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Posts posted by quest4sunrise

  1. Verysexynaty - You tortured me with the announcement of Edgar playing this weekend only to be broken by the announcement that it is next weekend. Heh, just kidding

    Oh well, I guess I'll just wait another weekend. I'll probably end up at the BBQ this weekend and meet some more people. All the people I've met so far have been awesome so hopefully that streak will continue

  2. Delerium ft. Sarah McLaughlin - Silence (Tiesto mix)

    It was the song that captivated everyone who heard it. House, trance, breaks, and jungle fans alike... if you didn't feel that, you might want to check yourself for a pulse. It also launched the career of one of the greatest DJs of our time: Mr. Tijs Verwest

  3. Quest4Sunrise is the mantra I have every time I hit a club. I'm not a guy that likes to stand around and chill. I am a floor general and the sweaty masses on the dancefloor are my people. I don't give a shit about anything else but dancing to the best music in the world. I kind of approach each night with a "Braveheart" or "Gladiator" intensity that is harnessed only by nocturnal melodies. Therefore it's kind of a battle to me, but not one where the outcome matters in victory or defeat, but whether I completed the quest to the next sunrise. I don't know if that sounds cheesy or whatever, but that's what it means to me. I played ball back in high school and I used the same approach on gameday.

  4. I liked the time I spent there. Markus played alot of good songs. Miriam and I lead the crowd when he played Beautiful Things. I love doing that! It's like our own little interaction with the crowd and they respond.

    Miriam: About the hip hop room... I will dance with you anywhere, anytime from now through eternity. However, we a high-octane dance music fiends and we must flurish in our natural environment. I could have fun with you under any environment, but throw in a different soundtrack and we are invinceable!:bounce: :bounce: :party: :party:

    One complaint: The e-mail said open bar and I got there early to put a few drinks away. When I ordered, they said it was 2-for-1 instead. Is that they way it will be from here on out? I had the drinks nonetheless, but it cost my cheap ass a pretty penny

  5. Sorry to post sooo late, but this was a monumentus weekend in my life and I have to be heard!! As many of you know, Mr. Jangles weekend consisted of Edgar V @ Crobar on Friday and PvD @ Space on Saturday. It was a marathon of sorts and I would like to relive its highlights


    Apparently there are only a handful of DJs I can't get enough of and Edgar V is one of them. Before I get into that, big shout out to Juan Mejia for the opener. That was much more energetic and funky then usual. Ok, Edgar came on and it was LIGHTS OUT FOCKERS!! I was ecstatic with the music all night. He was typically rocking the place out, but I noticed 1/2 the stuff he was playing was so new that I had never heard it before. All the new shit was SICK though like Wundervoll and a remix to Smack My Bitch Up. When I heard that, I was like "Get the fuck outta here!" He also played Midway - Amazon which I would like to say thanks because it was my birthday request. Finally ended with Star 69, which was the perfect classic to cap off a top-notch Edgar night. I asked all the rest of the Edgar fanatics if they could remember another night when he was the FUCKING awesome and no one could! THANK YOU EDGAR FOR THE BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT I HAVE GOTTEN IN THE PAST 3 YEARS!!!


    Mostly spent recovering, but got up and went to the Grove for 2 hours b4 Space. I liked the set before PvD alot! Trance opening for trance is a good idea as long as it is not as fast-paced. One complaint of the night: like everyone else, It felt too crowded all night. I finally wound up dancing on the podium near the speaker by the men's bathroom. It wasn't bad, I actually had room to dance and had a good view of the crowd. I love the way they introduced him: a silence with the spotlight on him. It really gave a "strap on your seatbelts" impression. The set was a religious experience. Wundervoll, Connected, and Crush almost brough me to tears. "Take Me Higher" made me lose my mind!!! Finally, the acapella of "Time of Our Lives" followed by "Nothing but You" was p-e-r-f-e-c-t because it brought the crowd down before destroying them. I called it "the silence before the storm" because it was nice and chill with no beat... then the vocals for Nothing but U caught and it was GOOSEBUMP CITY! As soon as the beat hit, the place ERUPTED to a degree I had never seen Space do before!! People were almost slamdancing!! I was halfway dancing, halfway defending my sister's life!! Great experience nonetheless and I would rank it a top-3 PvD performance all time (From my experience). I cant say it beat his D.C. set on 12/27/02, but it was up there

  6. There are a few Mariachi songs I would like to hear. Not as "serious" songs, but as funny songs that are thrown in as a change of pace. I heard they made a house song and took vocals from a SNL clip where Will Farrell is banging the hell out of a cowbell and Christopher Walken says "Ok, that's good... but I need a little more cowbell" I love to be dancing and then hear some funny or unexpected shit, it just adds another dimension to the set. Also there was an 80's song that went "You belong to the city, you belong to the night..." and then went "He's a man of the night" or something. I think that would be a great song to hear remixed too

  7. Pablo is going to be at a comedy club in West Palm Beach. Not sure where though. Go to www.pablofrancisco.com for details.

    All I got to say is: "One man... one mission...this summer.....Arnold Schwarzaneger is..................................................................................................................................BOOM....LITTLE TORTILLA BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Matas and Meli - It was great to re-meet you! It has been a while and I look forward to seeing you soon

    Ivy - Always a pleasure to dance with your majesty. :D I think we flow better to trance, but you are a warrior out there on the floor with me no matter what. I can't wait for Edgar/PvD weekend. We will wreck havoc!!!

    It was a nice party with 34 covered in goulish decor. I have always been curious about see Danny Howells and he did not disappoint. A very nice, hard set. I left at 4:00, but going there to get a few hours out on the floor was worth it. It truely saved what otherwise would have been a shitty night. Thanks Ivy for convining me to go!

  9. ... HAHAHA, just kidding. I must say it is good to be posting once again though. Shitty housing has got me without internet connection so my posts may be few and far between, but let me take the time to address some stuff since I have been gone. A news and observations, if you will.

    -Well, things are as they should be in the world (1. Tiesto, 2. PvD and 3. Armin) and all the haters that say they suck. FUCK THAT!! If it were your guys, you'd comment on how DJ Mag is legit and a good measure, so please spare me the song and dance of how it is rigged BS. The WORLD HAS SPOKEN!! I gotta say it's nice to see Gielen jump to 24, but there still is no Edgar. WE NEED MORE EXPOSURE FOR EDGAR!! He rocks just as hard as the top 3.

    -A Funny thing happened on the way to the club. Actually it was at Space's Ferry night over Labor and I ended up on A3 TV. I finally saw the video and at the end of "Punk" that's me in the blue shirt going apeshit. That is rather typical of me, but it is always fun to see it candidly on TV

    -Tiesto's "Another Day at the Office" is a bomb-ass DVD. I watch it everytime I'm about to go out

    -It's good to see Edgar destroying the crowd at his Crobar monthly! I will follow that guy to the end of the Earth.

    -Early prediction: Arturo Bonetti is the king of Miami by 2008, mark my words

    -I saw the early sketches on news on Noctural. I almost soiled my pants. 34 vs. Noctural? This is going to be a looooong winter/spring with the ultimate winners being...... US!! Imagine the WMC possibilities!!!

    - I met this girl named Ivy... Poison Ivy that is... or is it Miriam? Whatever the name, never forget the game: Queen of the Discoteche

    -Finding it hard to be passionate about the Canes and Fins. Beside Buffalo and FSU, neither have won one convincing game yet. Oh where oh where have you gone Ricky Williams and Ken Dorsey?

    -I am convinced: This is the year the universe has finally formed itself around me. With my birthday less than 3 weeks away (Nov. 21) I am looking forward to laughing my ass off at Pablo Francisco (stand up comic, Comedy Central Presents...) on that Thursday, having my birthday party at Crobar with Edgar V on Friday, Dancing til I blow an ACL at Paul Van Dyk (34) on Saturday and watching the Fins kick Washington's ass on Sunday night. I could not have planned this better if I won the LOTTO!

    -Pete, Jim, and Steffy still rock. Some of my oldest friends since I moved to Miami. Love you guys! Save a spot for me on the couch!:laugh:

    -Glad to see Level moving back in the right direction (Armin, Kimball Collins, Robbie Rivera, Acosta). Say what you will about Acosta. It beats hip hop anyday of the week

    -Finally, My ode to Luis Puig. Thank you for everything you have given Miami. Enjoy your adventures in "family life" as you said in the Street Article. No one has earned it more. You have been an inspiration to clubbers all over Miami, the USA, and the world. See you on the other side!

    I'M BACK!!

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