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Everything posted by jpdd810

  1. Just for being the cute little wise ass that you are I'll make you 2!!
  2. You are toooo funny!! I understand everybody has their own opinions!!! I guess I feel since I thought I lost a family member and I did lose a friend eveybody should feel the same. It's a horrible day. I have been crying at anything the last couple of days. Everybody was touched by this in many different ways. A lot of my cousins went there the first couple of weeks to help. They told me stories of the things they saw that just made me sick. My cousin Scott is still traumatized by it!! It's really sad!! By the way did Dom give you my message?
  3. I was running late for work that day for some odd reason. When I walked out of the bathroom the first thing I saw was the tower in flames. My mother was crying saying a plane just flew right into the tower. That was the tower my cousin was in. I was glued to the tv after that. Called work and told them I wasn't coming in, my cousin was in there. My mother went to my aunts house and I stayed home making phone calls. When the first tower fell I think I fell too. My ex came in the house and found my passed out on the floor. When the 2nd tower went down I fell to the floor again in tears and passed out. My cousin was in there!!! That was the worst morning of my life. Cell phones weren't working so we couldn't find him. Finally, his g'friend decided to check to see if he used his MAC card and he did!!! We didn't offically hear from him til later though. Just knowing he was a live was the best thing in the world!!!!!!
  4. there is something about Italian sausage that drives me crazy!! I like mine hot and spicey!!! HEHEHEHE!!! ;) ;)
  5. The sound of that just made me sick to my stomach!! Italian food rules!! Even though i eat it for dinner pretty much 4 times a week I would def go for Italian food!! NO FISHY STUFFFFFFF!!!
  6. Why bother asking when you'll just back out at the last minute!!
  7. Well not only is he hot he has all these wonderful qualities too?! By all chance does he have a brother? (hehehe) I had an awesome time at surf yesterday!! Toooo many shots!!! Well I will def come visit you at joeys this winter!! remember if you ever need a place to stay (besides in Union) let me know!!! :D
  8. Serg, last night was the best time I ever had at Surf Club!!! (how many years?) Everybody was partying, drinking and having tooo much fun!!! My legs and my feet hurt so much today from all that dancing!! Not to mention my head!! Can't wait til next year!! You made that incredible serg!!!!
  9. Cheap Bastard!!! Those are the kind of guys that buy all that to impress women!!! Point them out so I don't hang out with them!!! CHEAP ASS!!!
  10. I've been laying out since 10:30 this morning!!! Later SURF CLUB!!!! SHOTS ALL DAY!!!! :D :D :D
  11. Try working all day on saturdays too!! I have to work til 9:30pm tonight!! Sux really big donkey balls (no offence donkeybitch)!!! Well atleast the night is still young at 10pm when I get home!! :( :rolleyes:
  12. Sounds like a good match!! I want to hold the round cards!!! As for Denny & Laurie Denny would whip that pour girls ass! by the way is she still alive? Haven't seen her lately?! We missed her at the closing party at tempts!! HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!
  13. If it's gunns be any thing like last sunday nite I'll be there!!! :D :D
  14. I might be like that on Sunday!! You actually might have to carry me out!!!
  15. Who was that guy? Who was he with! I think I lost 10lbs just watching him!!!
  16. What?! Am I chopped liver!!?? :tongue:
  17. Tell me more!!! I love when you tell me how hot I am!! (I think I'm getting a little hot myself -hehehehehe!!)
  18. You are a wise ass! Stop being so hostile toward women!! As for calling your friend, I would. If she is a bitch about it hang up on her. If she doesn't apologize just say well i was calling just to make sure you were alive and then never call her again. You made the initail move to make sure she was alright and to have the last word. (I always have to have the last word!)
  19. Brian I owe you a shot so at surf I'll be looking for you!!
  20. Well in my opinion she is not a good friend. You already stated that she has let you down b4. On top of all that it is now thursday and she still has not called. What kind of "friend" does that!! I could understand if she called you that night and said "hey I'm sorry but me and so-N-so are in a big fight and we really need to talk". For all you know right know she could have met her b'friend and got into a bigger fight and he beat her up or something. Maybe you should call her? Make sure she's alright and then ask why she hasn't called!
  21. Just reading about eating all this heathy shit is making me hungry!! I could really go for cheese fries w/ gravy and a grilled cheese sandwich!! (hint-I really like cheese!) You will never catch me eating a salad of rabbit food!!! I like being somewhat thick!! If I didn't have curves what would I have (besides a nice smile)?
  22. I love that!! I have a tank top w/ that pic on it!!! The boyz love it!!
  23. I'll be there!! You have just booked me for that night too!!! I don't know she will want to perform after me though(J/K)!!! Count me in for that night Joe!!! I'll make sure I tell the girls we are booked for the night!!!!!!!!!!
  24. You are too good to my ego ( or was that eggo?)! Are just just saying that b/c you think I'm still mad at you? Well I'm not!! But if you want you can tell me more!!!!
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