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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. what's for lunch?.....im thinkin' sushi.... choopie i turn to u!!!.....what you having Turkish Sausage??.....
  2. THE HYPE!!!!....wazupppp!.... hmmm.....good theory.....nice delivery...but i'm not sure on that...A for effort though man....cause after seeing tommy i did raise an eyebrow or two myself...
  3. Happy B-day bro....wow ur almost double my age now bro!.....keep on truckin'.....
  4. OHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....... don't be scurrrrrrred....
  5. News Flash asshole it's already annoying!!!....now get rid of it...
  6. sorry......i enjoy winning all the time....my team wins all the time .....and all the yankees fans appreciate just the same as always.....53k people last night at yankees stadium on a wed. night.....thats excitement and appreciation......BUT i do respect any and all dedication to your team through its ups and downs.....or in the mets case all of their downs.....(just kidding)....
  7. no can do tonight....a drink maybe 2.....im on meds....and still under physicians care from my scare two weeks ago...will explain tonight....
  8. HAAAAAH!......i don't believe it until i see it......show me ur id tonight.......
  9. yo i was at the game when you called bad ass.....Im in too....but after bingo.....should be over by 9pm...so 37 huh....wow way to keep on truckin' old man...
  10. OUCH!....washed up??....ex warrior?.......that hurt bro......that hurt bad.....
  11. Kosta...see you tonight buddy.....be prepared....and don't be scurrrred...
  12. hmmm.....crossing toes don't sound too normal.....that's not a nice image at all...
  13. my personal favorite too.....HAHA!....he's such a scumbag....what a great president he was.....BRING BACK CLINTON!!!!....
  14. that sux I hate restricted emails and link blockers.....fuckin' bs....I get shit returned back to me all day long that i send out to friends.... the link is just a cartoon.....it's a spoof......just ripps them both apart its pretty funny....makes 'em look like ass's.....
  15. this makes me wanna vote for Peewee Herman.... http://www.jibjab.com/thisland.html good shit..enjoy...
  16. i guess this was right after his headbanger metallica rocks days!......
  17. not as good as I was hoping for but at least it's not 100% rain..... thanx for the info...
  18. :laugh:ohhhhhhhhhh sheeeeeeeeeeeet....I'm busting out the running man as I type this....
  19. nah he used to drive it...and sleep in it for a little while but they canned him for smelling up the fuckin' van.......go figure poor guy has the worst luck.....I saw him last night outside Yankee Stadium with a cup full of change and a sign that said GIMME A QUARTER SO I CAN BUY SOME CRACK......]
  20. oh man Carlos....now you gonna get me started....come on bro....y u hatin'?..... hey man everybody dumps....bottom line....bump dump.....or no bump dump.....drop it sickkkkkkk!!!....
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