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Everything posted by obby

  1. I saw the trailer last night and it seems pretty disturbing http://www.themoviebox.net/movies/2004/STUVWXYZ/Saw/trailer.html
  2. You may want to try and hunt down your old high school history books.
  3. To view this file you will need Power Point or the free Power Point Viewer which can be downloaded here: Power Point Viewer Now here comes the good stuff. Enjoy!!!! Click Here Enjoy,
  4. http://interestalert.com/brand/siteia.shtml?Story=st/sn/07210000aaa01bea.upi&Sys=siteia&Fid=WORLDNEW&Type=News&Filter=World%20News Nuclear arms reportedly found in Iraq BAGHDAD, July 21 (UPI) -- Iraqi security reportedly discovered three missiles carrying nuclear heads concealed in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad, official sources said Wednesday. The official daily al-Sabah quoted the sources as saying the missiles were discovered in trenches near the city of Tikrit, the hometown of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. "The three missiles were discovered by chance when the Iraqi security forces captured former Baath party official Khoder al-Douri who revealed during interrogation the location of the missiles saying they carried nuclear heads," the sources said. They pointed out that the missiles were actually discovered in the trenches lying under six meters of concrete and designed in a way to unable sophisticated sensors from discovering nuclear radiation. The sources said al-Douri, who is related to former Vice Chairman of the Iraq Revolution Council and Saddam's right-hand man Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, was captured after Iraqi police intercepted an e-mail message in which he set a meeting with another former Baath official. The report could not be authenticated by the interior ministry or the national security department, but the paper noted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiar Zibari made a surprise request recently to Mohammed el-Baradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to resume inspections for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Copyright 2004 by United Press International. All rights reserved.
  5. obby

    Live Strong !!!!!!

    Don't give me that sunglass smiley crap. A drink at a club cost $10.00 The minimum donation to the Armstrong Foundation is $10.00 Hint Hint !!!!!!!! For those of you who are interested in helping fight cancer......I think you can sacrifice a simple drink. http://store.laf.org/catalog/index....ck_id=LAFORGWEB Live Strong !!!!!!!!
  6. Intelligent Sounds Attract Intelligent People and I would agree that most of our locals are Miamis best kept secrets.
  7. With all due respect Mursa: oh my goodness gracious.....What planet are you from? Do you come from TRON? We went into Iraq for more than one reason (You do know that,,don't you???). The most talked about reason was WMD's. After 9/11, I understand why WMD's were stressed more than the others(It posed the greatest threat to our homeland). But make no mistake, WE WENT TO IRAQ FOR MULTIPLE REASONS. I remember hearing things about an axis of evil, 17 UN resolutions broken, WMD's, regime change,,etc....to name a few. Your hung up on WMD's and just ignore the other reasons. Interesting? Why? Your unwillingness to use perspective says a lot about you. You could give 3 craps about perspective. You're obviously only interested in hanging on to this WMD crap which the entire world seems to have been wrong about(again, THE ENTIRE WORLD,,not the EVIL BUSH...LOL how pathetic). do-you-understand-the-words-that-are-coming-out-my-mouth? It's as if you can't let go of the WMD thing or you'll just sink and drown in the rest of the facts. Let it go my man......There are more issues in this war on terror/Iraq. Clinging to the WMD thing like a dingle berry on an ass hair is just silly. The toilet is being flushed and you're going down w/ the rest of the bullshit you've been spewing and marinating in. Refrescate con la verdad. Are you a citizen? Can you even vote? (please answer) Funny how most of the new generation of American people here keep babbling incoherently about Bush, but they can't even vote....They haven't earned the right to vote yet. You might as well be having a conversation w/ a block of wood or a spare tire. Like I've said before,,,,,,either your doing your best to undermine the efforts and sacrifices made by our troops and leaders or your defending terrorist and tyrannical leaders? PICK YOUR POISON. Go play soccer or something,,but for the love of God, no hables de lo que sabes. Simply put
  8. Every time I look at your sig I think some sick but good shit. I would simply be happy watching those girls pillow fight in panties............and whatever comes after that. (I hope La Mimi is now entertained) I'll take the one in the black.
  9. Fox News Channel has become a favorite target of the Left. Robert Greenwald launched a "documentary"-sized attack on FNC with his movie "Outfoxed." Now MoveOn.org and Common Cause are reportedly planning two legal maneuvers against the news channel. Rumors are swirling that one of the actions has to do with FNC's trademark slogan "Fair and Balanced" and the other will involve FNC's influence on the elections. In the meantime, Meryl Streep has responded to reports that her portrayal in the film "The Manchurian Candidate" of a cold, calculating, manipulative senator was too Hillary-like for studio execs. Streep told Newsweek that she did have models for the part but refused to divulge their identities. "Never mind," Streep said. "Fox News would love it if I were doing Hillary, but that's so off the mark." The actress complained about the many people who don't vote. "If you told those people what clothes they had to put on, they'd be mad. If you told them what kind of car they had to drive - or what they had to eat for dinner - they wouldn't stand for it. But somebody is deciding what they eat and what they breathe and all that stuff ..." The Left Coast Report believes that Streep has just given an accurate description of the Hollywood Left.
  10. Country music singer-songwriter Steve Earle has written a tune about National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. It's called "Condi, Condi." The song is on Earle's new CD. Here's a sampling of the lyrics: "You be the flower and I'll be the bumblebee Oh she loves me Oops, she loves me not People say you're cold but I think you're hot They say you're too uptight I say you're not Dance around me Spinnin' like a top Oh, Condi, Condi, don't ever stop." Using language of this kind with regard to someone who holds such a serious office at this most serious time in history seems inappropriate and odd to me. You might recall that I wrote about this guy in a column a while back. Earle is the same fellow who wrote "John Walker's Blues," in which he praised traitor John Walker Lindh who, thankfully, is now locked away. In between lyrics that talked about Lindh's interest in music videos, boy bands, Islam and Arabic prayers, Earle assigned the highest moral standing to the turncoat. The Left Coast Report thinks Earle had better watch it or the next tune he'll be singing is "She Dropped a Bomb on Me."
  11. Members of the elite media gathered on the Left Coast recently to discuss the state of their profession. Instead of chewing the industry fat, media folks were more interested in swapping opinions on Michael Moore's fraudulent film "Fahrenheit 9/11." George Stephanopoulos noted that he had spoken with individuals who had gone to see Moore's flick and had asked them why. The answer he received was "because we wanted to get the facts." A few of Stephanopoulos' high-profile peers had intriguing takes on the "facts." Ted Koppel evidently enjoyed the movie but had problems with Moore's accuracy, or lack thereof. Koppel described the film as "a terrific piece of entertainment" that had some "interesting facts in it." But: "It is to the documentary what the [Oliver Stone] 'JFK' film was to history." The soon-to-be-retiring Tom Brokaw, hitting Moore's film even harder, commented that it "took a lot of liberties, not just with the facts but with how you arrange the facts." The Left Coast Report says using the term "facts" in the same sentence as Michael Moore is like using the word "bubbly" to describe Ted Koppel.
  12. How about the real thing?
  13. The only theatrics and theories have been coming from your side..........I almost understand what you and those like minded must be going through lately......ya' know,,watching everything you've invested all your emotion in believing crumbling like a house of cards. your right,,,it sucks,,,,,,,,,,then again,,it's your bed,,,,,you made it,,,,so try taking a nap or clicking your heels,,,,anything but opening you eyes...................lol The truth has always been out there. you've been reluctant to accept it cause doing so exposes your hypocrisy and pseudo-intellect (hence my previous comments about being intellectually dishonest). The saddest part about all this is that it was unnecessary. You folks didn't have to knee-jerk/circle jerk every accusation against Bush and this admin, but chose to do so,,,,,,,,,just because I guess???,,,or maybe as you put it "ELECTION YR. THEATRICS"...........lol.................. What a pisser...4-real....I just can't wait to hear the next DNC talking point.....call me crazy, but it'll probably have something to do w/ pointing blame and making excuses,,,anything except addressing the core of this issue/s. It's no wonder there's no vision or optimism from the left today. All doom/gloom and perfecting the art of "victimization"..............HOW F'ING PATHETIC! As always.....lot's of love,,,,,YOU LITTLE DEVIL YOU!!! LOL
  14. That is because Americans are liberators and not conquerors. History has proven that.
  15. Blows Iraq all to hell?????? Thats kind of harsh bro. Not all Iraqi's are evil BUT I know what your getting at and Bush has my vote too.
  16. obby

    Live Strong !!!!!!

    Help Fight The War Against Cancer The LAF believes that in your battle with cancer, knowledge is power and attitude is everything. SOTU Records made a donation. How about you? http://store.laf.org/catalog/index.php?cPath=19&track_id=LAFORGWEB
  17. God bless America and our courageous troops and allies!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Tuesday, July 20, 2004 LAS VEGAS — Singer Linda Ronstadt (search) not only got booed, she got the boot after lauding filmmaker Michael Moore and his new movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" during a performance at the Aladdin hotel-casino. Before singing "Desperado" for an encore Saturday night, the 58-year-old rocker called Moore a "great American patriot" and "someone who is spreading the truth." She also encouraged everybody to see the documentary about President Bush. Ronstadt's comments drew loud boos and some of the 4,500 people in attendance stormed out of the theater. People also tore down concert posters and tossed cocktails into the air. "It was a very ugly scene," Aladdin President Bill Timmins told The Associated Press. "She praised him and all of a sudden all bedlam broke loose." Timmins, who is British and was watching the show, decided Ronstadt had to go — for good. Timmins said he didn't allow Ronstadt back in her luxury suite and she was escorted off the property. Ronstadt's antics "spoiled a wonderful evening for our guests and we had to do something about it," Timmins said. Timmins said it was the first time he sent a performer packing.
  19. Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear plant in the late 80's out of self defense. Knowing that it would only be a matter of time before Saddam dropped a nuke on Israel. Now that the intelligence is showing Iran has it's hands dirty as far as 9/11 is concerned, Israel will most probably be looking to destroy the nuclear facilities Iraq has been secretly building (Just like Iraq was). Iraq and Iran both site over huge oil reserves, hence, no need for nuclear power. They sit over one of the largest sources of energy- PETROLEUM!!!! So, for them to explore nuclear power makes no sense, they don't need to find cheaper methods of energy like America does,,,they've got PETROLEUM.......Iran has been in the news lately dealing w/ secret nuclear facilities which seem to have disappeared (hence,,gone underground)...... In Israelis best interest, they now seem to have a good enough reason to take that nuclear facility out. Also, the majority of the Iranian population is under the age of 35 and desperate for change. They just haven't been organized enough to overthrow the Iranian dictator. Their country might just implode w/ enough pressure...WE'LL SOON SEE..................
  20. Common Senses People You have to come up with lies to advance your beliefs. Let me tell you, this whole existence of the Democratic Party right now is tenuously linked to this silly notion that there was no reason to go to Iraq, that there was no Al-Qaeda there and there was no terrorism there. Al-Qaeda was everywhere. They were in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, England, Germany, France, Spain, Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, USA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,They were even in south Florida! BUT SOMEHOW, THEY JUST SO HAPPENED TO MISS IRAQ??? HUH?? That's the big stretch that you guys are asking us all to believe. The president of Iraq today is prominently saying, "There were connections." Everybody knows there were connections all through the 90s. It boggles the mind. The real stretch seems to me is with you guys. But the notion that, you know, lies and falsehoods are spread here out of desperation to persuade people is incorrect because there's no gain to that. It doesn't get us anywhere, and it certainly harms any cause to build it on lies -- and that's what the left is doing, especially in this war on terror, and particularly war in Iraq. IRAQ- TERROR LINKS... ENJOY Those who try to whitewash Saddam's record don't dispute this evidence; they just ignore it. So let's review the evidence, all of it on the public record for months or years: * Abdul Rahman Yasin was the only member of the al Qaeda cell that detonated the 1993 World Trade Center bomb to remain at large in the Clinton years. He fled to Iraq. U.S. forces recently discovered a cache of documents in Tikrit, Saddam's hometown, that show that Iraq gave Mr. Yasin both a house and monthly salary. * Bin Laden met at least eight times with officers of Iraq's Special Security Organization, a secret police agency run by Saddam's son Qusay, and met with officials from Saddam's mukhabarat, its external intelligence service, according to intelligence made public by Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was speaking before the United Nations Security Council on February 6, 2003. * Sudanese intelligence officials told me that their agents had observed meetings between Iraqi intelligence agents and bin Laden starting in 1994, when bin Laden lived in Khartoum. * Bin Laden met the director of the Iraqi mukhabarat in 1996 in Khartoum, according to Mr. Powell. * An al Qaeda operative now held by the U.S. confessed that in the mid-1990s, bin Laden had forged an agreement with Saddam's men to cease all terrorist activities against the Iraqi dictator, Mr. Powell told the United Nations. * In 1999 the Guardian, a British newspaper, reported that Farouk Hijazi, a senior officer in Iraq's mukhabarat, had journeyed deep into the icy mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan, in December 1998 to meet with al Qaeda men. Mr. Hijazi is "thought to have offered bin Laden asylum in Iraq," the Guardian reported. * In October 2000, another Iraqi intelligence operative, Salah Suleiman, was arrested near the Afghan border by Pakistani authorities, according to Jane's Foreign Report, a respected international newsletter. Jane's reported that Suleiman was shuttling between Iraqi intelligence and Ayman al Zawahiri, now al Qaeda's No. 2 man. (Why are all of those meetings significant? The London Observer reports that FBI investigators cite a captured al Qaeda field manual in Afghanistan, which "emphasizes the value of conducting discussions about pending terrorist attacks face to face, rather than by electronic means.") * As recently as 2001, Iraq's embassy in Pakistan was used as a "liaison" between the Iraqi dictator and al Qaeda, Mr. Powell told the United Nations. * Spanish investigators have uncovered documents seized from Yusuf Galan -- who is charged by a Spanish court with being "directly involved with the preparation and planning" of the Sept. 11 attacks -- that show the terrorist was invited to a party at the Iraqi embassy in Madrid. The invitation used his "al Qaeda nom de guerre," London's Independent reports. * An Iraqi defector to Turkey, known by his cover name as "Abu Mohammed," told Gwynne Roberts of the Sunday Times of London that he saw bin Laden's fighters in camps in Iraq in 1997. At the time, Mohammed was a colonel in Saddam's Fedayeen. He described an encounter at Salman Pak, the training facility southeast of Baghdad. At that vast compound run by Iraqi intelligence, Muslim militants trained to hijack planes with knives -- on a full-size Boeing 707. Col. Mohammed recalls his first visit to Salman Pak this way: "We were met by Colonel Jamil Kamil, the camp manager, and Major Ali Hawas. I noticed that a lot of people were queuing for food. (The major) said to me: 'You'll have nothing to do with these people. They are Osama bin Laden's group and the PKK and Mojahedin-e Khalq.'" * In 1998, Abbas al-Janabi, a longtime aide to Saddam's son Uday, defected to the West. At the time, he repeatedly told reporters that there was a direct connection between Iraq and al Qaeda. *The Sunday Times found a Saddam loyalist in a Kurdish prison who claims to have been Dr. Zawahiri's bodyguard during his 1992 visit with Saddam in Baghdad. Dr. Zawahiri was a close associate of bin Laden at the time and was present at the founding of al Qaeda in 1989. * Following the defeat of the Taliban, almost two dozen bin Laden associates "converged on Baghdad and established a base of operations there," Mr. Powell told the United Nations in February 2003. From their Baghdad base, the secretary said, they supervised the movement of men, materiel and money for al Qaeda's global network. * In 2001, an al Qaeda member "bragged that the situation in Iraq was 'good,'" according to intelligence made public by Mr. Powell. * That same year, Saudi Arabian border guards arrested two al Qaeda members entering the kingdom from Iraq. * Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi oversaw an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, Mr. Powell told the United Nations. His specialty was poisons. Wounded in fighting with U.S. forces, he sought medical treatment in Baghdad in May 2002. When Zarqawi recovered, he restarted a training camp in northern Iraq. Zarqawi's Iraq cell was later tied to the October 2002 murder of Lawrence Foley, an official of the U.S. Agency for International Development, in Amman, Jordan. The captured assassin confessed that he received orders and funds from Zarqawi's cell in Iraq, Mr. Powell said. His accomplice escaped to Iraq. *Zarqawi met with military chief of al Qaeda, Mohammed Ibrahim Makwai (aka Saif al-Adel) in Iran in February 2003, according to intelligence sources cited by the Washington Post. * Mohammad Atef, the head of al Qaeda's military wing until the U.S. killed him in Afghanistan in November 2001, told a senior al Qaeda member now in U.S. custody that the terror network needed labs outside of Afghanistan to manufacture chemical weapons, Mr. Powell said. "Where did they go, where did they look?" said the secretary. "They went to Iraq." * Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi was sent to Iraq by bin Laden to purchase poison gases several times between 1997 and 2000. He called his relationship with Saddam's regime "successful," Mr. Powell told the United Nations. * Mohamed Mansour Shahab, a smuggler hired by Iraq to transport weapons to bin Laden in Afghanistan, was arrested by anti-Hussein Kurdish forces in May, 2000. He later told his story to American intelligence and a reporter for the New Yorker magazine. * Documents found among the debris of the Iraqi Intelligence Center show that Baghdad funded the Allied Democratic Forces, a Ugandan terror group led by an Islamist cleric linked to bin Laden. According to a London's Daily Telegraph, the organization offered to recruit "youth to train for the jihad" at a "headquarters for international holy warrior network" to be established in Baghdad. * Mullah Melan Krekar, ran a terror group (the Ansar al-Islam) linked to both bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Mr. Krekar admitted to a Kurdish newspaper that he met bin Laden in Afghanistan and other senior al Qaeda officials. His acknowledged meetings with bin Laden go back to 1988. When he organized Ansar al Islam in 2001 to conduct suicide attacks on Americans, "three bin Laden operatives showed up with a gift of $300,000 'to undertake jihad,'" Newsday reported. Mr. Krekar is now in custody in the Netherlands. His group operated in portion of northern Iraq loyal to Saddam Hussein -- and attacked independent Kurdish groups hostile to Saddam. A spokesman for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan told a United Press International correspondent that Mr. Krekar's group was funded by "Saddam Hussein's regime in Baghdad." * After October 2001, hundreds of al Qaeda fighters are believed to have holed up in the Ansar al-Islam's strongholds inside northern Iraq. Some skeptics dismiss the emerging evidence of a longstanding link between Iraq and al Qaeda by contending that Saddam ran a secular dictatorship hated by Islamists like bin Laden.
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