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Everything posted by obby

  1. obby

    Bush "04"

    Can I buy a vowel ??????
  2. obby

    Bush "04"

    The person who moved this likes guys !!!!! I can only assume. Your
  3. obby

    Surf surf surf ....

    Check it !!!!! http://www.surfxtc.com/templates/gallery_pics.php?galleryid=856
  4. obby

    Bush "04"

    If I had to choose one it would be letter "H" Damn these mods are quick to move threads. Makes me wonder how much responsibilities they must have.
  5. To the visitor of our Country: The answer is YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!! "All terrorist and ANYONE who harbors them" Remember ?????? E Ya!!!!!!!!!
  6. BY MICHELE McPHEE and LEO STANDORA DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS The Secret Service clamped down on midtown last night to protect President Bush from a possible assassin armed with a hunting rifle. Lawrence Ward, 59, left his upstate New York home Wednesday with a .30-30 lever-action hunting rifle in the trunk of his car, telling a neighbor, "I'm not coming back." Inside his house in Bainbridge was a picture of Bush with the words "Dead Man" spray-painted near it, law enforcement authorities said. Bush was in town for a fund-raiser at the Sheraton New York before speaking today at the UN General Assembly. The Secret Service deemed Ward, a software engineer, such a "credible threat" that a three-square-block chunk of midtown was cordoned off. Secret Service agents and city cops patrolled the area looking for anything suspicious. Ward's ex-wife, Judith Ward, 59, who lives in Connecticut, told the Secret Service she thinks her former husband "is very dangerous and capable of killing someone and/or committing suicide." She said Ward "is obsessed with weapons, [Oklahoma City bomber] Timothy McVeigh and the book 'The Dead Zone' - a novel about the stalking and attempted assassination of a presidential candidate," according to a Secret Service document. The document, reviewed by the Daily News, said Ward sent his ex-wife a CD that mentions killing both Bush and Democratic rival John Kerry. He also was said to be "obsessed" with his 19-year-old daughter, Priscilla Jane. Judith Ward told The News she divorced her husband four years ago after 18 years of marriage because "he was a wife-beater and other things I don't want to talk about." Authorities said Ward has a criminal past dating to 1991, including an indecent sexual proposal charge. The neighbor in Bainbridge, a community about 40miles northeast of Binghamton, told authorities that Ward "frequently spoke of 'fighting the system' and other anti-government topics." The neighbor said Ward gave him his house keys and told him to help himself. He then drove off in a blue 1997 Toyota sedan with the New York license plate BRF-6546. Two days later, the neighbor went into the house, found the photo of Bush and called police. Originally published on September 21, 2004 http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/234225p-201129c.html
  7. Sacastic but true to the point!!!!!!! Mess with the Elephants.....You get the tusks!!!!!!
  8. obby

    He Loves You !!!!!

  9. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/9/20/124054.shtml Even though he fucked up I do not think he should resign unless he knew what he was reporting was false. tisk tisk
  10. Try and read up a bit more. They agreed to help AFTER ALL FIGHTING has ceased. Why not help us from the get go ???? Simple, because they knew we would find out about their involvement with the Oil For Food scandals.
  11. Simply sweep it under the rug huh and forget it happened???? WRONG !!!!!!!! Time to reform those fuckers so that they do the job their are supposed to do.
  12. No one except: Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine. and lets not forget that Russia is now leaning towards our side after their recent terrorist attack. As for France...one thre words....OIL FOR FOOD!!!!!!!!
  13. http://www.newsmax.com/?j=509743&e=robert@asciofmiami.com&l=143149_HTML&u=9827910 CBS determines that documents it claimed were authentic are fakes. CBS could admit as early as today that documents it used to question President Bush's National Guard service were concocted. More: A retired Texas National Guard official mentioned as the possible source says he passed along information to former Sen. Max Cleland, who is working with John Kerry's campaign.
  14. obby

    Good Morning

    Yeah !!!! What peaking duck said !!!!!!!
  15. Quivver - Boz Boz (Shiloh and Central Rush Break Mix)
  16. Because everything is Bush's fault. LOL
  17. September 16, 2004 (...predict what the left will do if Bush wins re-election) BEGIN TRANSCRIPT I want you to keep an eye on this, folks. I have been warning you. Many people have been asking me, "What's the left going to do when they lose the election?" And I know many of you think, well, they're going to realize they've been screwing up and change their ways and we'll have less partisanship and blah, blah. (Laughing). My friends, that's wishful thinking. Ain't going to happen. They haven't suffered enough yet. Their losses aren't enough to hammer home reality to them yet. If Bush wins this election, I guarantee you the first thing, substantively, the left will do is try to impeach him, and they'll do so on the basis of what happened at Abu Ghraib. And that's why I want you to keep an eye on this because this story, this is the latest story from the Associated Press: "Suggesting the government was acting as if it had something to hide, a federal judge Wednesday gave Washington one month to release records related to the treatment of prisoners in Iraq. U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein chastised officials for moving at a 'glacial pace' in responding to nearly year-old Freedom of Information Act requests from the American Civil Liberties Union and four other watchdog organizations. 'If the documents are more of an embarrassment than a secret, the public should know of our government's treatment of individuals captured and held abroad,' Hellerstein wrote. 'We are a nation that strives to value the dignity of all humanity.' "The groups brought a lawsuit in June, saying they wanted to expose the treatment of detainees. Hellerstein said though the government had raised 'important issues' of national security as a reason for the delays, 'merely raising national security concerns cannot justify unlimited delay.' Megan L. Gaffney, a spokeswoman for federal prosecutors in New York, declined to comment. Jameel Jaffer, an ACLU lawyer, was heartened by the action." Just keep a sharp eye on this, folks, because this is where they're going to go if they lose the election. You think they're just gonna sit back and say, "Okay, well, Bush is a lame duck. Let's go ahead and try to stall him as much as they can until we get Hillary elected." Ain't gonna happen. There is not widespread hatred for George Bush among the American people. There is among the power base of the American left today and they will do whatever they can to get this guy thrown out of office. END TRANSCRIPT http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/091604/content/cutting_edge.guest.html
  18. obby

    Attn: Mursa

    Que ricas estan todas !!!!!
  19. Hey, that's trade marked already....don't make me call my lawyers !!!!!!! Not this one !!!!!! (yet) Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die. LOL J/K
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