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Everything posted by copahc

  1. Well you are always on CP and not online
  2. W -water resistant watch
  3. copahc


    really... is anyone else going?
  4. copahc


    I don't know I never go there I never went out in norwalk, but i've been meaning to check it out. Hvent been to new haven ina while. I'll probably be in boston tomorrow night actually... where should I go?
  5. hey - but i just switched my work schedule to a 4-day work week 4/10 hr days per week and I get another day off... so i'll have another night to go out and party
  6. copahc


    Complex is very cheesy And it is a meat market. But most of the clubs in Providence are. They are 21 and over for guys and 18 and over for girls. I think that is so retarded.
  7. Tell me about it. I once forgot my bookbag in the cafeteria. When I remembered it, it was too late and they locked it up. So the next morning I went to go get it and somebody had already stolen my graphing calculator, discman and some CDs, and a pack of cigs. I was pretty glad they didn't take my books and notesbooks though because i had a test the next day and would have been screwed.
  8. You thknk that's bad... mine is like 10:30 or 11:00 sunday thru thursday
  9. I really like these guys tee hee
  10. d - doritos - to munch on durring the drinking games
  11. girlies... I still need votes from: Reeni Destiny sweetie Mystify solbeam ...and any BG's I forgot
  12. huh? what? :confused:
  13. You mean that's not you in your avatar??
  14. Do I make You horny Baby???
  15. Hottie #5 Ronin 1. How old are you and where do you live? 22, Orange County, NY 2. why should you be our Hottie of the Month? But seriously... I should be the hottie only if you think I should be. No need to ass kiss. 3. What do u think is your best quality, and why? Sense of Humor. I am always told that I am funny and I tend to lighten rough situations with witty remarks. 4. If you could do anything that you have not done yet, what would it be and why? Drive cross country to see the different parts of the United States. 5. Put these in the order of importance a) overall looks career c) financial stabilty d) intelligence e) personality e,d,c,b,a
  16. Hottie #4 Elementx 1. How old are you and where do you live? 25 Years old. And Live in Staten Island. 2. why should you be our Hottie of the Month? Tell you the truth. I dont even know why I was nominated... Now if you were to say hornies Bump Man. Then I can give you a million and one reasons... 3. What do u think is your best quality, and why? By far my ability to listen and give advice to those who are in need. I will never say no to a friend or family member who needs my help. 4. If you could do anything that you have not done yet, what would it be and why? Travel around the World. 5. Put these in the order of importance a) overall looks career c) financial stabilty d) intelligence e) personality 1) D 2) E 3) B 4) A 5) C ( If you were to say Financial Maturity ) Then it would be a different answer...
  17. Hottie #3 Fineones 1. How old are you and where do you live? I'm 23 and live in a one bedroom apt. in queens...soon to be moving in with the great dgmodel himself in about a month 2. why should you be our Hottie of the Month? I think i have all the qualities a 'bump' hottie should have..haha... I guess i should be a 'Bump Hottie Of the Month' because I've been nothing but honest with the ppl on this board, and never attempted to portray myself as someone im not. I've never thrashed anybody just to thrash or complimented someone if I didnt feel they deserved it. I guess it all comes down to honesty and respect. 3. What do u think is your best quality, and why? I would like to think its my looks..aha.but its probaby my personality, I get along with everyone i meet real well. 4. If you could do anything that you have not done yet, what would it be and why? To be completely honest it would to fall in love for real..i dont think I ever have and feel I have allot to give the right someone. 5. Put these in the order of importance a) overall looks career c) financial stabilty d) intelligence e) personality These depend on if its 'in a mate' or for myself for a mate i think it have to be: 1) personality 2) intelligence 3) overall looks 4) Career 5) financial stability For myself: 1) personality (with out this... good luck ) 2) intelligence (brains = beauty) 3) overall looks (i would want to be attractive to my wife) 4) career (if i love my job ill love my life) 5) financial stability (Its fun to be spontanious)
  18. Hottie #2 Origskeemr Don’t worry hun… there’s always next month
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