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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by livin42nite

    lots of familiar faces including the hottest bouncer in miami, that chick with the short hair in front of crobar, man that girl got something about her but anyways great women,

    Agree with you buddy ... she used to dance every Monday at BDB ... :eek: :eek: :eek:

  2. WMC is like Christmas time for me ... please bring me:

    - a bag full of candy ...

    - plenty of after hours to finish my nights ...

    and ...............

    - a massage therapist next Monday ...



  3. Originally posted by demo909

    Well, Well, Well.......I'm not one to gossip but.......

    Last night at crobar was another example of a producer who tried to become a DJ....

    Rui had some great tunes, but he should have let someone else play them for him. An aweful display of skills last night for sure.

    Thank god it was mostly a spring break crowd and the could have cared less.

    A bad day anyone can have ... I didn't make it to Crobar last nite ... but would give Rui a second chance ... I believe he plays the LONG NIGHT OUT Party at Level ... Wednesday March 19th ... :hat:

  4. I ended up in bed early ... kinda flu syndrome ... sorry boyz ....

    One of the biggest promoters in town tried to do something with Rain last year ... and ...

    Quality music ... like the one you guys bring down ... will prevail ... see you in the dance floor ... :hat:

  5. I'd say we invade ... Jordan ... Syria ... Turkey ... Iran ... Kuwait ... and Saudi Arabia ... :eek:

    Isolate the f***er ... so he has nowhere to hide ... and then ...

    send cheeselini to play there ... :rolleyes::D

    Needed to take the tension away something soooo delicate as this ...

    PEACE and LOVE ... I really mean it ... :hat:

  6. Originally posted by funketeer

    Wowee kazaweeee!!! :eek: I can't believe it has been less than a year since I walked into my first PM Session and let me tell you, it was by accident. I felt the vibe and the music were special since the moment I got to the middle of the dancefloor and paid attention to Chris & Mono, regardless of their individual talents and taste, the combination of both on decks is nothing short of amazing. What I heard was progressive, tech and tribal as well as many other styles all blending into one smooth ride with very subtle transitions, no bumps on the road, perfect to sooth the soul and entertain the senses, I was sold on it from that moment on. Back in the days of Lola (now Nerve) there was not one friday night I would even think of missing a PM Session , it was my vital weekly dose of funk and I must add, always in the company of the best crowd, friendly smiley people who were there for the same reasons I was...to dance and elevate, seriously, the most friendly vibe and crowd I've found in years of clubbing in Miami and what set this one appart was undoubtly the omnipresence of its mastermind, local legend Marco Davalos, a guy who knows how to deal with people and his passion for music and the Miami scene reflects on what PMS has achieved in less than a year which is to establish itself as one of the most sought after parties and most importantly, a household name, nothing but respect and love for the PMS Crew...PMS rocks!!


    Now people, we will all return to Reserved for PMS and it gives me the chills just to look back and remember last year's PM Session at that same exact venue, specifically the night of Demi's Miami debut...I don't think any of the lucky few who attended, had any idea of what the night would have in store...it turned out to be a classic, Mono Henao and Chris Duque built up the place to nothing short of euphoria and set the perfect mood for Demi's now infamous "5 Hour Monster"...the set was recorded and broadcast later on-line, if you hearded then you know I'm not exagerating...those of us who heard it live knew it was special and unique as it happened...it was like watching a game or something, same euphoria...kinda weird...we wouldn't stop to look at each other faces and comment on how amazing it was...it was one of those rare opportunities when you feel you are being part of something that will be remembered for years to come...PMS@Reserved made the cut among the Top Ten parties of 2002...it was a beautiful thing and the femenine presence even more so...the pictures Pod took speak for themselves...I heard people call it "the little party that could"...I saw it more as a giant party on an intimate setting...after all, being at Reserved feels like being aboard...yes...Oscar De La Renta's submarine...crisp sound...best staff...classy bartenders...I ask for nothing more and expect nothing less...I'm spoiled like that.;)

    Welcome back PMS...let's all get ready to get the funk out!!!


    Funk :cool:

    Interesting fact: Funketeer was actually born @ PMS 2002 :D

    Funk ... sincerely appreciate we have done something that is your cup of tea ... thank you buddy for those beautiful words ... I'll make sure they have enough rum & coke next Tuesday ... :eek:


  7. Originally posted by bbflux

    DAMN, Marcos!!! Looks like a FAB line up!!! :D

    We are all pretty excited at P:M Sessions ...

    It will be the first nite of Austin as our new resident ... his sounds suit the party's formatt so well ... if you haven't heard him lately ... his electo-funk house is exquisite ... ;)

    Frank will also join us for the first time ... as well as Jon ... and Oscar ... some of the very best local talent ... Thank you guys for your support ... we'll have a blast ... :)

    Chris and Mono's first WMC ... :eek: ... great faith in what we are doing all along ...

    and Tarrentella and Jonathan Lisle ... they don't come down here that often ... we've been patiently waiting to have them play at P:M Sessions ... and what a better time than for WMC ... won't be the last ... :D

    and MediUm in the visuals ... BTW ... he's the same guy of the Demi parties and of Lola ... incredible creativity ... and energy ... :cool:

    It should be fun in this cozy venue ... two hour sets each ... just enough to hit us with their very best ... :hat:

  8. WTF ... this is ri - di - cu - lous ...

    I motion ...

    1) Funketeer should be suspended for at least an hour from CP:eek:

    2) Nexus is deprived from electricity for 37 minutes :D

    3) and we should retire Digital 7s name from the board and use it as the official marketing tool for CP Miami ... :idea:

    Good job kiddos ... it's been a histerical journey ... :laugh: :laugh:

  9. Originally posted by pod

    Regardless of the dates, I respect Spi for pulling it back together to have a decent WMC lineup :)

    True ... great line-up altogehter ... just hope they didn't print those flyers yet ... :(

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