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Everything posted by obby

  1. Thanks guys...here are a few more. Have a great and safe weekend everyone!!!!! Aiden Aiden My bro, Aiden and myself My bro, Karina (sister in law) and Alani (my niece) Karina, Aiden and Alani (Karina would kill me if she knew I posted this pic)
  2. Party in Star Island tonight Party in the Gables tomorrow Spin Spin Sugar !!!!!!! Animal scraficing on Sunday (J/K)
  3. Aiden My bro, Aiden and myself
  4. Poor raver kid. I guess that is where you and I differ in opinions. While I believe that the US is the greatest hope the World has. You believe we are fuck ups. At least you are a little optimistic and are willing to say "we shall see a few years from now". That must have been tough for you to write.
  5. LOL You made zero sense to me there !!!!! How old are you ????? Don't even answer that. Try and add to your notes the list of countries saved or liberated by the USA -You see the failures while I see the accomplishments - Australia/New Zealand and all the South Pacific islands (saved from the Japanese in WW2); UK (saved in WW2); France (same); most of the formerly "Western" Europe (saved in WW2 and from Communism afterwards); large chunks of South East Asia (eg Philippines) saved in WW2 and in subsequent conflicts; South Korea; parts of the Middle East (eg Kuwait) and Africa in conflicts during and since WW2. This has been due to "direct" involvement, such as in France/Germany and the Pacific, where US forces were mainly responsible for the victories. One could also argue the "indirect" influence of the US has kept Communism in check, as well as other violent movements. I mention this not to denigrate the military involvement of other countries,but it is beyond dispute that without US activity in WW2 and the years since, this world would be a much uglier place for millions. While regarded as the world's policeman, We have no obligation to fix the social ills of other countries. We can give them the tools. We can give them the opportunity. We can give them their lives back. Ultimately however, it is up to individual citizens to take the reins and direct the plow. Defending ourselves and others is the point. Obviously President Bush has read Alexander Hamilton's definitive words from Washington's farewell address. (Right, Washington's) Beware of foreign entanglements. Kick your enemy's butt, then give him the means to become our friend. The liberals will continue to scratch at anything to make their points against Bush. We all know that the major objection to this war is based on hatred of the President and their belief of his illegitimacy, and not on our nation's ultimate security. You "Raver" don't seem to grasp Afghanistan. Since Alexander the Great, this land has never been conquered. The Soviets couldn't. We just swept through there in a few months! Defining our presence as in great part social work is helping us stay long enough for stability to be established. We already achieved the most pressing part of our national interest there. Do you realize how amazing this is!???? NO !!!!!! As for Iraq, the United States can, through building a democratic political system and a healthy economy, win the support of millions of Iraqis who are happy with the outcome of this war. A new Marshall Plan for Iraq can rebuild the middle class which has been eliminated by the terror regime of Saddam Hussein. This just shows the huge differnce between you and I. Again, while you see and focus on the failures. I see the accomplishments!!!!! PERSPECTIVE IS KEY !!!!!!!!
  6. Stop wasting your brain cells. As the title above your avitar states....you're "LOST" You keep bring up Iraq as a failure but you yourself fail to acknoledge that the war is not over. Let me skim over what occurred in our occupation of Germany after WW II. The Germans did not get on their feet until 1949-50. Until then, thousands of Germans died every winter. But look at the political and social miracle that we accomplished there. It took several years, but we did it!
  7. TigerDirect I think Phrankadelic can get you 20% off. he he What OS do you think it uses? I would say Unix since the mars rovers ran on Unix.
  8. Great answer !!!!!! I guess you need more time. You have all the time in the world to read up on history. As much as I want to slap the list in front of you, I will leave it up to you educate yourself. Good luck !!!!
  9. I agree!!!! What does one do when one has publicly come out against a military interdiction only to find that it proved necessary after all? Spin it! Draw the focus away from one's own, very public error by suggesting that one's "opponents" have made the error. Since Clinton studiously avoided confronting terrorism his entire tenure, the American people have had to face it in previously unknown levels of s*****ty. And now, having faced down and eliminated the immediate, foresworn enemies and threats of our values and way of life, does anyone in the media approve? Does any "cutting edge" journalist admit that we could be looking at repeats of 9/11 if we had not acted decisively? No. All we now hear is: "Gee whiz, the Afghans and Iraqis still have problems." "380 tons of ammo missing thanks to the US" (mind you while the 1,000,000 + tons that have been secured by the US go ignored.) "People are still dieing" No matter what happens, the greater global media and world population will surely blame the US for doing the right thing, and they'll criticize for not getting the "social benefits" established/distributed fast enough. And the world thinks Americans are the ones who suffer from instant gratification disease!
  10. Feel free to name more if you can. Pick up a History book CandyKidRaver. Search the web, talk to an old teacher, do something. Feed your brain with knowledge not hate.
  11. We make sooooo many mistakes but yet everyone comes to us when in need. LOL
  12. Many said we would never make it to the moon too. I respect your opinion but must mention that I myself have many family members and friends fighting in Iraq as well and not one feels the way you do. They do agree that many of the Iraqis can not be trusted but at the same time they know many who appreciate your/our efforts and look forward in leading their own Country. Soldiers die in every war and until our technology improves more than it has already, they will continue to die. It's a WAR !!!!! My cousin Arthur Mastrapa died one day prior to coming home for Fathers Day. Although saddened by the fact we love him and respect him for his brave service. America troops have died for others benefits more than any other troops in the world. Your services are appreciated by more people that you think !!!!!! God Bless America, Our Troops and George W. Bush
  13. Someone hates Bush bad !!!!!!!! That's ok because Kerry will be consistent and continue to argue this crap and continue to point the finger at Bush in hope to prove his tactics that "if you repeat a lie long enough.......some will eventually believe it is true." That has been his tactic for a while now and I can only laugh at the ones who fall for it.
  14. Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned. John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said in an interview that he believes the Russian troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, "almost certainly" removed the high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility, south of Baghdad. "The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units." Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloging the tons of conventional arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration. Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated from other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and Lebanon, and possibly to Iran, he said. The Russian involvement in helping disperse Saddam's weapons, including some 380 tons of RDX and HMX, is still being investigated, Mr. Shaw said. The RDX and HMX, which are used to manufacture high-explosive and nuclear weapons, are probably of Russian origin, he said. Pentagon spokesman Larry DiRita could not be reached for comment. The disappearance of the material was reported in a letter Oct. 10 from the Iraqi government to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Disclosure of the missing explosives Monday in a New York Times story was used by the Democratic presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry, who accused the Bush administration of failing to secure the material. Al-Qaqaa, a known Iraqi weapons site, was monitored closely, Mr. Shaw said. "That was such a pivotal location, Number 1, that the mere fact of [special explosives] disappearing was impossible," Mr. Shaw said. "And Number 2, if the stuff disappeared, it had to have gone before we got there." The Pentagon disclosed yesterday that the Al-Qaqaa facility was defended by Fedayeen Saddam, Special Republican Guard and other Iraqi military units during the conflict. U.S. forces defeated the defenders around April 3 and found the gates to the facility open, the Pentagon said in a statement yesterday. A military unit in charge of searching for weapons, the Army's 75th Exploitation Task Force, then inspected Al-Qaqaa on May 8, May 11 and May 27, 2003, and found no high explosives that had been monitored in the past by the IAEA. The Pentagon said there was no evidence of large-scale movement of explosives from the facility after April 6. "The movement of 377 tons of heavy ordnance would have required dozens of heavy trucks and equipment moving along the same roadways as U.S. combat divisions occupied continually for weeks prior to and subsequent to the 3rd Infantry Division's arrival at the facility," the statement said. The statement also said that the material may have been removed from the site by Saddam's regime. According to the Pentagon, U.N. arms inspectors sealed the explosives at Al-Qaqaa in January 2003 and revisited the site in March and noted that the seals were not broken. It is not known whether the inspectors saw the explosives in March. The U.N. team left the country before the U.S.-led invasion began March 20, 2003. A second defense official said documents on the Russian support to Iraq reveal that Saddam's government paid the Kremlin for the special forces to provide security for Iraq's Russian arms and to conduct counterintelligence activities designed to prevent U.S. and Western intelligence services from learning about the arms pipeline through Syria. The Russian arms-removal program was initiated after Yevgeny Primakov, the former Russian intelligence chief, could not persuade Saddam to give in to U.S. and Western demands, this official said. A small portion of Iraq's 650,000 tons to 1 million tons of conventional arms that were found after the war were looted after the U.S.-led invasion, Mr. Shaw said. Russia was Iraq's largest foreign supplier of weaponry, he said. However, the most important and useful arms and explosives appear to have been separated and moved out as part of carefully designed program. "The organized effort was done in advance of the conflict," Mr. Shaw said. The Russian forces were tasked with moving special arms out of the country. Mr. Shaw said foreign intelligence officials believe the Russians worked with Saddam's Mukhabarat intelligence service to separate out special weapons, including high explosives and other arms and related technology, from standard conventional arms spread out in some 200 arms depots. The Russian weapons were then sent out of the country to Syria, and possibly Lebanon in Russian trucks, Mr. Shaw said. Mr. Shaw said he believes that the withdrawal of Russian-made weapons and explosives from Iraq was part of plan by Saddam to set up a "redoubt" in Syria that could be used as a base for launching pro-Saddam insurgency operations in Iraq. The Russian units were dispatched beginning in January 2003 and by March had destroyed hundreds of pages of documents on Russian arms supplies to Iraq while dispersing arms to Syria, the second official said. Besides their own weapons, the Russians were supplying Saddam with arms made in Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria and other Eastern European nations, he said. "Whatever was not buried was put on lorries and sent to the Syrian border," the defense official said. Documents reviewed by the official included itineraries of military units involved in the truck shipments to Syria. The materials outlined in the documents included missile components, MiG jet parts, tank parts and chemicals used to make chemical weapons, the official said. The director of the Iraqi government front company known as the Al Bashair Trading Co. fled to Syria, where he is in charge of monitoring arms holdings and funding Iraqi insurgent activities, the official said. Also, an Arabic-language report obtained by U.S. intelligence disclosed the extent of Russian armaments. The 26-page report was written by Abdul Tawab Mullah al Huwaysh, Saddam's minister of military industrialization, who was captured by U.S. forces May 2, 2003. The Russian "spetsnaz" or special-operations forces were under the GRU military intelligence service and organized large commercial truck convoys for the weapons removal, the official said. Regarding the explosives, the new Iraqi government reported that 194.7 metric tons of HMX, or high-melting-point explosive, and 141.2 metric tons of RDX, or rapid-detonation explosive, and 5.8 metric tons of PETN, or pentaerythritol tetranitrate, were missing. The material is used in nuclear weapons and also in making military "plastic" high explosive. Defense officials said the Russians can provide information on what happened to the Iraqi weapons and explosives that were transported out of the country. Officials believe the Russians also can explain what happened to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs.
  15. I think after 9-11 we learned (most of us) that a box cutter can be used as a WMD.
  16. The US planted them there !!!!!!! (I am sure if found most Libz will spew that garbage)
  17. What a treat this morning: William Kristol hammered the pro-Democrat New York Times and pro-Democrat CBS for "colluding" and "conspiring" with Sen. John Kerry to topple President Bush. Even Kerry's own handlers now admit they have no proof to back up the issue the Democrats concocted with their media allies. Kristol notes in his new column for Weekly Standard: "Pressed on Tuesday afternoon about the accuracy of the allegations on Fox's Big Story with John Gibson, Richard Holbrooke, a senior adviser to the Kerry campaign, said: 'You don't know the truth and I don't know the truth.' He later underscored this point: 'I don't know the truth.' "That minor issue hasn't kept the Kerry campaign from creating a television ad based on what may well be untruthful claims. ... Shouldn't he at least make sure that such a charge is true?" But in the Democrat playbook there's no entry for truth. The party's longtime strategy is to repeat a lie until people believe it. Thanks to their media collaborators, and President Bush's wimpy refusal to denounce the Times and "60 Minutes" and Kerry and John Edwards, the stunt could succeed. At least a few voices are speaking out. "Kerry gins up his attack machine based on a flawed New York Times story," the Republican National Committee noted Tuesday. Richard Lessner, executive director of American Conservative Union, blasted the story "a cheap, baseless and partisan hit-job on President Bush" and pointed out that "neither the Times nor CBS has much interest in reporting the facts."
  18. Balls and a Backbone are what we need when dealing with terrorist !!!!!!!!! Just my 2 cents.
  19. XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX WED OCT 27, 2004 12:42:01 ET XXXXX ABCNEWS HOLDS TERROR WARNING TAPE **Exclusive** In the last week before the election, ABCNEWS is holding on a videotaped message from a purported al Qaeda terrorist warning of a new attack on America, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. The terrorist claims on tape the next attack will dwarf 9/11. "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead. Further claims: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda. ABCNEWS strongly denies holding the tape back from broadcast over political concerns during the last days of the election. The CIA is analyzing the tape, a top federal source tells the DRUDGE REPORT. ABCNEWS obtained the tape from a source in Waziristan, Pakistan over the weekend, sources tells DRUDGE. "We have been working 24 hours a day trying to authenticate [the tape]," a senior ABCNEWS source said Wednesday morning. The terrorist's face is concealed by a head dress, and he speaks in an American accent, making it difficult to identify the individual. But US intelligence officials believe that man may be Adam Gadhan - aka Adam Pearlman - a southern California native who was highlighted by the FBI in May as an individual most likely to be involved in or have knowledge of the next al Qaeda attacks. According to the FBI, Gadahn, 25, attended al-Qaida training camps and served as an al-Qaida translator. The disturbing tape runs an hour -- the man simply identifies himself as 'Assam the American.' http://www.fbi.gov/terrorinfo/gadahn.htm MORE ----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant http://www.drudgereport.com for updates ©DRUDGE REPORT 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author
  20. 380 tons would take more than 40 massive trucks to move. Do you guys really believe that 40 truck loads filled with 380 tons of bombs where moved right under our noses and bypassed out satellites, spy planes and troops ?????? Just can't accept this one yet !!!!!! Perspective people perspective !!!!!!! Please do not fall for Kerry's tactics. Again he is targeting the uninformed. Do your own research.
  21. LOL American - Cuban (more American than Beef Jerky) (Baptist Hospital) Misinformed.....again !!!!! I'll still party with you any time !!!!! We all bleed red !!!!!!
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