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Everything posted by obby

  1. I think I know Jimmy T
  2. Ummmmmmm she's talking to me guys. J/K Mimi loves everyone who gets drunk with her.
  3. I would call Guinness. I believe a record has been broken there.
  4. My Metro Peice Of Shit finally gave out on me. Not bad for a phone concidering : 1 - It was the first model Metro PCS came out with 2 - Fell in the ocean 3 - Has been dropped more than the amount of times you probably got dropped in high school 4 - No matter how long you leave it charging you will only get 2 out of the 6 bars filled. 5 - The battery can not be replaced because I got so tired of the battery cover falling off that I crazy glued the bitch to it. Fiera, I already call the insurance company and they are sending me a new phone so for now call my room line. Check your PM's T.T.F.N.
  5. Thanks for the thought but thats not in my hands. What are in my hands are some dope ass promos (vinyls).
  6. SPANISH SPEAKERS ONLY Get ready to laugh Click Here
  7. I like this guy. He knows his history. God bless DUTCH! Look @ how he still drives liberals nuts. LOVE IT! LMMFAO! Only liberals would desperately attempt to diminish Reagan's accomplishments w/ personal insults and half truths. It's the equivalent of shooting BB's @ a battleship, HELLO!!!! LOL LOL LOL. The more history and accomplishments which Reagan's death reminds America of, the more America is reminded of how pathetic today's democratic party, led by the ultra-left liberals really were and continue to be. Given this classless and embarrassing display of loathing by like minded liberals, it's no wonder you remained silent when some here chose to trash this great man while his dead body was still warm. Your inability to be intellectually honest w/ yourself, let alone this message board is a demon only you can deal with. You're on your own "big guy". If you choose to marinate in hate, bitterness and loathing, who am I to try to help? It IS all about Reagan. It should be respectful. The disrespect has only come from one side. Check back the posts. I have not read anything from Reagan supporters or sympathizers that came out swinging. All of the crap came from the bottom-feeding granola chompers. It was the mis-guided "haters" who felt compelled to piss on his grave. My defense of a great man who changed the world was nothing more than that. Yet, it's my defense of this man which you find offensive. God Bless DUTCH! He truly was that shinning light he always said America was and is. Only now in his death, the light is shinning on how out of touch and malicious today's liberals have become. What a pity. Your hypocrisy on the issues reflect on you (and those like minded) like a radioactive hypro-glow. An entire week of Reagan is taking it's toll on you. Imagine 8 yrs. of Reagan, LOL LMMFAO!!! The guy won 4 elections in LANDSLIDES(2 as Calif. Gov. and 2 as president)! Word the wise: If you actually want to be accepted as "objective" you might want to try objecting to ALL who post asinine statements, not just "conservatives". Or then again, you can just try to keep your message boards a big circle jerk.......try not to get any in your eye. ;] T.T.F.N.
  8. I've had nothig but fun the last two times I have gone. I am sure tonight will be even better. Time to put that Funktion One Sounds System to it's use.
  9. I am not attacking. I am defending and I am surprised you didn't notice that.
  10. Simple !!!!! Bottom line is,,,,Reagan won his second term as California Governor in a landslide. He won re-election in a landslide also, 49 of 50 states! That's INSANE! America loved the guy. Reagan was a LIFE LONG democrat. Born poor w/ an alcoholic father. Moved to HOLLYWOOD and became a so-so actor. Became a politician and soon after left the democratic party who at the time was embracing socialism and sympathizing w/ communist(especially in Hollywood). Liberals hated him, but they're not really America are they? Kind of like the little chiwawa w/ a loud bark. Obviously not if he took 49 of 50 states....For those who want to compare him to Clinton, Clinton never won 50% of the American vote. NEVER! He topped out at around 48% for his re-election against Dole. Reagan was truly loved. His legacy is huge. He inspired republicans around the country. Republicans eventually took control of congress, He brought down communism w/out a bullet even being fired, brought about one of the greatest and longest economic booms ever, etc..etc... Clinton's legacy is what? A blow job? What is he responsible for that makes him great? What policy did he implement that shines light on his legacy? "Don't ask, don't tell" for allowing gays in the military? Still struggling to find something great he did? EXACTLY! You won't have that problem when bringing up Reagan. Best part about him was, HE NEVER, EVER, EVER claimed credit for his successes! NEVER! It wasn't about him, it was about America. In fact, no president in U.S. history has ever gotten more votes than Reagan did in 1984, despite the fact that the nation's population has grown by more than 30 million in the last 20 years. Many can talk down about him but when it comes down to it they can not argue the facts I have mentioned above. It's simply in our history books. That is why you see all this attention in the media and that is why our Government will be closed tomorrow. YES, our Government is declaring tomorrow a federal holiday for this year. Hope that helps.
  11. Make sure someone informs Saleen about this. I am sure he'll love it. Super !!!!!!
  12. Your fuckin rock bro!!!!!!!!
  13. You will always have my support Marco and Carla. Like you mentioned "we don't do this for money. That is as simple and transparent as it goes. We don't do this for EGO ...We do it to give an alternative to people in this town." That was the same impression I got from you guys when I first met you which is why both of you have my dearest respect and support then, now and in the future. I know how dirty the night club industry could be which is why I have always preferred to stick to the underground where the vibe and attitudes are pure such as yours.
  14. Marco, I also respect your hypothesis (most educated guess- for those educated in our public school system) about setting precedents, but as you said, that's your hypothesis, not mine. You talk about what's gone wrong???.........let's talk about it!!!!! The obvious is what the news regurgitates on a daily basis....what also went wrong but seems to get ignored is the following. - Saddam would prove more difficult to capture than Usama. - Over 10,000 troops would die trying to take Baghdad. - All the oil fields would be set ablaze - We could not fight a street to street fight against 400,000 Iraqi army troops and approx. 7 million in Al Quidas militia. NONE of this happened, yet we took Baghdad in 6 weeks,,,,and yet without even having a perfect "plan"........LOL......makes me laugh Please!!!!!!!!! Some people are in desperate need of perspective. The same people crying "the sky is falling,,,the sky is falling....we can't win, we'll just piss them off, etc..etc.." are the same one's who claimed Reagan could never defeat communism. You can only be judged by your "intentions" for so long....at some point, someone has to say "wait a minute, HAVE YOU FOLKS OVER ON THE GRASSY KNOLL EVER BEEN RIGHT?" History says no. Hence the purpose of electing a leader...TO LEAD! Not take public opinion polls and take the path of least resistance. Struggle and Pain only make you stronger. It's called vision. Some people get it, others don't.
  15. Unlike Saleen, I got to know you and you turned out to be super cool. I wish you the best bro and remember there is one thing you need to take care of for me before you take off. Ummm Hummm You know. Having a degree aerospace is BIG. Mad props to you Phil. Peace, OBBY
  16. Not in my world!!!!!!!! The fist pumping, glow stick chewing, shirtless sounds are just not "my cup of tea". I personally feel that Progressive has the best of all worlds.
  17. The only people I wish to rot in hell is our current enemies (terrorist). http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=229785
  18. A Message from the ghost of General Patton.... ATTENTION! OK you whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Maggots, it's time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars. See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality" TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your flabby ass - and LISTEN UP!! THIS is not "torture" or an "atrocity". This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do to newcomers. A little fun at someone else's expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that Kennedy? THIS IS an atrocity! So Was This!!! WHICH PART DON'T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead, and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies? John Kerry thinks if he gives them a hug or listens to them, then they'll like us...and you agree? You dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax - you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. Stop bitchin' about your damn Health Care, Social Security, Gas prices, and your measly 6% unemployment rate...and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends' asses. How many more Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles - and grow some balls for a change. You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots! And you may not get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS - and pass this on to any and every person you give-a-damn about... if you ever gave a damn about anything. DISMISSED!
  19. A Message from the ghost of General Patton.... ATTENTION! OK you whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Maggots, it's time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars. See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality" TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your flabby ass - and LISTEN UP!! THIS is not "torture" or an "atrocity". This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do to newcomers. A little fun at someone else's expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that Kennedy? THIS IS an atrocity! So Was This!!! WHICH PART DON'T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace- loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead, and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies? John Kerry thinks if he gives them a hug or listens to them, then they'll like us...and you agree? You dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax - you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. Stop bitchin' about your damn Health Care, Social Security, Gas prices, and your measly 6% unemployment rate...and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends' asses. How many more Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles - and grow some balls for a change. You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots! And you may not get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS - and pass this on to any and every person you give-a-damn about... if you ever gave a damn about anything. DISMISSED!
  20. Exactly. Skywalker mentioned about about Kerry being a dem and Reagan a Rep, so Kerry was supposed to question him.....The problem is Kerry's criticism was personal. He could not just debate Regans policies (which history has proven that Regan was right and Kerry and the dems where wrong), he had to make personal attacks against him claiming he was dumb, disconnected, a cowboy, a war monger, ect.ect.ect. Sound familiar??????? Bush is getting the same treatment. Funny how when they have no ground to stand on when debating issues how they get personal and attack the man character, intelligence, ect. This has become the norm for todays democratic party. They can not debate the issue because they are always on the wrong side, so they resort to personal attacks. Regardless of what some might claim, you can not say the same about republican politicians. Dems in Washington have zero class.......pity. For those who claim to think they know Reagan sucks and was never that popular, etc..etc..etc... Bottom line is,,,,Reagan won his second term as California Governor in a landslide. He won re-election in a landslide also, 49 of 50 states! That's INSANE! America loved the guy. Reagan was a LIFE LONG democrat. Born poor w/ an alcoholic father. Moved to HOLLYWOOD and became a so-so actor. Became a politician and soon after left the democratic party who at the time was embracing socialism and sympathizing w/ communist(especially in Hollywood). Liberals hated him, but they're not really America are they? Kind of like the little chiwawa w/ a loud bark. Obviously not if he took 49 of 50 states....For those who want to compare him to Clinton, Clinton never won 50% of the American vote. NEVER! He topped out at around 48% for his re-election against Dole. Reagan was truly loved. His legacy is huge. He inspired republicans around the country. Republicans eventually took control of congress, He brought down communism w/out a bullet even being fired, brought about one of the greatest and longest economic booms ever, etc..etc... Clinton's legacy is what? A blow job? What is he responsible for that makes him great? What policy did he implement that shines light on his legacy? "Don't ask, don't tell" for allowing gays in the military? Still struggling to find something great he did? EXACTLY! You won't have that problem when bringing up Reagan. Best part about him was, HE NEVER, EVER, EVER claimed credit for his successes! NEVER! It wasn't about him, it was about America. In fact, no president in U.S. history has ever gotten more votes than Reagan did in 1984, despite the fact that the nation's population has grown by more than 30 million in the last 20 years. Tough to find a democrat today in Washington who can claim the same. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THEM! No vision, no courage and morally bankrupt,,,,AT BEST.... PITY!
  21. The Massachusetts senator is saying all the right things now, but what did he say about Reagan before? by Katherine Mangu-Ward 06/07/2004 5:45:00 PM SENATOR JOHN KERRY issued a respectful and respectable statement in response to the news of President Reagan's death on Saturday. "Ronald Reagan's love of country was infectious," he said. "Even when he was breaking Democrats' hearts, he did so with a smile and in the spirit of honest and open debate. Despite the disagreements, he lived by that noble ideal that at 5:00 p.m. we weren't Democrats or Republicans, we were Americans and friends." This was an appropriate, even deft, statement--followed by the announcement by Kerry that he was canceling campaign events this week. But it's worth taking a look back at what Kerry said about Reagan during and after his presidency. Reagan was president when Kerry was elected to the Senate, and their ideological clashes were colorful and frequent. That's to be expected. Occasionally, however, during Reagan's presidency and in subsequent years, Kerry crossed the line into strident invective: * In November 2002, U.S. News & World Report carried this Kerry assessment of Reagan's presidency: "You roll out the president one time a day. One exposure to all of you [the media]. No big in-depth inquiries. Put him in his brown jacket and his blue jeans, put him on a ranch, let him cock his head, give you a smile, and it looks like America's OK." He repeated the same sentiments in an interview with Vogue last year, this time drawing a parallel to Bush: ''They have managed him the same way they managed Ronald Reagan," Kerry contended. ''They send him out to the press for one event a day. They put him in a brown jacket and jeans and get him to move some hay or drive a truck, and all of a sudden, he's the Marlboro Man." * That's not the only time Kerry has offered unflattering Bush-Reagan comparisons. In an interview last September with the Manchester Union-Leader, Kerry said, "We've seen governors come to Washington, . . . and they don't have the experience in foreign policy, and they get in trouble pretty fast. Look at Ronald Reagan. Look at Jimmy Carter and, now, obviously, George Bush." * In 1992 Kerry said, "Ronald Reagan certainly was never in combat. I mean, many of his movies depicted him there. And he may have believed he was, but he never was. And the fact is that he sent Americans off to die." * After his first major political battle in the Senate over Reagan's support for the Nicaraguan contras in 1985, Kerry said "I think it was a silly and rather immature approach," of Reagan's dismissal of a "peace offer" from Sandinista junta leader Daniel Ortega * Last year Kerry said to the Democratic National Committee: "I'm proud that I stood against Ronald Reagan, not with him, when his intelligence agencies were abusing the Constitution of the United States and when he was running an illegal war in Central America." In fact, Kerry has spoken at great length about the Reagan administration's "abuse of the Constitution" and "totalitarian" inclinations: "They were willing to literally put the Constitution at risk because they believed there was somehow a higher order of things, that the ends do in fact justify the means. That's the most Marxist, totalitarian doctrine I've ever heard of in my life. . . . You've done the very thing that James Madison and others feared when they were struggling to put the Constitution together, which was to create an unaccountable system with runaway power . . . running off against the will of the American people." Kerry was right to say kind words about Reagan on the day of his death. But they shouldn't obscure what Kerry said about Reagan during his life.
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