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Everything posted by flavanugz

  1. This is the first edition of the Flavanugz Daily Rant. if u dont like it, then dont read it. In this series, I will basicallly bitch about stuff I hate. Today's Rant: Nalgene Water Bottles: What is everyone's friggin obsession with these things. Its like the cool thing to have nowadays. ITS A FUCKING WATER BOTTLE. Every kid I see with one of these I wanna strangle. I asked one of my friends why he bought one of these stupid things, nevermind people who have like eight different colors, and this was his reply, "They are unbreakable!" So isnt plastic you fucking leck. These stupid things are for rock climbers, not preppy trendfollowing, misguided college yuppies. I can garauntee that 99% of the people who have purchased these things have never EVER been rock climbing. This is just another one of those lame fucking fads that everyone feels they need to follow. Sorry, but I will never buy into this bullshit. A washed out Mt. Dew bottle will hold the same exact purpose. And by the way, these things arent unbreakable. Trust me.
  2. flavanugz


    there best be..... the one and only gay house superstar resident will be in affect on the decks of doom.
  3. flavanugz


    place was a friggin ghosttown. music was ehhhh. i was absurdly shitfaced so it only took a little to get me dancing, otherwise i prolly would have bitched more.
  4. u guys are dumb asses. song is by murk, and the title is dark beat, and it sucks total ass. way to make a fucking flyer with the totally wrong info.
  5. Best song imo has to be the song after 'Music Revolution'. It reminds me of Glitterball. Ummm. that actually is a very good idea about driving down early. I actually think Im gonna do that. Im gonna get my act together and make the move. Ill call u on my way down for directions. I dont think I wanna go early. I guess that kid Jay is having a party beforehand right in kenmore, so the plan was to go there and get shitty and then go to the club. We could definitley do that move.
  6. Ya.....well I got invited by "you know who" so i still havent made the decision. Tonic is your move heh.........possibly. All i know is that I gotta get the fuck out of here before more snow falls. My truck is possibly the WORST snow vehicle on earth.
  7. I think Im going to Debo.............got nothing better to do.
  8. She wants a lover right now, but she's like no other. She aint gonna wait til the morning light to find him, cuz she's a fine sister. A no daytime kinda girl, she only wanna make it right, and she's gonna make it all night, tonight.
  9. what about a shot for someone who spins house.........
  10. I need 200mg of Howells, 1 liter of organic vodka, and 3.5 g of sticky icky.
  11. That type of cheese belongs on another board.
  12. Ill give u a hint..... We had half of the mentioned cheeses last night.
  13. hahahah......im just really on a cheese kick right now.
  14. We should pla a little game today. I like to call it..... Guess What Cheese I Didnt Eat! The game goes like this..... I will list 10 cheeses. Your job is to guess which ones me and nyis didnt have for dinner last night. Here are the choices: Cheddar Parmesan American Swiss Monetery Jack Gouda Havarti Nacho Cheez-It Dark Beat Have fun!
  15. At Night defintley does not qualify as an Evil song. yes it is good, and yes it is cheesy, but nowhere close to evil.
  16. Mine is definitely Kernkraft 400: Zombie Nation....... that chanting is just EVIL. AHHHH. Whoa I just scared myself. meathead???? any suggestions?
  17. HAHAHA, i didnt even realize it was Johnny. Hahahaha
  18. please direct me to these posts!
  19. i might not be coming now.....not too sure at the moment.
  20. Booo. my thread is sooooo much better. Look I even told everyone what was going on before they entered the thread. I hate you all.
  21. werd life son yes im white.......
  22. It's Good Burger, home of the Good Burger!
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