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Everything posted by obby

  1. Well said side kick To the bat cave Robin!!!!
  2. Their all lies !!!!!!! Kerry did get a 1% bounce LOL
  3. Exclusive: Nancy Reagan Strongly Endorses George Bush Breaking from NewsMax.com In a statement made Monday to NewsMax.com, Nancy Reagan said she is strongly endorsing George W. Bush's re-election and categorically denied a published Internet report that said she was not backing his run for a second term. Joanne Drake, the chief of staff for former President Reagan's office in Los Angeles, said in a statement on behalf of the former first lady, "Mrs. Reagan supports President Bush's re-election 150 percent." Published reports have suggested that Mrs. Reagan was unhappy with President Bush for his strong opposition to stem cell research, which Mrs. Reagan has supported after her husband's long bout with Alzheimer's disease. Mrs. Reagan's son Ron spoke last week at the Democratic National Convention. Young Ron indicated his mother supported his speech and that she was unhappy with the Bush administration for opposing embryonic stem cell research. Ron Reagan also gave an implicit endorsement to the Kerry-Edwards ticket, which supports that type of stem cell research, when he told his national audience, "Whatever else you do come Nov. 2, I urge you, please, cast a vote for embryonic stem cell research." Drake, however, noted in her statement on behalf of Mrs. Reagan, "I think everyone would understand that while she may not agree with the president on every issue, this campaign is more than just one issue - it's about leadership and she believes that President Bush is the right man for the job." Mrs. Reagan's statement came on the heels of a July 30th report published on the Web site capitolhillblue.com. The Web report, headlined "Nancy Reagan to Bush: 'We Don't Support Your Re-Election,'" quoted a "spokesman" for Mrs. Reagan as telling the site, "Mrs. Reagan does not support President Bush's re-election and neither do most members of the President's family." Drake also denied the Web site's claim that Mrs. Reagan told Republican leaders she wants nothing to do with the party or President Bush, or that she "went ballistic" when she learned the Bush campaign was test marketing new ads that used Reagan's photos and speeches in an effort to show he supported Bush and his re-election. Capitolhillblue.com also claimed that Mrs. Reagan personally called Republican Party Chief Ed Gillespie to demand the ads be destroyed. "The quote that appeared in Capitol Hill Blue is incorrect," Drake said on behalf of Mrs. Reagan. "Further, I do not know where the information came from [indicating that] the former first lady went ballistic when she read the Bush campaign was test marketing new ads. She did not speak to Ed Gillespie on the telephone and demand the ads be destroyed..." By endorsing President Bush's re-election, Mrs. Reagan joins President Reagan's eldest son Michael, who had already announced his strong support for the president. Michael will also be speaking at the upcoming GOP convention in New York. www.newsmax.com
  4. MR. FANTASTIC: What a brilliant post............You are completely clueless and ungrounded from reality. Blinded by hate maybe????? You could not be more wrong. I feel like we're both looking at a coffee cup but you keep insisting on calling it a soccer ball??? You obviously don't care about the realities of the threats we face, the consequences of inaction and logical, analytical perspective in a post 9/11 world. You're right, Bush stole the election which EVERY INDEPENDENT recount in those democratic run counties found all went to Bush anyway, started an illegal war to steal oil and enrich U.S. corporations even though gas prices are higher than they've ever been, created tax cuts for his rich buddies even though all those who pay taxes got refunded the same percentage of what they paid into it, not for overtaxed American citizens , created the patriot act to find out what library books you're reading not for taking the offensive against terrorist on all fronts, stopped funding the no child left behind act even though all the states have already received this money from the gov't and the states are the ones who now refuse to release it to the local districts for various reasons mostly dealing w/ accountability. I could go on, but why? You don't care. I do! So please, spare us all....will you......Stop perpetrating the fraud, keep your fingers plugged in your ears and keep repeating the same unfounded, baseless propaganda. When the folks who get it are done dealing w/ the mess, we'll send you the message to suck your finger, stick it in the air to find out which direction the wind is blowing and finally come out of your hole. "there's no place like home,,there's no place like home, there's no place like home" - Dorothy What you need is a time machine to get back to your Sept. 10 world. Good luck. Try H.G. Wells, I heard he might be of help.
  5. Really? How about the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, Home Land Security, The Patriot Act and now the creation of a director of intelligence. Just to name a few..... Actions Speak Louder Than Words!!!!!!
  6. Security is the # 1 issue right now. WE ARE AT WAR!!!!!!! Bingo!!!!!
  7. For a 3 trillion dollar annual budget thats a drop in the bucket.
  8. In memory of Adam Spears (Starkid) who tragically passed away this Friday, July 30th in Houston Texas at the young age of 18. Many will remember Adam for his music on labels such as Looq, 3Beat Breaks, and for the track 'Crayons' on Release Records. The original 'Crayons' was, without a doubt, Adam's biggest record (& first) he made. The 'Crayons 2004' re-release will continueto be a tribute to Adam. Our deepest condolences to Adam Spears and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. More Info and Support Thread Here : (
  9. Slowly? What planet are you on? This economy is growing the fastest it has in over 25 yrs. Then again, how long have you been here in America? How much of it's history do you know? NUFF SAID. Oh really? Enlighten me oh wise one. NAME ONE! I challenge you to name me one civil right you've lost under Bush. How have you suffered? If you had your head burried in the sand,,,,then maybe....But if my recollection serves me right,,,,Terrorist declared war on America in 1993, they infiltrated this country, trained here, killed Americans abroad (Africa, USS Cole, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, etc.) and just a few years ago, killed 3000 inoccent Americans in New York and D.C. Then again, those 90's sure were great weren't they? It's called a false sense of security. We were asleep while the enemy plotted our demise. WAKE UP! HIP HOP and voting go together like bacon and cheesecake. Wake up dude.
  10. I'll give you a couple of days to try and read up on the fact regarding your comment. Once you find out the facts then I am sure you will regret asking that question. You know what? Fuck giving you time. The facts are that Kerry and Edwards both voted against the body armor of our troops but the bill was still passed thanks to the majority votes of our senate. PS: Ask our troops who they support !!!!!!!
  11. I want I want I want. Give me. Give me. Give me. (the common attitude of most who are new to our Country) Thats all fine and dandy to want WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT WAR. Security first !!! (in my eyes)
  12. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite CP member. (wish I would have known it was your B Day)
  13. I call it sick shit!!!!!! That shit belongs on www.rotten.com Happy Bithday Funketeer. I know you saved that picture as your new background.
  14. Welcome aboard. Ohhh and the answer is simple. People will vote for Kerry cause it's easier than thinking.
  15. Bush will win, and expect more law suits and recounts when reality comes crashing down on the libs. Kerry was expected to get a 15 point bounce from this convention,,,,,guess what his bounce was? ZERO! This Country is split! It's going to be another tight one. Kerry inspires no one! Some here need to stick to sports! Especially the ones that can't vote.
  16. LOL Call it a lucky guess.
  17. Excuse me for finding a picture of some stupid chick sticking 15 wax candles in her oversized cooch and lighting them on fire for shits and giggles..........disturbing.
  18. Bro, WTF is that? I don't think I want images like that to be embedded in my mind. That's fuckin sick bro!!! Ohh yeah...and happy birthday Funk Man!!!!!!!
  19. I would be happy to answer that. To put it simply, no other issue concerns me more than our security. I personally, am still angry about 9/11. Most Demz I speak to just don't seem that angry. They say they are, but it just doesn't seem sincere. Let me just state some facts, not spin about what I've seen Bush do in these 4 yrs. He inherited a recession which began prior to him winning the presidency (this is not a myth or spin, it's fact and very well documented). As you might already know, Bush's budget was not implemented for another 9 months after he took office (this is normal. every president inherits his predecessors budget and has approx. 9 months to come up w/ a new one and present it to congress). So, Bush's budget and tax cuts helped stop the bleeding and turn our economy around. It has sparked the fastest rebound unmatched in the past 25 yrs. GDP growth under his leadership has record growth. With record growth, come the return of jobs. Jobs lost not due to bad leadership by Bush, but a recession (which he inherited) and of course, 9/11. Which according to all info I've read says lead to approximately 1.7 millions jobs lost. You add that 1.7 million jobs plus recession, plus corporate corruption (all of which occurred during the bubble of the 90's) and you have that 2.5 million jobs lost which Demz love to claim is all Bush's fault. Next, you have 9/11. This caught the world by surprise. I don't lay any blame on any specific person. Apparently, neither does the 9/11 commission. They actually blame congress, as a whole, more than anything. Congress was asleep at the wheel and not managing their oversight of these agencies efficiently. Regardless, 9/11 happened...now what? Well, Bush took a stand against this enemy. An enemy which has been @ war with us since 1993. 9/11 was obviously the straw that broke the camels back. Bush decided to name 3 countries the axis of evil and vows to fight terrorism abroad, rather than have them attack us at home. He removes the Taliban from Afghanistan, captures/kills approx 2/3 of their leadership. Then the world intel, including U.K., Russia and the UN, all say Iraq remains a threat and continues to violate the 17 resolutions he agreed to, starting in 1991. After 9/11, Bush's goal was clear, TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY!!!!! He took a year trying to convince the world and the UN that this threat must not be ignored. Saddam continued to defy the UN and Bush was left w/ a tough decision, take Saddam at his word or remove him from power. Approx. 35 countries stood w/ America in this task and we went after Iraq. Once there, we learn of tons of terrorist ties w/ Iraq (I did not say Iraq and 9/11,,,I said Iraq and terrorism). The 9/11 commission, the UK's Lord Butler report, Our CIA, UK's MI6, Russia's intel all tell Bush of the links between terrorists and Iraq. Bush decides to take him out, but not before presenting it to congress for one last debate. Congress unanimously agrees that regime change must be done and authorized Bush to go ahead. Later the majority of congress also approves the funding for this war(no thanks to Kerry and Edwards who both voted against it). We then take out Saddam and put Iraq on a new course towards democracy. So, by my account, thus far, We've liberated Afghanistan and Iraq (which both just so happen to border Iran (aka,,axis of evil). Call me crazy, but I'm starting to see the Bush's vision of defeating this axis of evil. We've got to crawl before we walk,,right? So, w/ that said, Bush as undoubtedly earned my respect as far as doing all he can to secure our way of life. You add all that plus the record farm bill, education bill, Medicare prescription drug program and tax cuts, and you've got to admit,,,,Bush has done more than enough to get my vote,,AGAIN. With Bush, you know what he stands for,,there's no gray area w/ him. He stands for strong family values, God, less taxes, strong military and strict accountability for social programs and public education. I could go on, but I'm a little busy......this should suffice,,,,for now........
  20. That advice has been given already plenty of times with no avail.
  21. You beat me to it. We can always put our guards down and be reminded the hard way.
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