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Everything posted by flavanugz

  1. Fri - Club 1100 for pregame. Avalon for wilkie and howells. decent tunes from DH, but after seeing him for 10 hours in Miami, it could only be a dissapointment. Left a lil early and went to Kosherland. Was my favorite one yet. Saw some new faces and got to meet all 500 of Avi's brothers. Saturday - Go back to my house from kosherland, w/ visions of chicken wings. was all ready to rock and my body got the best of me. Passed out for a few hours and then woke up and chilled for the rest of the night. Sunday - Easter dinner, followed by more sitting around. Pretty low-key. Monday - Had to work in the morning. Ended up going home at lunch, cooking lunch, and smokey bowls. Picked up my ridiculously drunk roomate and grilled some grub, chicken wings... watched some 24.
  2. youll def see d:Rew out then
  3. Q-BERT James Zabiela Sasha Richie Hawtin want me to keep going
  4. im here. leaving at noon to run in the marathon
  5. oh, and another big LOL to the comment of 'Dare' being in your top 5 since u started going out. u must be a real veteran then....hahahah. this thread is awesome
  6. seriously u r making a big deal over some black stripe u put over your eyes. i think the point is that no one gives a fuck. and a MASSIVE LOL to your comment about new york not having any cutting edge dance music.....where exactly do YOU like to go to hear the hottest mask beats?
  7. did u check everyones ID's to make sure you werent partying with someone under 21? did the dj use alot of EFX?
  8. ya seriously? was the place juiced or what?
  9. wow, way to count your drinks vyto..... very college freshman of you.
  10. woodsie? do u promote for L&B? u have posted the same thing in just about every thread about this night on the entire web..... im just bi-curious....
  11. i see the AIDS are finally kicking in on Disco
  12. so why bother with matrix, hahahahah
  13. ugh, shitty news. im sure this isnt the end
  14. is this honestly the first time u have seen this?
  15. hate both those djs. ill be in AXIS all night
  16. downstairs i hope
  17. dude, gonna be so many chix wings and jar jar binks 'heart-to-hearts' this weekend.
  18. its just that u are kind of a tool for taking what was once a great thread an trying to make it your own. its very american idol of you, in a bad way
  19. fri - gonna plug burridge beats at cielo, then to APT for afterhours where hopefully teamj5 doesnt show and Howells does, that way i can torture him with text sat - afterhours into sleep into drive home. maybe watch people punch each other, which would be ideal sun - reconsider my life goals, prolly rip some tubes.
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