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Everything posted by skippyd

  1. Madness, Your last thread about JP started the drama this board is totally lacking lately.....start it up bro...I will be sure to add my two cents and bring in the peeps out of the woodwork!!!!!
  2. Damn....on a Tuesday....shit...that's not fair at all!!!!!!!! BOOOO TO TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. FU to me having to volunteer tonight on my town's ambulance squad and not being able to go out and party down......oh well.....guess I will have to start even earlier tomorrow....lol
  4. Jimmy is ok....little cheezy.....but ok....I wouldn't really categoize it as a club...kind of a bar that plays KTU music A good bar to hang out at is the Famished Frog (off the green)
  5. I wish I could go to hear Klutch throw down on the 1's and 2's
  6. All I have to say is "HOLY DOGSHIT BATMAN" Everyone should go to sicktracks website and download their copy of this amazing mix. Great Job Klutch!!!!!!!
  7. Can't Wait To Hear It Mike!!!!! Though, I Like Your Trance Mix "uplift From The Sorrow" The Best
  8. Thanks again for the three mixes....They are all great!!!!!
  9. Not too sure about Artist's in DnB but some good DJ mixes to get are: DJ Aphrodite "Urban Junglist" AK1200 (all of his shit is dope) Deiselboy (all of his shit is hard....and good) DJ Dara
  10. Erick Morillo.......is the SHIZZAT!!!!!
  11. I forgot how to post a pic in my signature.....( I know...I know....retarded) Anyway, Any help??????
  12. Please help..... I forgot how to make place a pic in my signature......help?????
  13. SWWWWWEEEETTTTTT 5 hours of Morillo!!!!!!!!!! I hope he doesn't play his song with P.Diddy in the background ("My World")....don't get me wrong....I love the beat...but P.Diddy makes me wanna take a pair of scissors to my ears!!!!
  14. I remember a while back it was briefly discussed on this board as to interest in playing in softball leagues. What is the dealio? Are there any leagues people on the board are joining? I wanna play!!!!! (northern NJ preferably)
  15. Don't get me started on Draper.......HE RUNIED TUNNEL FOR ME BACK IN THE DAY!!!!!!!!!
  16. Being that I have heard many of JP's sets and have also heard some of Madness's sets.......I think Madness has more finesse behind the decks. This is just my opinion....I am NOT saying that JP is bad or anything....but I would rather listen to Madness.
  17. Tequila Joe's in Belville is a club that has different rooms and one of the rooms is rock
  18. Just a thought....maybe this could be a pool party with the new and upcoming dj talent in Jersey.......just a thought
  19. Hey Madness.... This could be a possible meet up event!!!!! (bring some new mixes with ya....we are all hungry for more)
  20. You are probably right...(I just try telling myself I will not go when JP is spinning)
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