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Everything posted by obby

  1. Russia prepared for pre-emptive strikes on 'terror bases' worldwide Wed Sep 8, 5:43 AM ET MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia is prepared to make pre-emptive strikes on "terrorist bases" anywhere in the world, the Interfax news agency cited the country's chief of staff as saying. "With regard to preventive strikes on terrorist bases, we will take any action to eliminate terrorist bases in any region of the world. But this does not mean we will carry out nuclear strikes," General Yuri Baluyevsky said Wednesday. Baluyevsky added that Russia's choice of action "will be determined by the concrete situation where ever it may be in the world. "Military action is the last resort in the fight agaisnt terrorism."
  2. I won't even waist my time replying to some. Miller hit it right on the nose. Text of Zell Miller's (democrat) Speech at RNC http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=694&u=/ap/20040902/ap_on_el_pr/cvn_miller_text_1&printer=1 Enough said !!!!!!
  3. I hear you Koky BUT with that mentality then why have judges at the Olympics? Why watch football? or baseball? or soccer? Why follow sports and love it? One side will always be the losing side!!!!! We are at war with a society that despises our way of being and will not rest until they see us so called "infidels" suffering and divided. 9/11 was a wake up call for me and should have been for most. Again, we are at war and I don't know about you but I want to be on the winning side. PS: Our freedon has already been fucked with. I think you get my point. Just my opinion. Not forcing anything down anyone's just give my opinion. All you girlie men are my boys !!!!!!!!! LOL
  4. That make zero sense. I want what your smoking !!!!!!! I can say what I want to whoever I want whenever I want. Why ???? Cause I live in the land of the free. Anyone and everyone is more than welcome to try and stop me. Your my boy Flip !!!!!!
  5. Actually Bush is to be blamed. LOL
  6. LOL 4 hours prior? I think NHC gives like 12 -24 hour notice so the whole 4 hour thing just does not sound right. Might as well say "you will be allowed to leave once the wind gust reach 50 mph +" LOL Call Help Me Howard PS: You know my bro is surfing right now?
  7. Nice try "god" with a lower case "g" 1 - What beliefs have I "pushed" on you? I may have "suggested" something bet never "pushed" any belief on you nor anyone. So again...nice try. Very big difference between enforcing and suggesting ohh wise one. 2 - I never wished him death so lets try and go over this again. I simply stated the facts. Science has proven that obesity leads to DEATH. Moore is obese and that's a fact. Therefore he is his own worst enemy. The more he eats the quicker he will be faced with health complications hence my comment "he is his own worst enemy". Put that in your flight simulator and smoke it !!!!!!!!!! A+ for effort though !!!!!!!
  8. Hence my old comment http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/nwatl-vis-loop.html
  9. I hate no one. I do dislike some individuals but I believe hate is wrong. Don't get me started Flip aka "god"
  10. LOL Michael Moore is his own worst enemy. Micheal Moore is causing his own death. Keep eating lard buddy !!!!!!! The more you eat. The quicker you will go. Keep up the great work Moore! LOL
  11. LOL "There is no Democratic or Republican way of cleaning our streets." LOL Great attitude !!!!!!!! Same attitudes that said we will never land on the moon. LOL
  12. This is no joke. especially for us that have music equipment and a mass collection of vinyls. Not looking good at all. I wish everyone the best.
  13. He wasn't a popular mayor to some because he was so tough. Some even called him a Nazi cause of his determination to clean up New York. Guess what? That is exactly what he did. No other Mayor in history brought down crime rate in the amount that former Mayor Giuliani did. I'm not a native New Yorker but I would bet my balls that they all now this is true and would agree with me on this. So true that most New Yorkers wanted to reelect him for a third term but we all know that is not allowed. Please name me one other New York Mayor that brought down crime rate (% wise) and cleaned up New York more than Giuliani. Please name me one.
  14. NOAA Here is a link to the Northwest Atlantic http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/nwatl-vis-loop.html Here is the link to all the NOAA satellites http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/satellite.shtml
  15. LOL Just to be safe I would title yourself "god" with a lower case "g" and not a capital "G". It may effect you on your day of judgment.
  16. I hope we never get hit by a hurricane ever again. Andrew was enough. I myself went all over town last night just to buy the essentials and to my surprise allot of the places I went to already sold out on most items. I hit Target and publix up for: Bottle Water Canned Foods Plastic gas container Batteries Candles Solar Powered Radio For those of you who are buying Colman Lanterns.......I suggest you buy the ones that take white gas (aka unleaded fuel) rather than the Propane Lanterns. Although propane lanterns are good. The refills are sometimes hard to come by after a disaster. With the Colman Gas Lanterns all you need is unleaded fuel which can be purchased at any gas station and is much cheaper to store in a large plastic container. They both use mantels which will brighten up a whole block so keep that in mind. The gas lanterns can be purchased at Jets Florida Outdoors off of Bird Road along side with glow sticks which helps a great deal during such times. Although it looks like the storm is heading north...you never know.....better to be safe than sorry. Also, - Make sure to fill up your BBQ Tanks!!!!!!!!!! - Fill up your bath tub with water so you can use that water to flush your toilets. - Stock up on good chronic. - And make sure you have a deck of card and some chips to kill time. - Booch helps too LOL Just my 2 cents
  17. I found Digital to be the coolest Mod on this board. Might be tough to replace him. I'll pass !!!!!! but thank you Leo
  18. I know that is not a Von Bling shirt that I see him wearing. Please tell me I am seeign things
  19. Did you say the word "God" Uhhh Ohhhh isn't that a no no to some ?????
  20. My opinion: John M. was good, but not great,,,,but still very good....especially at the end of his speech. Rudy,,,Rudy,,,,Rudy,,,,,He was just brutal......I thought he was great! He never personally attacked Kerry, but he did question his record. I don't consider that attacking, I consider that debating. Especially since it's not emotional psycho-babble like "HE LIED, YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO DIE, YOU GRANDPARENTS ARE GOING ROT, H A L I B U R T O N!!!!,, ETC..ETC.." The 9/11 families were pretty powerful too......
  21. obby

    lYrIcS oF tHe wEeK

    Although silly Funny as fuck !!!!!!
  22. obby

    Afro Ninja

    Made me laugh Click Here To See The First Afro Ninja
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