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Everything posted by copahc

  1. Here we go… I’m consolidating the responses and pics for the hottie of the month contestants in one thread so it’s easy to read. Bump girls… time to vote. PM your votes to me since lisa and wendy are gone. I’ll post the winner as soon as everyone has voted. Good luck Boys Hottie #1 DGMODEL 1. How old are you and where do you live? twenty-four years old... Forest Hills New York... 2. why should you be our Hottie of the Month? because of the fortune the fame and the honor being your hottie... 3. What do u think is your best quality, and why? id prolly have to go with personality... its the only thing that carries any value... looks fade, money is made and lost, material items come and go, the only thing i have that stays constant is my personality... 4. If you could do anything that you have not done yet, what would it be and why? take six months to a year off from work, and travel through europe... see every site, taste every food, visit every country... and id like to this with my wife, or gf whoever she may be... 5. Put these in the order of importance here you go: a) personality intelligence c) career d) overall looks e) financial stabilty
  2. Alright , Alright well we were waiting on origskeemr to post a pic... but i guess he withdrew we can wait no more... we will proceed witout him
  3. :licker::licker: :licker::licker:
  4. I - Indiana Jones .. oh wait, wrong thread
  5. Wouldn't you just love that
  6. c'mon guys I want 1000 replies by the end of the week
  7. I know… today is going by sooooo slooooow And CP definitely isn’t helping me to get my work done any faster
  8. ... on a plane ... in the rain
  9. mmmmmm big mac fench fries :drool:
  10. Of course you're a whore you just aren't on the bump board that much anymore
  11. :bounce: where are all the whores!!!
  12. Aiight Bump boys and bump girls... whore it up on this thread and make it number one!!!!! (inspired by dgmodel;))
  13. copahc


    :laugh: at whore house OK that inspired a new thread.. DG i'm gonna make a thread called whore house, and we'll see if we can get it to #1
  14. copahc


    DAMN! You guys were really whoring it up last night... look at everything I missed
  15. I think it's only for a week or wto... cheer up
  16. I think you should post a pic of your ass!
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