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Everything posted by obby

  1. Hope this helps (turn on your speakers) Click Here If it doesn't then try thumb wrestling yourself.
  2. (my opinion) Yes I have been watching and the only person who gained my respect so far in this years Democratic convention was State Senator Barack Obama. Out of all the Demz he was the only one that I felt was speaking truthfully and from the heart. I got a good vibe from him and that says allot coming from a hard core Republican like me. I wouldn't doubt it if he become the first black President of the United States Of America (considering that the highly respectable Colin Powell won't accept the position). As for the Kerry hype. No one has yet to explain his 20 yrs. voting record in the senate. All I've heard is that he says he'll do better. How he'll do it is still an enigma. I've been home watching a lot of this Democratic Convention and all I've learned is that Kerry went to Vietnam and he says he'll do everything better. If that's all it took for the Demz to decide on Kerry, then the Republican National Convention will probably blow most minds. Expect facts, ideas, specifics and most importantly, VISION. If you're already convinced, then you'll surly be voting for Bush once you hear his side next month..... ex: Kerry voted for this war which did not have UN support which he now claims was necessary? Only problem is, he voted against Gulf War 1 when the entire world was in support of it (including the UN and most Arab Countries offering soldiers w/ boots on the ground). Which one is it??? Just another flip/flop which should shed some light. If you just hate bush, say so but don't blow smoke about Kerry. The guy is hollow and transparent. Look at how he's voted, not what he now says......actions speak louder than words. They can't campaign on what they want to do because it will ensure their demise. They'll keep doing everything to deflect attn. from Kerry's atrocious 20 yr. voting record. I'm sure the Bush campaign will make sure everyone focuses on what he's done, not what he claims he'll do. They perfect the politics of personal destruction for almost 4 yrs, and now decide to "go nice"? Can't fool me. Again, just my opinion.
  3. The Hotel is privatetly owned. Does that tell any of you that take advantage of our freedom of speach anything? Prob not
  4. Welcome to the wonderful land of the demz. I call it la la land. Could be the pills. Could be the chills. : ) Good luck Shroomy.......trust me. It's like talking to a wall. We killed Indians We hung black people We planned 9/11 We went for oil We planted the WMD's We Are The Real Axis Of Evil ohh wait....and it's all Bush's fault
  5. Your Dad sounds like a true American!!!!! He's right. Many have died to preserve the right for others to talk down about our Country and by law we can only sit back and debate their claims. It isn't easy being the big kids on the block
  6. This guy gets it!!!! Welcome aboard!!!! Peace By Force !!!!!!
  7. Tell us something we don't know.
  8. Now thats fuuuuuny!!!!!!!! The Clinton part is great!!!!!!
  9. http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/357lnryy.asp The 9/11 Commission Describes the Link From the August 2, 2004 issue: Its final report demolishes the claim that there is no evidence of Iraqi support for al Qaeda. by Stephen F. Hayes 08/02/2004, Volume 009, Issue 44 "THERE WAS NO QUESTION in our minds that there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda." Those are the words of Thomas Kean, the Republican co-chairman of the September 11 Commission. He made the statement on July 22, 2004, 10 days after a New York Times headline declared, "9/11 Report Is Said to Dismiss Iraq-Qaeda Alliance," and a month after another headline in the same paper blared, "Panel Finds No Qaeda-Iraq Tie."
  10. MR. FANTASTIC: We will never defeat terrorism? That's just brilliant! (I want you on my team) I guess we would never learn to fly or get to outer space, or land on the moon or land on mars or defeat the Nazi's and communism. While we're at it, let's be consistent, shall we? If we'll never defeat terrorism, then we'll never cure world hunger, aids, disease, etc.... I'm done with your logic. Hope you enjoy my future posts. Hope you find them entertaining to your brain .
  11. Don't shoot the messenger. Congress is the one admitting they are at fault. Anyone wants to argue this can contact them. LIES? Who has lied? Saddam? Clinton? Bush? Blair? Demz? Repz? UN? Iran? N. Korea? Russia? Richard Clark? Amb. Joseph Wilson? Nat. Security Advisor Sandy Berger? Did they all lie? Where they all misled? Did they all mislead? Are we undermining the war on terror (which we did not start) or are we defending tyrannical leaders and terrorist sympathizers? Does anyone here have a better plan for dealing w/ terrorist/ism? Do we just keep beating ourselves to death crying "mea culpa, mea culpa" or do we worry more about understanding why terrorist hate us? Do we put understanding "terrorists hate" above defeating them? Do we play politrix w/ our national security? Do we seek a cure or a band-aid? Do we even really care? Do we trivialize the sacrifices made by our soldiers to feed our gluttonous appetite for ideological righteousness? Do we bury our heads in the sand, cross our fingers and hope for the best? Do we worry about what European socialists think about us or do we do what's needed to protect our livelihood? Have we all forgotten how we felt on 9/11? The threat is real. This enemy has been at war w/ us since 1993. I know how I feel. Freedom ain't free. Never has been. I've personally lost a cousin in Iraq and understand the sacrifices. I'm sorry to read so many posts from people who either cannot or will not face the threat our generation has been handed. I thank God for all the sacrifices made by all Americans.
  12. According to the beloved 9/11 commission, congress holds the ultimate blame for failing America and world...........Congress was privy to the SAME EXACT info Bush and the admin had and all came to the same conclusion.........If it's blame that tickles one pickle,,,,,then congress is in deep doo-doo.. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/22/politics/22panel.html?ex=1091073600&en=3ae4ae9e8394bba8&ei=5006&partner=ALTAVISTA1
  13. By Audrey Hudson THE WASHINGTON TIMES http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20040721-101403-1508r.htm
  14. Tour de France director Jean Marie-Leblanc admitted Wednesday that he saw fans spit at Lance Armstrong during the first-ever time trial to historic L'Alpe d'Huez. "There were lots of aggressive fans surrounding the riders and I even saw two idiots spit at Lance Armstrong," Leblanc told Reuters. "Unfortunately I doubt you can put barriers on the 14 kilometers of the climb. "Until this morning, everybody thought this time trial was a good idea and now we realized it was not so." Armstrong finished the 9.6-mile climb through 21 hairpin turns to the L'Alpe d'Huez ski station in 39 minutes, 42 seconds - the only rider under 40 minutes. It was the first time Tour organizers organized an individual race against the clock on the legendary climb. "I wanted it bad because of the history around this mountain and the importance to the race. All in all, it was a very important day," Armstrong said. "Lots of emotion, lots of adrenaline." At the bottom of the climb, crowds completely covered the road, parting only at the very last second as riders hurtled toward them. Some fans ran alongside the bicycles, waving flags that came close to catching handlebars or wheels. Others were slow to move aside, forcing riders to swerve. Police motorcyclists rode in front of the racers, sirens blaring, parting the crowds somewhat. But every moment still seemed to be an accident waiting to happen. "The crowds were animated, I should say," said Armstrong, who complained in particular about German fans. "Although I enjoyed my day, I still think it's a bad idea to have a time trial on this mountain." The Associated Press contributed to this report
  15. Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:08 p.m. EDT Powell: Bush Right to Assume Iraq Had WMDs Secretary of State Colin Powell said Wednesday that President Bush was correct to believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the U.S. attacked in March 2003. "The intelligence picture that was presented to the Congress, presented to me, presented to the president by the intelligence community led the president to the conclusion - the correct conclusion - that you had to assume that these weapons were there," Powell told a national radio host. "And the president acted on that knowledge," he added. But Powell said he doubted a report earlier today that three nuclear warheads had been uncovered by Iraqi officials in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, "I'd be surprised if they found any such thing." quoted Powell. Powell also said he was concerned about reports that former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger had removed top secret documents from the National Archives that were earmarked for review by the 9/11 Commission. "It's a very serious matter," he said, adding that he expected Berger to cooperate with Justice Department probers.
  16. Lick my ass up and down Lick it to your tongue turns doo doo brown (is la mimi entertained yet)
  17. Talk about shooting the messenger.....lol You folks are a trip. The report came out this morning. It was printed on the Washington Post, then picked up by the Washington Times, Drudge then put links up to it, soon after a denial from an Iraqi official was posted on Drudge. Since then, the Wash. Post has removed it from their web site. What's the problem here children? If I were you folks (Bush critics/anti-war flower power folks) I would be hiding under my bed. Have you folks been paying any attn. to the news as of late? Every wacky accusation and myth you've accused this country, this prez and the coalition of doing is eroding before the worlds eyes. How you have the face to claim some sort of righteousness over a story reported this morning is beyond comprehension. Keep justifying the unjustifiable. Denying the undeniable and excusing the inexcusable. You folks and all those like minded are completely pathetic. I actually feel sorry for you folks. .... Okay,,enough w/ the politically correct civility,,,,, Why you folks willingly choose to limit your minds to borderline mongoloids baffles the mind. Enjoy your little circle jerks. I'll let you kids be kids. You little rascals you.......I've got some neat little tonka trucks you can play with. lol
  18. To view this file you will need Power Point or the free Power Point Viewer which can be downloaded here: Power Point Viewer Now here comes the good stuff. Enjoy!!!! Click Here Enjoy,
  19. Could it be from wear and tear? J/K I'll take two orders of the roast beef please.
  20. I like them fine!!!!! I say we create a SOTU Slide Show with some of the fine CP girls. Any volunteers????
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