... Thank you, all!! I'll be here all week.... seriously though, when does it usually rain? mornings, afternoons, evenings? it DOES clear up most days though, yeah??
  10. Geez, what a bunch of pussies you yanks are!!! We have our flights booked, our rooms reserved, and our rental car waiting for the first weekend of August..... Should we cancel? Or, would it be wiser for us to just come out and enjoy a break from the heat?? I mean, hell, it's only 101* F here today.... :D :D
  11. hey.... is this the same "louie devito" that showed up on the dating game, Elimidate?!?!?! i lose all respect for ANY human being that enters a television dating contest...... whatadick!!! :D
  12. DAMMIT!!!! I was really hopin' to meet up with some of you lot..... I don't think I'll be able to get this "excursion" approved, though. Ah well, have fun!!
  13. Haven't been to Orchid yet..... However, Thin Men are gonna be spinning at Club Seven this friday night, and i'll likely go down and check it out. i'll get back to ya.....
  14. I'm sorry guys, but I was never much of a Star Wars fan..... Could somebody please translate Biz's analogy into "Night at the Roxbury" so I could follow along. :D Carry on.
  15. thanx biz... i emailed ya as well, so disregard that if you haven't already replied. see y'all in two weeks!
  16. Hey Biz..... Any word on who is spinning at Space &/or Spin on Aug. 2 & 3?? I've checked both websites and can't find any info for that weekend... thanks in advance.
  17. Hmmmm...... I can already tell that I'm gonna end up waaaaayyyyy overthinking all of this! Y'all have too many kick-ass clubs for us to check out in one extended weekend. I'm pretty sure that we want to check out Space, if only just to see the place. With that said, my wife really likes George Acosta, and his set here in Dallas a couple of months back tore the roof off of a local club. So, we are trying to work that into Saturday night. I guess we just need to wait and see what all the DJ lineups end up being......
  18. Are Fridays there good as well, or is it just Saturday?
  19. Thanks for the tips.... I found cooljunkie about a month ago. great site. I think we definitely wanna check out Space, and possibly Level, but figured we'd get the best advice of all thru "the regulars".
  20. Thanks georgeacasta2! y'all have a great board. i lurked for hours last night before finally registering. take care.
  21. You are correct!! You have control of the board. Please choose another topic..... sunnyhost --- didn't i give it away with the use of, "y'all"??!?!?!? :D
  22. Thank you very much, sunnyhost!! Glad you enjoyed the piccies! IBIZA IS UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!! everyone should experience it as many times as possible..... we were there from may 28 thru june 9. it's hard to believe we've been back for over a month now. we had the good fortune of being there for the eden opening party, the el divino opening party, and best of all, SPACE OPENING PARTY 2002!!! :D (the very last pic is from space, #29)
  23. Hello, y'all!!!! Just wanted to introduce myself to the gang. We are gonna be making our first trip to your little slice of party heaven the first weekend of August, and was hopin' to be able to gather some good tips on this board. I started a thread late last night when I first found your board with our Ibiza pics!! Figured it could only add to the excitement generated by Shroomy's pix! Btw, we are from the big D..... :D
  24. More pictures from Ibiza!!! <<<<< Click Here enjoy!! by the way, shroomy, great pics of your trip!
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