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Everything posted by vipnerd

  1. Layo & Bushwacka played an intense/monster 9 hour set at The-End in London ... broadcasted live via www.groovetech.com .... Set should be up soon I guess ... in the meantime ... here is the link to it ... http://www.the-end.co.uk/live/archives/lay_bush3/laybush.shtml or ... http://gtmsmil.groovetech.com/ramgen/smil/laybush03-05-03/live.smi If they ain't up yet ... just be patient ... GOOD music takes a while to be updated ...
  2. FYI ... "We both believe in the same things, good people, good parties, good music. Acid house, basically." Idealists, hedonists, prophets, call them what you will, but Layo & Bushwacka!'s love affair with music started as teenagers under 1988's strobe lights and its led the both of them through techno, breakbeat, electro, dub and electronica, emerging blinking into the light a decade later with a sound that fuses all their influences and channelling them into 2002's most anticipated dance floor album. It's the same outlaw spirit of eclecticism that still informs their five hour DJs sets, whether at their spiritual home in London's The End, or on a beach in Brazil or a state of the art superclub in Ibiza or Argentina. Layo seamlessly segueing cutting edge sounds, while Bushwacka! tears the arse out of the crossfade, turning nondescript breakbeat battle weapons into a compulsive collage of beats and breaks. The same spirit that took the "for the fans" thousand-copy only 12" Untitled into a global club anthem. It's now 'Love Story' - renamed with the title given to it by the fans in Argentina who sit down rather than dance through the track as a mark of respect for its majesty. "I thought that track was a bit cheesy initially," muses the ever-analytical Layo. "Of course now everyone loves it, I've warmed to it a bit." And you can't get much more acid house than the legal minefield that is Bushwacka!'s much bootlegged remix of Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' - surely the biggest bootleg mix in a year inundated with white label remixes of dubious legality. If only, as Matthew shrugs, he'd done the bootlegs himself, as everyone assumes. Layo and Bushwhacka! have come a long way from the teenager who frequented Clink Street's infamous acid parties and the kid who dropped classical music to hang out on the hardcore scene: two motor-mouthed refugees from the underground enjoying their position as new leaders of clubland's cutting edge. Layo & Bushwacka! have both served their time supporting British underground music when no-one wanted to know. Layo opening The End, a purpose-built club dedicated to breaking new music to the right people. Matthew jacking in a lucrative career as a rave circuit DJ when the moody music had gone too far for him, both taking the emergent strains of techno, tech-house, electro and breakbeat and forcing them together with the blues, classical and film soundtracks of the last hundred years to create the dance floor sound of the new century. Matthew 'Bushwacka!' Benjamin has always been into music: as a schoolboy in Ladbroke Grove, West London, he was playing percussion in the London School Symphony Orchestra." I played the Royal Festival Hall, the Barbican. We toured Italy when I was 13. It was a magical time of my life." It was 1988, and hooked on hip-hop and DJing, his life was about to take a sharp left turn. "In August '88 I went to a Rat Pack warehouse party. I left there at 11 o'clock the next morning and come home to an angry mum." Handing out flyers by night and working in Harrods by day, he began working for the Rat Pack. By 1989's summer of orbital rave he was DJing for them, as well as on London's legendary 'Radio Rental' pirate station Sunrise FM. Graduating from a studio engineering course, Matthew - now widely held in awe by other producers for his crisp beats and heavyweight production techniques - went to work at Mr C's new studio "making cups of tea 80 hours a week". The Shaman front man had ploughed his pop earnings back into the studio, and he was also planning on opening a club with another young protégé of his: "That's where I met Layo," Matthew remembers. "About the same time as the End idea was coming about." Layo Paskin had a different upbringing in a liberal North London household: the son of an architect and a writer, he was putting on funk parties at sixteen while working at weekends in Camden Market. "When I was 17," he recalls, "I went to my first acid house party, and straight away I was blown away by this thing." From then on he too was immersed in underground dance and within a couple of years he was throwing warehouse parties with Mr C. "We found this site for a party," he explains, "and that became The End." The End was designed by his father, and became Layo's life... taking in nights from future superstars like Fatboy Slim and Roni Size it quickly became the leading underground music club in the capital and one of the most influential dance clubs worldwide. By the time Layo and Bushwacka! started working together it was the mid-90s and dance music was changing. The hardcore scene that Matthew had been such an integral part of was already shifting into drum & bass, while new hybrids - that would later be termed tech-house and breakbeat - were emerging out of clubs like The End. Matthew had started his own Plank records, and was making and playing what he terms "good quality music to go out and dance to." In 1998 Layo and Bushwacka! released their first album 'Low Life' on End Recordings. A deceptively smooth collection that mashed together electro, techno, underground house and old skool breakbeat which also stretched into delta blues and dub reggae for inspiration, delivering a trippy down-tempo atmospheric breakbeat sound. It was rather brilliant. They also started DJing together more often - first at the End's Subterrain nights, later across the country and beyond. They make a good combination: Matthew tearing his crossfade through anonymous tech tunes and electro breaks Layo taking a more considered approach to playing "proper" tunes. Now, a year since they released the half-jokey 'OEUntitled' as a 1000 copy only Christmas present to their fans, their DJing has gone supernova. They can afford to play only clubs that allow them a five hour slot, so they can play an hour each at a time, building the intensity then dropping the tempo to play the odd vocal or hip-hop track. The second Layo & Bushwacka album, 'Night Works' is released on 1st July 2002. Brought to the world by our friends at XL Recordings - home to The Prodigy, Basement Jaxx, Etienne De Crecy, Blue States, Avalanches and Badly Drawn Boy amongst others - 'Night Works' has all the elements we loved about 'Low Life' but takes their blueprint onto a bigger and broader canvas. There's still the adherence to low end theory bass lines, but this time wrapped in a comfort blanket of synapse-tweaking soft chords. Once again its edited and tweaked into a non-stop collage that lulls you into a false sense of security at home, where you can't feel the monster bass lines these tracks unleash over a club sound system. Already planning to take their live performance on the road, the garrulous odd couple are keeping their hardcore fans happy by starting a monthly club night (at the End, where else?) where they will be the only DJs. Not to mention residencies at Space in Ibiza and Sirena in Brazil - two more of the finest clubs in the world. __________________ Can't wait ...
  3. Me 2 ... want some flowers? ...
  4. Vich & Berger - The Amazing Adventures of the Lonely Papaya Smoothie On Rowan Blades' Kiss 100 ... 4-11-03 ... 2nd track
  5. Just to keep on adding ... Paolo Mojo Friday May 9th ... Lima-Peru “Paolo Mojo is one of the most talented new DJs; he’s a man you’ll be hearing a lot more from.â€... John Digweed
  6. Happy D-day! ... Deeper Substance :party: :party: :party: :party:
  7. This from another message board ... don't endorse anything said by Mr. Nadelmann ... but believe is important information for those who care about this law ... ================================= Dear Friends and Supporters, Today, President Bush signed the RAVE Act into law. Although it's a sad day for American freedom, I am also proud. I'm proud to be part of the thousands of people who, like you, came together to oppose the RAVE Act. I'm proud that your opposition made waves on Capitol Hill - waves that are seldom felt in Washington when it comes to draconian drug war bills. The RAVE Act's sponsor, Senator Biden, angrily deplored the fact that his bill faced "fierce resistance." He then denounced Drug Policy Alliance in the official Congressional Record. Senator Leahy, one of two original co-sponsors of the RAVE Act that you helped turn against the bill, told reporters the RAVE Act faced "serious grass-roots opposition." "Fierce resistance"? "Serious grass-roots opposition"? I like that and I've got one thing to say. We've just begun to fight, Senator Biden!!!! With your support, we will take on Attorney General John Ashcroft and the DEA every time they use the RAVE Act to try to shut down electronic dance events, raves, rock and hip hop concerts, hemp festivals, circuit parties, and other events. We will organize thousands of people to oppose this new government intrusion. We will launch an aggressive and relentless lobbying campaign to repeal the RAVE Act. To do it, we need your help. This campaign costs real money. Contributions from people like you help us pay for lobbyists, grassroots organizing, and all the faxes we send to Congressional offices. If everyone on our 43,000 subscriber e-mail list gave us just $10 we would have what we need to repeal the RAVE Act. If you're willing to pay more than $10 to see your favorite shows, wouldn't you be willing to give at least $10 to protect them? Will you commit to this fight and help us overturn this bad legislation? Since not everyone will be able to help us out, we ask that you consider giving $20 or more. Please donate $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or whatever you can afford at: /secure.ga3.org/05/raveact If you're not convinced let us tell you one last thing. There's an iron law in Washington -- the more members you have, the more ppoliticians listen. Because many of you have already taken action against the RAVE Act, if you donate $10 or more we will take you a member of the Alliance. That's $25 less than our regular dues and it will help us become even more effective! The Drug Policy Alliance is committed to changing how our nation deals with drugs and drug abuse. We believe that people who use drugs and do no harm to others are no business of the state. We believe that people who have problems with drugs deserve help, not punishment. We believe that people who hurt others should be brought to justice, whether or not they are under the influence of drugs. We believe, in short, in freedom, compassion, and responsibility. To reach that point we need more people like you to step forward with action and financial support. Please respond today! Sincerely, Ethan Nadelmann Executive Director ================================== I won't even comment this with those happy this law is in action ... all I can say is ... IT IS A SAD ... SAD DAY for all of us who like to attend clubs ... and for which we are being thrown in the same bag as those who make a living from selling illicit drugs ... or who are so pathetic as to make public their actions ... I would like to see some club owners suing and pressing charges on those violating the law and putting THEIR businesses in jeapardy ...
  8. Guyz ... Behrouz is in Yositoshi for all the right reasons ... he was resident DJ at 1015 in San Fran for A DECADE ... He has delivered the goods everytime I saw him ... last being Thursday of WMC at the Bullitt party (I missed the Yoshitoshi party due to ri-di-cu-lous high fever ) ... that nite at the Albion ... IMO ... he gave the funk to an amazing jam of b2b with Howells, Sharam and Desyn ... Ramon knows what I mean ...
  9. Received this e-mail ... it does bother me ... I believe one of the reasons why we live in South Florida is because of its clubbing alternatives ... Show some love if you can ... or at least be informed ... (the following is the e-mail I received from the Crobar peepz ...) =================================== Join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting Wednesday, April 30 at 4:30pm at City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 South Beach night life is being threatened by a small special interest group composed of high-end condominium owners represented by high priced attorneys. This small group is looking to eliminate night life as we all know it. They are continuing to put pressure on the City Counsel to change many of the laws that govern nightclubs, restaurants and hotels and bring in hundreds of thousands of tourists to this market every year. The hospitality industry generated over $900 million in revenue last year alone. As you all know, the hospitality industry in South Beach supports over 5,000 people and their families and is one of the main reasons that people continue to visit South Beach. If you care about the Hospitality and Tourist Industry in South Beach, we need your help! Please show your support at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting on Wednesday at 4:30 at City Hall. We need to represent and support our hospitality industry to keep it alive. Your presence will show our voting strength. Once again, please join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting Wednesday, April 30 at 4:30pm at City Hall.
  10. I do believe in marketing and tools that help sell a product ... in this case a nite at a club ... I won't tell clubs what to do ... because I'm far from being an expert ... but as a clubber ... if i know in a constant basis ... that a club is open until 7 am ... week in and out ... I believe some of the personal interest to go to downtown would disappear ... If you had on a Saturday ... like not to long ago ... some of the Balance DJs (which you don't like but many others do) ... at a place like Crobar ... spinning from 2 or 2:30 to 7 am ... like they do at Spcae ... trust me ... there would be lines ... and lines at 4 am ... instead of empty clubs ... I will stop there cause I know too much about "behind the scene" interests to back this up ... but don't needed to use a public forum like this one to express them ... I am convinced of my point without a need to bring it up ... as I expressed above ... Space's Sunrise Sessions wouldn't be affected drastically ... even thou they would somehow be hurt ... Anyway ... I don't think the city would do the 7 am thing ... and without it Sobe clubs are handicapped to compete with downtown ... But I DO believe this new regulation IS NOT in Sobe's economic best interest ... on the otherhand ... it is interest groups that want to erase Sobe from the nitelife map ... some new ... some the same groups as in the past ... South Beach has been in the map for dance music for a long time ... this would kill it ... including WMC ... then I think it would end up going to Las Vegas ... no doubts ... cheaper hotels and infrastructure ... that is why most BIG conventions are held there ... and money to build clubs is abundant there ... they would build more and good clubs only if there is a demand ... which with the week of WMC alone is much worth it ... if you know what you are doing ... But lets bring this thread back to its intention ... to stop this legislature ... it will hurt all of us in South Beach ...
  11. Thanx for the CD Sheldon ... I've listened to it a couple times ... will e-mail you after I listen to it a few more times ...
  12. then again ... every economist's protection for wrong analysis (exogenous variable) comes into effect ... and those variables are: - this new legislation - a 7 am license your analysis is based on if ... this new legislation passes ... and this thread is about trying to stop it ... clubs in sobe are in danger because of an exogenous variable ... now ... I hope people like Buster at A3 would say something ... DVOX ... even Ocean Drive mag ... because Sobe ... like it or not ... is about entertainment ... People approached by this "condominium interest" live north of Maze, Nerve and Rain ... but are the same people movilized in other instances to jeopadize Sobe's nite spots ... No macro has any validity if conditions are not stable ... no investment can be analyzed without clear rules ... that is where politics take a stand in the economic theory ... to put it simply ... support the efforts of the entertainment industry in Sobe ... and nothing will change ... movilize ... and I mean really movilize to have a 7 am liquor license ... and your forecast reverses ... Sobe would enjoy a well desired re-birth and downtown would be dead ... with the exception being Space 34 ... because they have the most seeked after comodity ... TOP FLIGHT DJS ... As much as I am grateful for having a club like Space ... I love Sobe ... and Sobe is open 7 days a week ... Peace ... Vip:hat:
  13. Thanx for your explanation Dade ... It is something that certainly needs to be taken seriously ... What brought those wealthy condominiums in the first place was the quality of life on the beach ... and nightlife was one of the key factors ... I think this issues are being poorly exposed to the residents of South Beach ... who live at the beach because of its night life ... and life syle ... they might not be in a club every weekend as before ... (this has to do with the economy ... not with lack of interest) ... if not why pay Sobe rents? ... to go to the beach? ... nope ... they could live anywhere else on the east or west coast for that ... it is to have one of the best nite lifes in the country ... steps away ... Only when authorities touch your pockets or your interests is when people react ... I guess this is one of those cases ... but for something as important as you explain ... I think there has been little or poor exposure ... In the meantime ... older residents have been informed ... and they do tend to be active ... what else do they have to do ... As flyers are printed for events ... why don't clubs hand flyers explaining this issue/issues in their premises as their patrons leave? ... I can't believe how disinformed we could be ... I'll be there tomorrow ... Peace ... Vip
  14. I would like to see a 7 am liquor license ... not a 2 am BS ... Noise complaints are a different story ... could be understood ...
  15. Received this e-mail ... it does bother me ... I believe one of the reasons why we live in South Florida is because of its clubbing alternatives ... Show some love if you can ... or at least be informed ... (the following is the e-mail I received from the Crobar peepz ...) =================================== Join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting Wednesday, April 30 at 4:30pm at City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 South Beach night life is being threatened by a small special interest group composed of high-end condominium owners represented by high priced attorneys. This small group is looking to eliminate night life as we all know it. They are continuing to put pressure on the City Counsel to change many of the laws that govern nightclubs, restaurants and hotels and bring in hundreds of thousands of tourists to this market every year. The hospitality industry generated over $900 million in revenue last year alone. As you all know, the hospitality industry in South Beach supports over 5,000 people and their families and is one of the main reasons that people continue to visit South Beach. If you care about the Hospitality and Tourist Industry in South Beach, we need your help! Please show your support at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting on Wednesday at 4:30 at City Hall. We need to represent and support our hospitality industry to keep it alive. Your presence will show our voting strength. Once again, please join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting Wednesday, April 30 at 4:30pm at City Hall. ==========================
  16. Tune peeps ... www.groovetech.com ...
  17. :laugh: ... but slowly ...
  18. :laugh: lol ... ... as far as May 24th ... yep ... Ali is playing in Philly according to Bullitt's web ... so probably will be Sharam alone ... And Ali is booked the same nite as Howells for Thursday 7/3/03 ... :D ... can't wait
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