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Everything posted by flavanugz

  1. I wish this was THE LAST TIME you posted on here. You are more onbnoxious than those mortgage and viagra emails i get because at least i can erase them. BAHHHH :insert pissed off smiley here:
  2. These guys spinning anywhere other than Ultra?
  3. Well, if u werent some promoters ass clown who only posts to back him up, then u would know i have many problems. First is, I hate it when people come on the board from out of nowhere and act like I give two shits about their a)party...or b)opinion. And just because you are 23 (wow u are old and knowledgable) and have 3 jobs, doesnt mean that you are what represents these parties. Dont act mightier than thou and tell me I dont know what these are about. Plus I love the fact that you assumed I listen to commercial cheese, that was actually funny, especially considering the music they play at columns parties. Second is, that this board has recently been flooded with posts about bullshit parties around New England. With the acception of a couple not-so-awful lineups, most of the parties promoted on here suck big ass. If they knew anything about the people who actually post on this board, they would know that most of us(not speaking for everyone) dont like the bullshit music/parties/scene that they promote. You should probably spend a little more time spamming boards about video games and glow sticks, then annoying me with your bullshit promotions.
  4. BAHAHAH. Ya those are some sick acts. Bam Bam and Knowledge are TERRIBLE. Mistress Barbara is the only DJ on their that has any clue what is going on. And for your info, I dont like commercail trance, I like EVIL CHEESE!
  5. flavanugz


    Axis is a good time. Can go there alone and not have a problem meeting people. Friday is gonna be awesome. Or you can go with us..........
  6. flavanugz

    Your weekend?

    How was it? Mine was ehhh. Did the usual, get drunk and pass out thing. Not very cool. Looking forward to Friday fo'sho.
  7. I am....take a look at Kaydup's signature for onw of my finer works.
  8. OH IM SOOO SORRY. I take it all back. I cant believe u have been sober for 6 years and still cant realize that 90% of the music at Columns parties is an absolute disgrace to the East Coast music scene.
  9. NOOOOOO! Why does Ronin get to have all the fun? I hate Irish people. Thats it, Im going to NY if it kills me.
  10. Jess we miss you!!! We need to get into more catfights with Jersey girls or something..........stop doing work and fuck off for a bit.
  11. dude, those protein shakes must be doing some damage down there. u seem very worried about dingleberries too. i just put mine in a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Hmmm.......Dingleberry Crunch, A part of your balanced breakfast.
  12. dude, i went to one of your raves and it was pathetic.... fucking pre-pubescent teens geeking out in circles. friggin sad. i couldnt imgaine being someone who promotes an event that harbors insane amounts of drug use to americas already troubled youth. if your child said they were going to one of your parties with some friends, would u be upset?
  13. dude, i cant believe u wipe sitting, am I alone on the stand-and-wipe?
  14. naaa.. i keeps it groomed so you are saying u wipe sitting down?
  15. flavanugz

    it is friday

    sweet thread......
  16. i do stand up when i wipe my ass, thats why its annoying cuz when i stand up the thing flushes before i can even wipe. do u wipe like u pee?
  17. Raves are for middle schoolers and crackheads. Will there be a backrub circle.......and will it be FRESH?
  18. Ok, first off i should be bitching about the fact i said I would have a daily rant, yet i dont do it daily. Im a sally, but really i have a cold. Pass the tissues..... Today's Topic: Automatic Toilet Flushers I dunno about the rest of you insecure bastards, but when I gotta shit, I go. Except if Im in a club, because we all know how fun it is to pee on the seat when you are totally shitfaced. Anyways, when i was taking my daily shit at 10am, like clockwork, at school, I realized what is wrong with America. We are the laziest fucks on EARTH!!!! Its true. Peole are soo lazy now that we have to have a fucking machine flush the toilet for us. Is this for real? Now I am one of the laziest people I know, and I always flush the toilet. Its not like its that disgusting. If you have enough respect to drop a deuce in a public toilet, I sure as hell hope u can flush. Now one might say, "Flava, whats so bad about these, They keep u away from icky icky gross germs, and its juts another commodity." Well if the fucking things worked right maybe I wouldnt care so much. You sit down on these things, do you doodie, and the stand up to wipe you ass, and it flushes. So now u throw away the paper and it just sits there in the bowl. What is the point. Now someone has to come in after me and look at my shit that i left on the paper. This is unacceptable. And as far as germs go, there are alot more things that people comein close contact with EVERYDAY that have 100 times more germs than a toilet bowl. Just think of all the places that money in your wallet has been, just festering with germs. Or your cellphone, or a doorhandle, or your nasty ass zit riddled face that you just touched and gave me a highfive with cuz u think you are my friend.
  19. u have to go to afterhours babe.....
  20. is there really a demand for this shit?????
  21. will brian leave the confines of his room and the hooka to actually mingle and god forbid.......dance!!!
  22. if i see you with one i will smash it......
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