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Everything posted by lalate

  1. Been there . Done that. Never again will I allow a chick riding me to lean back fully perpendicular. j/k
  2. 20 wont be hard. You can loose than in 3 months or less.
  3. Just kick a few Vegans. Burns 10 calories each kick.
  4. ^^^ likes to suck balls (pre edit lol) << has huge low hangers.
  5. Thanks to hard work in the gym the last 12 months, I got the best body of my life currently.... and still working to get even better in 05
  6. Your time of the month again.
  7. Say something sweeeet that has happened to you recently that you are happy about. D-spell has a cool gig, phat a killer car. What else cool has happened to peeps lately?
  8. Just a general comment. Sincerely, Mister Generality.
  9. Two comments. a) Happy BDAY again ... and to the dufus that gave me neg rep points for wishing you a happy bday in another thread, thats <thumbs down> To the girls that think giving head for over an hour is long, <thumbs down>. At the right moment, with the right person, over an hour is nothing.
  10. 3 am the Sec of State of Ohio expects all precincts (sp) to be in. < more nervous than a 13 year old virgin at a playboy bunny party >
  11. Girl. Watch Russert w/ Brokaw. Kerry took PA. Kerry took PA with the urban and young vote. The remaining 45% of Ohio is the north of urban and young vote. Acc to Russert if Kerry takes Ohio in the north, he'll take Ohio, and take the Presidency (there is not enough states, NM, and other for Bush to pick up with an Ohio win to catch up). As the thread says --- I Love Ohio. And its Ohio where they have been in line for 9 hours to vote in the north. < fingers crossed >
  12. People just now voting (8:30 pm PST) who have been in line for 9 hours in 300 person lines in certain prectincts (sp) .... and refusing to accept a paper ballot to make sure their vote really counts. It's a real testament to how wonderful our nation is that people will wait in line so long to make their vote count.
  13. It appears that whoever wins 2 of PA, FL, and Ohio, wins.
  14. well said . fyi does mace have a new album out in the last 60 days?
  15. Time to Aschroft out on the street
  16. Everytime you light a rib on the bbq ... a vegan dies somewhere. ..... just remember to add hot sauce.
  17. Everytime you light a Rib on the BBQ ... a vegan dies. ..... just remember to add the hot sauce.
  18. Just because you dont like our Deli in NYC doesnt mean you should act that way.
  19. A new president tomorrow. The Stock market rallies on a Kerry win. Good weather nationally forecast through December. The year is gonna end well
  20. ..... happy birthday ..... So I guess the whip was a b-day gift to yourself? Cooool. If it wasnt, there is cool site I found for killer dope rims w/ thight prices you can get for ur bday too
  21. yup~! although #3 should have been flip but didnt have enough !!!!
  22. Prediction - Kerry will take at least Florida and Ohio and win. Manana is bye bye Bush time. :) :)
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