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Everything posted by obby

  1. obby

    attn obby

    I shouldn't even reply to this imature thread but ohh well. Go minorities!!!!! LOL Where the hell did this thread come from? What a dork!!!!!!! Get a life MrMiami (from Nashville)
  2. Ahhhhhhh the secret spot. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. From a liberal website: http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml?i=fisking&s=sullivan062904
  4. I'm kind of tired today so I will try to explain myself and my beliefs as detailed as possible and leave it at that. It obviously about REALITY, but OPTIMISM is merely the vehicle clear thinking individuals use to reach their goal. MORAL CLARITY lights the way, MORAL BANKRUPTCY never does and only clouds the issue/s. Being "moderate" is not a trait which leads to any greatness. NEVER HAS, NEVER WILL! I challenge you to find me a book, any book, on GREAT MODERATES IN HISTORY. You won't find it because they DON'T EXIST. In today's world, as we find it, things are tough and more dangerous than ever. This is precisely the time for leaders w/ moral clarity guided by their core principles. Today's problems need cures, not band-aides. Sometimes tough love or medicine is not easy to swallow. Regardless, they're necessary if one expects the REAL PROBLEMS of today to resolved rather than contained. You're right, terrorism IS A MESS! Hence, it's definition: TERRORISM n : the systematic use of violence as a means to intimidate or coerce societies or governments So, either we stand up to terrorism for the good of humanity or we cower to it as some nations have done and continue to do (I.e.. America, Saudi Arabia & Spain -> we should all NOW KNOW that "containment" does not work. Trying to "understand their pain" does not work and IGNORING it does not work.). Terrorist declared war on America in 1993, we basically ignored it (and every attack,,,wtc 93, kobar towers, USS Cole, etc..) and that led to 9/11. Saudi Arabia makes deals w/ terrorists so they'll leave them alone, only to have these killers continue to bomb and kill in their nation, let alone having 15 of 19 9/11 hijackers on-board those planes. Spain elected a pacifist after losing almost 200 people in a train bombing. So, my point is simple, WEAKNESS does not deter terrorist, it only emboldens them to do more acts of terror (hence, the examples I just wrote). I don't know about you, but I'm tired of tripping over the same rock. It's about life and death now. The stakes have never been greater! We are in uncharted territory in the war on terror. There is no "blue print" which will be accepted by ALL as to "how" to combat it (if you've got one, by all means, SHARE IT!). But make no mistake, it must be fought, ON ALL FRONTS or life as we know it will cease to exist. Call me crazy, but my perspective on this is logical (to me at least). ONE SIDE HAS TO WIN BEFORE ANY PROGRESS CAN BE MADE. Guess what? I WANT TO WIN! WE NEED TO WIN! Later, after we've won, then I'll worry more about "UNDERSTANDING" why they hate us and how we can help them better understand why we believe "freedom and democracy" is a God given right which betters the entire world. We are living proof of what freedom, democracy and capitalism can provide. No, it's not perfect and guess what, NOTHING EVER WILL BE (so let's not kid ourselves). But it's by far the best and a proven system with the best hope for all. For me, it doesn't get any more "REAL" than that. Good day prin·ci·ple ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prns-pl) n. A basic truth, law, or assumption: the principles of democracy. A rule or standard, especially of good behavior: a man of principle. The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments: a decision based on principle rather than expediency. A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action. A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior: the principle of self-preservation. Core principles IMHO can be defined simply as the ability to clearly decipher the difference between right and wrong. Moral clarity. This is a trait ALL great leaders have had. It cannot be faked. One either has it or they don't. Soooooooo to put this into context, I truly believe the president we have in office today is guided by his core principles. He has taken strong stands on some unpopular issues. He has shown leadership. A leaders job should be to make the tough decisions most people are unwilling or incapable of doing. History has proven that leaders who have been guided by these "core principles" have not always been the "most popular". Lincoln was so unpopular, we had a civil war. He stuck to his principles and he freed the slaves. Reagan & JFK believed communism was wrong and was just another form of enslaving human beings. They both drew lines in the sand when it wasn't the most popular thing to do, taking HUGE risks doing so, because they were guided by their "core principles", etc.................. History has proved them right. Good day Look man, with all do respect this is what I mean when I stress some folks here stop being lazy and "educate" themselves before spewing some of this psycho-babble. NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE! Remember that, write it down, take a picture, I don't give a f*%k. NOTHING IS FREE! Someone is paying for it. This goes back to re-distribution of wealth. No nation has even become great nor wealthy by EXTORTING from the PRODUCERS of society to re-distribute it to the NON-PRODUCERS of that same society. It's NEVER, EVER worked. It's been tried (aka-communism/socialism), and it's proven to NOT WORK. So, again, with all due respect, get a clue! Good day
  5. The Sept. 11 Commission has found that the Bush administration's war on terror has severely impaired al Qaida's ability to organize another spectacular attack against the U.S. homeland by capturing or killing the deadly terror group's key leaders, drying up their financial resources and severely limiting their ability to "strategize, plan attacks, and dispatch operatives worldwide." The bombshell finding, buried at the end of the Commission's Staff Statement No. 15, should have been hailed in the press as evidence that we've at least turned the corner in the war on terror - and may indeed have the enemy on the run. Instead, reporters have ignored this particular Commission finding since its release on June 16. Here's the part of Staff Statement 15 that the press decided Americans didn't need to hear about, as reported by the Commission under the heading "Al Qaeda* Today." "Since the September 11 attacks and the defeat of the Taliban, as Qaeda's funding has decreased significantly. The arrests or deaths of several important financial facilitators have decreased the amount of money al Qaeda has raised and increased the costs and difficulty of raising and moving that money. "Some entirely corrupt charities are now out of business, with many of their principals killed or captured, although some charities may still be providing support to al Qaeda. "Moreover, it appears that the al Qaeda attacks within Saudi Arabia in May and November 2003 have reduced - perhaps drastically - at Qaeda's ability to raise funds from Saudi sources. Both an increase in Saudi enforcement and a more negative perception of al Qaeda by potential donors have cut its income." [END OF EXCERPT] And the good news for America - not to mention the Bush administration - doesn't end there. In the same section, Staff Statement 15 notes: "Prior to 9/11, al Qaeda was a centralized organization which used Afghanistan as a war room to strategize, plan attacks, and dispatch operatives worldwide." But now, says the Commission, "Bin Ladin's* seclusion [has] forced operational commanders and cell leaders to assume greater authority; they are now making the command decisions previously made by him." [END OF EXCERPT] In other words, whether dead or alive, the prime mover behind the Sept. 11 attacks has been taken out of commission, with operational authority handed over to allies of convenience like Abu Musab al Zarqawi. And while Zarqawi has mounted dozens of operations throughout the Middle East in recent months, including a deadly chem-bomb plot foiled by Jordanian authorities in April, his focus these days seems to be pretty much on Iraq - not America. And even there, Zarqawi seems to be feeling the heat lately. According to the recent communique he sent to bin Laden, published on Islamic web sites earlier this month, he complained about being "squeezed" by U.S. forces. "The space of movement is starting to get smaller," he told the 9/11 chief. "The [u.S.] grip is starting to be tightened on the holy warriors' necks and, with the spread of soldiers and police, the future [for our side] is becoming frightening." To be sure, the 9/11 Commission did not attribute any success in the terror war to the president by name, though as its leader and chief strategist, that conclusion is inescapable. And neither does Staff Statement 15 say that al Qaeda has been completely vanquished, warning instead that the bin Laden network is still able to execute smaller operations and is "striving to attack the U.S. and inflict mass casualties" - using nuclear weapons if possible. Still, when the 9/11 Commission reports: "Al Qaeda today is more a loose collection of regional networks with a greatly weakened central organization," it's hard not to conclude President Bush's war on terror is making significant progress.
  6. What a coincidence. Bush also has angered some and been cheered by others. He has also fostered debate in the US which has long been overdue, and much needed. Good read. http://slate.msn.com/id/2102723/
  7. Still in wake up mode like most. I too agree that his set was nice. His intro was even nicer. Lukes warm up set was also highly enjoyed. Was it me or they where passing out a bunch of free drinks throughout the night? I also noticed that he was spinning on CD's the whole time. Turntables weren't even part of the set up. I'll let Bling give the details because I know he loves giving them and I am about to tip face first on my keyboard.
  8. LOL Again, the war on drugs was over on 9-11 LOL Tonight we PARTYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Deep in the dense jungle of electronic music, a great bright sound emanates. It is a tightly refined sound that is pushed forward by a deep bass line and a solid backing breakbeat. It is the sound of Digital Witchcraft’s “Brindavan.†The soulful, tear inspiring track is laced with female sighs, piano sprinklings and tough driving breaks. Building and dropping in all the right places, “Brindavan†has raw power delivered in a subtle, soft package. Pay attention DJs, this is Sasha material. “Pocket Universe†rides shotgun on this single from Opek and delivers an equally brilliant showing. With a long spacey introduction, “Pocket Universe†grows to fruition and bears a beautiful ambience that is tightly woven into sick breaks. The track is painted with a female voice that pulls emotion from every direction. As with “Brindavan, â€the Witchcraft duo keep this atmospheric breaker on the slow side but still manage to convey a world of force with their tough break beats. Accolades to Digital Witchcraft and Opek on this smart single featuring two radiant breaks tracks. Be sure to catch the recent interview Simon was able to get from the busy duo where they discuss the remix package for this single that is scheduled on Opek. Remixers on that package are breaks masters Momu and Grayarea. Sample Both Mixes Here Enjoy, OBBY
  10. LOL To late. I figured you out a while ago.
  11. Sucks for Joey, Marcela and Charlie who bout their tickets to Chicago already. I am sure they will have a good time regardless.
  12. the sky is falling, the sky is falling. somebody save me! it's all Bush's fault. I'm incapable of any sort of success w/out direct gov't assistance at the cost of the producers of this society to be redistributed to the non-producers of this society.....AKA-> Socialism.............. I thank God (oops, did I just say God? Isn't it "en vogue" to classify "God" as a bad word these days?) that this country had leaders guided by PRINCIPLES rather than public opinion or polls. Without the great leaders guided by CORE PRINCIPLES America would have never taken the great risks which ended slavery, communism and which now combats terrorism. I've always found I get much more out of life when I live it optimistic rather than pessimistic. As for "conspiracy theories", they're a dime a dozen. I tend to think more logically. If a story sounds too crazy or too twisted, it probably is. That's when I question the source and then use perspective to come to my conclusion. To listen to the news today and any mis-guided or ill-informed person would think anything bad that happens in their life is due to 1 thing and one thing only,,,,,BUSH! BUSH DID IT!.....Wild fires-Bush did it. Twisters- Bush did it. Black out- Bush did it. Terrorism- Bush did it. "Stealing oil- Bush did it. Abusing terrorist prisoners- Bush did it. Beheading civilians and soldiers- Bush did. 9/11- Bush knew and did nothing. And the beat goes on............................................................ Only pure ignorance would lead a human being to make sense of that non-sense I just wrote about Bush. America-hating has become the new fad. As an objective observer I can only say that's the small price to pay for being the BIG DOG. Lots of playa' hater's doing the only thing they know how to do, playa hate! I assume it's because it's easier to just sit back and critique rather than actually do something and make something out of oneself. Damn lazy Americans! LOL Good day.
  13. Some people get this, others CHOOSE not to (for whatever reasons). ________________________________________________ the sky is falling, the sky is falling. somebody save me! it's all Bush's fault. I'm incapable of any sort of success w/out direct gov't assistance at the cost of the producers of this society to be redistributed to the non-producers of this society.....AKA-> Socialism.............. I thank God (oops, did I just say God? Isn't it "en vogue" to classify "God" as a bad word these days?) that this country had leaders guided by PRINCIPLES rather than public opinion or polls. Without the great leaders guided by CORE PRINCIPLES America would have never taken the great risks which ended slavery, communism and which now combats terrorism. I've always found I get much more out of life when I live it optimistic rather than pessimistic. As for "conspiracy theories", they're a dime a dozen. I tend to think more logically. If a story sounds too crazy or too twisted, it probably is. That's when I question the source and then use perspective to come to my conclusion. To listen to the news today and any mis-guided or ill-informed person would think anything bad that happens in their life is due to 1 thing and one thing only,,,,,BUSH! BUSH DID IT!.....Wild fires-Bush did it. Twisters- Bush did it. Black out- Bush did it. Terrorism- Bush did it. "Stealing oil- Bush did it. Abusing terrorist prisoners- Bush did it. Beheading civilians and soldiers- Bush did. 9/11- Bush knew and did nothing. And the beat goes on............................................................ Only pure ignorance would lead a human being to make sense of that non-sense I just wrote about Bush. America-hating has become the new fad. As an objective observer I can only say that's the small price to pay for being the BIG DOG. Lots of playa' hater's doing the only thing they know how to do, playa hate! I assume it's because it's easier to just sit back and critique rather than actually do something and make something out of oneself. Damn lazy Americans! LOL Good day.
  14. Since no one has mentioned it I will. Today history was made. I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. Bremer handed over full sovereignty to Iraqi interim government two days ahead of schedule. It was brilliant!!!!!! Pulled the rug out from under the terrorist who probably had planned to sabotage the transfer of power. Paul Bremer is already on his way back to the States and Nato has just agreed to give assistance to Iraq. Don't expect the Bush haters to acknowledge this.....IT WAS BRILLIANT!
  15. I would have done the same but I wouldn't have thrown it into the crowd. Straight to the garbadge where it belongs. Cianci, birthday shot and drink on me when I see you.
  16. Deep? I thought he leaned towards the "softer" side this past Saturday. Something that Saleen would have enjoyed. I'm glad you had a good time though Phil. I tend no to bring negative subjects regarding our local events but I must bring up the fact that I passed by after Joeys set at Pearl and the door host wearing his full piece jogging suite was nothing but rude to me and our guest. After arguing with the guy and seeing that he had two faces Joey got bitter and decided to take our guest to CroBar. I myself had to go inside regardless to say happy birthday to a good friend of mine who was celebrating his birthday at State. Didn't leave a good view in my eyes nor the guest that we went with but you know me. I'll try to make the best at of the worst situations. Attitudes where noted and fun was still had. I guess that is what some of us call club politics. PS: Atnarko ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. LOL Sounds like what tonight will be like.
  18. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Happy B Day Mr. Cianci. May your day be filled with love, peace and phunky beats. lol I believe that statement was patented by Crazy C See you at CroBar tonight.
  19. How about what you see in the movies???
  20. Great opportunity to finally visit Cali.
  21. Today history was made. I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. It was brilliant!!!!!! Pulled the rug out from under the terrorist who probably had planned to sabotage the transfer of power. Paul Bremer is already on his way back to the States and Nato has just agreed to give assistance to Iraq. Don't expect the Bush haters to acknowledge this.....IT WAS BRILLIANT! Congratulations to the Iraqi people. (feel free to move this mods)
  22. Well the "propaganda" worked. He's making his money, friends and enemies all at the same time. You have to love the USA. Freedom of speach at it's best. on another note. Today history was made. I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. It was brilliant!!!!!! Pulled the rug out from under the terrorist who probably had planned to sabotage the transfer of power. Paul Bremer is already on his way back to the States and Nato has just agreed to give assistance to Iraq. Don't expect the Bush haters to acknowledge this.....IT WAS BRILLIANT! Congratulations to the Iraqi people. Didn't mean to change the subject. Just happy for the Iraqi's today.
  23. Sorry dude, I didn't understand what you wrote on this one. All I understood from what you wrote is that you do not believe in polls. All I can say is I'm sorry. You think humans are horrible You think our Government is a joke You think polls are bullshit which to me tells me that you do not believe in voting. again, I'm sorry. At least you have your family and friends.
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