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Everything posted by flavanugz

  1. Mr. G: Did You Know (Phoenix G)
  2. ITS ALL ABOUT YATTA!!! prolly the coolest music video ever!
  3. Now that you're in it. Ms. Reach-around!
  4. im quick like that....quick like a cat, or a tiger, or d:grrrrrrrrrew
  5. there ya go!!! lets hear that tiger growl!
  6. Nice. Dt and the pool party are gonna be the shizznizzle.
  7. lighten up dude. we all need a little Yatta in our lives, even you tiger.
  8. No way in hell im missing these guys. They are the next big thing. http://www.redlinechicago.com/arvid/yatta/
  9. not me dude. doc martin is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkkkkk
  10. u need to buy this song for miami. lee cabrera: shake it (credence). shit has conference written all over it
  11. where is your wmc chart bro?
  13. NICE. i wasnt gonna get to check out groovefire on friday, but now i have no excuse. what parties are you planning on hitting up?
  14. whats up your ass? I help you figure out a track and you never even thank me. how about no one responds to you, you bitter ass playa hater.
  15. lets get your "real" chart then. we arent fools on this board, except maybe teamj5.
  16. i bet i do know all the records u have. there are only so many cheese anthems i havent heard on the radio.
  17. wow, someone got so out of shape by my post, they needed a new alias. im sorry dude, but your records are better off in cold storage, as in a snowbank outside your house.
  18. actually dude, u should sell your records. ALL OF THEM. i looked at your charts and for your own good it would be best to unload your entire collection. im also a big fan of that 'satoshi' label......its called SAW dumbass.
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Best new member!
  20. ya i know...its pretty upfront. i got a booty copy from PVD last time he was at Avalon. maybe if u didnt roll your eyes at me I would hook u up with the mp3...but nevermind now.
  21. Simon Garcia - 'Sunday@Mambo' (Central Park) one of my faves.
  22. im pretty sure there is a mix of that song on the zabiela 4 disc set. if it is, lemme know and ill hook u up with the tracklist. didnt we hear that on the way to nyc last time?
  23. this will be the longest 2 weeks of my life.
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