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Posts posted by danswat79

  1. Originally posted by badassmafuka

    Abbott Labs make (2) strengths

    100mg/ml 10 x 5 ml injection

    50 mg/ml 10 x 10 ml injection

    if you can get a refernence book you can also look it up by NDC



    Question is are either of these any good or different than vet K? Almost positive he got the 50mg/ml x 10 ml from Abbot Labs

  2. Originally posted by livebehavior

    Its verys funny because us locals have a very different view of that weekend. It is truely the one weekend where most of us avoid the larger clubs for the most part. I am sure you will enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Wrong - actually the complete opposite. This is one of the few weekends of the whole year I am looking forward to b/c of all the great DJ's that come to town. Not to mention all the special pool and afterhour parties. Lets not forget the Club Rubber parties on Sat and Sun night. The music out here is horrible the rest of the year at almost every club but a few- unless your into cheezy hard house or all the horrible hip-hop they play.

    The Vegas nightlife isn't all that its hyped up to be. Its great when your here on vacation, but its a different story when you live here. But on weekends like this you can't get any better!!

  3. OK...I got the real scoop from him...he though it was 500 mg/ml but its 500 mg/vial so I don't think its that good - I'd be pretty pissed!!

    I think that means there is only a half a gram per vial.....so is it safe to say he got less than what he would out of a vial of vetrinary K or would it still be good b/c of its purity? I'm trying to tell him he got screwed but he doesn't want to hear it.

  4. Talked to one of my boys from back home today who says he came across a liq of human Ketamine HCL - 500mg/ml x 10 Ml made by Abbot Labs. He's saying its the strongest/purest around b/c its human grade and the mg are alot higher than the usual vetrinary stuff . Never heard anyone talk about human K before so I'm guessing its good & he got lucky.

    Anyone have any experiences w/ this before - is the high the same? Is this alot stronger?

  5. Definitely ditch Seven on Saturday for ICE. Not sure if your into afterhours or not, but only go there if you want to party late that night b/c the place is dead before 4 am - usually gets good from 4 - 8 am. I would also reccomend going to Drais on Friday night between 3-4 am - another great afterhour spot.

  6. I am a big suporter of your club so far and reccomend it to everyone on this board. I love the interior of ICE because it is the only club with a big room feel that seems semi-commited to bring in good music.

    I am also impressed with the direction you guys are headed in w/ your DJ lineup for Saturday nights for April and May. This is exactly what this scene needs. Vegas is a great place to party, but the one thing that is pretty much know about us nationwide from other clubgoers is that this isn't a place for good dance music. Although its only a rumor, I hear the Spundae party will soon be leaving Risque and heading your way, which is honestly the best thing that could happen for you guys. Pick up where they left off (consistantly bring in top notch DJ's) and I am sure this will be the most talked about Saturday party, because right now there is no competition.

    Keep up the good work because your the only place around to get excited about!

    P.S. Bring back Jonathan Peters for the Sunday of Memorial Weekend - he spins in Vegas every year on that night. The Halloween party was your best yet and that party will be jammed with all the NY & NJ people heading here

  7. Totally agree on Rain - its a tourist trap w/ horrible music. But I think people who haven't been there should see it once because the inside of the club (looks wise) is awesome. I was blown away the first time I saw it on my first trip out here - after 2 or 3 times your realize how horrible the music is and it loses its appeal. I do want to check it out for one of the Pimp and Ho or Club Rubber Parties one of the next couple of Holiday weekends (if JP isn't spinning somewhere else) b/c I know its a good party when they have better DJ

  8. Stay away from RA on Thursdays unless you want ONLY hip-hop. I've walked through the luxor a few thursdays ago and there was such a trashy crowd all w/ Jerseys and Hats on. One of the bouncers I talked to said its the only day they do stricly hip hop and that its usually pretty ghetto all night. Wednesdays and Fridays are house/dance music and Saturdays are a mix of hip hop and dance.

    Stick w/ Ra on a Friday - definely the best night to go of all 3 nights you'll be around. The line for Rain is insane on the weekends so Thursday is a good call for that - its crowded but there isn't even close to the line from all the tourists in on the Friday/Sat.

    Light is an above average club @ best and is mostly hip-hop. If I was in for only a few days, I wouldn't waste one of the best nights on that place. If you are going out Sunday night, go to Light. Sundays aren't nearly as busy at the clubs and that is the one night around here it is know to go there.

    Definitely go to Ice on Saturday - probably a 2 minute cab ride off the strip - right by the Hard Rock. 2 rooms of music - great VIP areas - and if you are going to drink I would definiely check out these packages. Got one for Halloween and it was definitely worth it


  9. If your an out of town female - cover is anywhere from $10 to $20 on a regular weekend ($20 @ most places) - Local girls get in free or discounted w/ Nevada ID. On holiday weekends, cover can be anywhere from $20 - $40 PLUS greasing the bouncer to get past the line

  10. Probably don't need VIP packages but some of the ones they have on www.vegas.com under nightlife are worth it if you have a large group

    Your schedule sounds pretty good - Rain is the most crowded on Friday and Saturday w/ rediculous lines, so Thursday is a good call. I wouldn't go to Seven on Saturday unless it is around 4 am b/c it is only good for afterhours. Check out ICE instead - best club out here in my opinion

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